Fold the football program and pay the hottest volleyball players now

Historically, Nebraska's football team was built up from the tough kids from Nebraska high schools across the state with special out-of-state talents sprinkled in. It is now time to follow recent high school precedent in Nebraska and board the bus to go home and forfeit the rest of the season. Nebraska fans do not have the stomach to lose out another season and end up at 5 wins. We only have the stomach for extremely high proof Blanton's Straight from the Barrel pours into the tallest glass we can find, filled to the brim.

If I am going to watch Nebraska athletics there better be a Keisei Tominaga out there or a hot chick with a huge bubble butt jumping around and performing at a championship level.

Which team is better?

Last year, minus Jeff Sims, or this year? I'm coming to the realization that we may be regressing, despite the record. Almost the entire veteran D comes back and Indiana is thrashing them with 1st year in the B1G players and backups. Offense continues to be bad to very bad. What do you think? Is this a program on the rise? Not just talking about this one bad game either.
