Zak Herbstreit

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The shot didn’t help anyone & didn’t do shit.

Anyone who believes it did anything is merely projecting their personal feelings & is incapable of objective thought on the subject (similar to Stockholm syndrome)

Money/power grab from day 1, sad to see so many still deluded.
I don't castca lot of nasty at those who put the shot out there or took it. It was an unknown situation anfldvpeople did the best they could with the little infotlrmation that was available. But I rejected the heavy handed attitude some politicians and other people took. From California's government I rvtovpeoplecIbknew who took great delight in chewing out people at the grocery store tore. It's about opportunity. Piwer hungry people reveal themselves when the chance is given. Th3yre awful to begin with, you just don't know it. The California governor is is a hoses ass. He was caught no5lt following the draconian laws ye enforced on others. Pelosi was caughtvtakung her maskboff after the cameras were turned off. That's who these people are.
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Even though you and I disagree on certain aspects of the whole Covid thing, you're no more controversial in your views than most of us.

Not that it's my business, I guess I don't get why your comments/views were deleted.

(I've only had one post deleted by the mods, and if this is number 2, oh well. LOL).
It came back up right after I posted that. Not sure what the deal was. One mod thinks I'm too political.....
I'm suspicious of the medical-pharma-industrial complex in a lot of ways and yes, they do it to themselves. I understand we have to try to adapt to the latest medical science, and science changes. But time after time after time the stuff they preach changes and it is like, oh well, "the science has changed". Take for instance people with high cholesterol being told they can't eat stuff like eggs. Now they can because "they" decided eating high cholesterol foods does not impact your blood cholesterol. No biggie, it is just people have been choking down nasty Egg Beaters for breakfast for 20 years when they could have been enjoying real eggs. Same with beef - was OK, then was bad, now OK. Blood pressure in 65 year old male 130/81 used to be great, now "hypertensive". LDL of 110 used to cause a guy to jump up and down with joy, now candidate for a statin if you can't get it below 100. Doctors used to recommend smoking for throat health, now not OK. And on and on.
It's actually much worse than simply not enjoying good food. People following this guidance replaced eggs/protein with carbs (sugar), which greatly increased the number of obese people, leading to the co-morbidities that actually killed people before, during, and after Covid.
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