Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go fvck yourself.LOL, there's no source for that...except twitter and places like the Freedom Foundation. It's a ridiculous troll to scare you into doing getting involved in buying gold on late night tv.
This concept has been vollleyed around since 2008 when Obama was in office and we were about to get a wake uo call on the real financial health of the economy.I have not heard that … appreciate the insight- do you have a source for me to read up on?
Tell me about it. Today's my birthday. 🥳
To turn it into as much as possible in 10-15 years. Ok with moderate risk as I have the basics covered with no risk.Depends on your age, goals and strategy
They keep advertising yrefy at 10.25 return. Never looked seriously at it except I know it's financing student loansAnyone practical knows 25% return not realistic. 8-10% perfectly reasonable over the long term. Not sure what his point was.
Depends on your age, goals and strategyHow would you diversify and invest a half a million today?
Add in take a look at USC’s performances as the home team vs. their performances as a road team.Spreads week to week work like the stock market with good or bad news..
Something we used to do was have d tell the o this is how we're going to defend you and here's what I think your weakness is and how I plan to exploit it and vice-versa with the o telling the d.If everyone is tunnel visioned to the same tunnel you can never figure it out. I would notice in the judges scores that people in academia hated my designs because I did not bow down to their one drummer thoughts. Strictly designers were not much better but liked my creativity. The design build judges loved my work,they saw that I did not go with trends or the certain 25 plants academia loved. I was on the cutting edge of new plants and products.
If everyone on your staff think identical and don't look for new ideas or wrinkles you get locked into tunnel vision. Maybe there are too many yes men on staff and need thinned out.