Z Betts

Amazing what some berate others for while hard line following establishments orders about what to be outraged at. It's such garbage. and you people never disappoint. You're so easy.

So anyway, do continue your little discussion about a guy who's not even around anymore.
This 100% and sugar is the biggest contributor. One of my kids was having a lot of challenges last year and we just eliminated sugar and she is a brand new kid. 99% of the issues she was dealing with went away. It's pretty crazy actually what diet does.
Good for your daughter leodis!!

The problem with the medical community is they DON'T want to cure anything that can lead to a lifetime of dependency on a drug(s). That's why I always applaud anyone who has found a non-prescription/all-natural way of eliminating any health/behavioral issues.

My son and his young boys consume raw milk, it is so fantastic for the immune system. You won't find any sugar in his house either. I have a moderate sweet tooth, no candy, sweets, etc, but I really like raw honey as a sweetener.
Good for your daughter leodis!!

The problem with the medical community is they DON'T want to cure anything that can lead to a lifetime of dependency on a drug(s). That's why I always applaud anyone who has found a non-prescription/all-natural way of eliminating any health/behavioral issues.

My son and his young boys consume raw milk, it is so fantastic for the immune system. You won't find any sugar in his house either. I have a moderate sweet tooth, no candy, sweets, etc, but I really like raw honey as a sweetener.
It is amazing what no sugar does for the body. We did it as a family and it is wild the change that happens. Pain goes away, skin is clear, etc. So many benefits.
Good for your daughter leodis!!

The problem with the medical community is they DON'T want to cure anything that can lead to a lifetime of dependency on a drug(s). That's why I always applaud anyone who has found a non-prescription/all-natural way of eliminating any health/behavioral issues.

My son and his young boys consume raw milk, it is so fantastic for the immune system. You won't find any sugar in his house either. I have a moderate sweet tooth, no candy, sweets, etc, but I really like raw honey as a sweetener.
Raw milk is great until you contract Salmonella, E. Coli, Brucellosis or Leptospirosis from it. Just think, you might as well be sucking on a tit that was laying in a pile of cow shit 5 minutes earlier. Yeah it’s great for building your immunity to all kinds of pathogens.
Raw milk is great until you contract Salmonella, E. Coli, Brucellosis or Leptospirosis from it. Just think, you might as well be sucking on a tit that was laying in a pile of cow shit 5 minutes earlier. Yeah it’s great for building your immunity to all kinds of pathogens.
My dad was a dairy farmer all of the family drank raw milk, and when I started school I didn’t like the pasturized now fast forward 50 plus years I couldn’t drink whole milk
Raw milk is great until you contract Salmonella, E. Coli, Brucellosis or Leptospirosis from it. Just think, you might as well be sucking on a tit that was laying in a pile of cow shit 5 minutes earlier. Yeah it’s great for building your immunity to all kinds of pathogens.
So you're not a fan of raw milk I take it? I drank raw milk for 60 years and haven't ever had an issue.

I used to squeeze the cow's teets and shoot it right into my mouth.

It offers great protection against those who are jabbed and shedding.
This. I don't think they all have some evil motive behind it. They just feel like they need to "treat" everyone with something. Sometimes the treatment should be to work through the problem.

I say this having a stepson on depression meds. Which I strongly disagree with. His depression started when he started dating his crazy whore girlfriend. I'm confident if he dated a normal chick his depression would disappear.
You said "normal chick".
So you're not a fan of raw milk I take it? I drank raw milk for 60 years and haven't ever had an issue.

I used to squeeze the cow's teets and shoot it right into my mouth.

It offers great protection against those who are jabbed and shedding.
It doesn’t really offer any protection from anything other than osteoporosis. There are multiple pathogens that cows can carry in their mammary gland as well as on their teats. Several of them can cause severe disease. Brucellosis for instance can cause heart valve and testicular infection leading to sterility. The good news is that Brucellosis is much less common today but it’s still out there.

One of the big problems with raw milk is transporting and storing it. IMO it’s a risk not worth taking for children but my daughter-in-law has bought in hook line and sinker from some whack job online Dr. Then she goes and buys chewable herbal “cold” tablets for the toddlers again online. There’s no freaking regulation of that sh##. She has no way of knowing what she’s being sold. 😡.
It doesn’t really offer any protection from anything other than osteoporosis. There are multiple pathogens that cows can carry in their mammary gland as well as on their teats. Several of them can cause severe disease. Brucellosis for instance can cause heart valve and testicular infection leading to sterility. The good news is that Brucellosis is much less common today but it’s still out there.

One of the big problems with raw milk is transporting and storing it. IMO it’s a risk not worth taking for children but my daughter-in-law has bought in hook line and sinker from some whack job online Dr. Then she goes and buys chewable herbal “cold” tablets for the toddlers again online. There’s no freaking regulation of that sh##. She has no way of knowing what she’s being sold. 😡.
Even by my having drank only 1 glass of raw milk every day for 60 years means I've consumed a minimum of 20,000
glasses of raw milk in my life with zero negative affects. I'm on a roll.

But I do appreciate your input, compliments of Google.
Sorry bud,
Someone with Schizophrenia and or Bipolar cannot cure themselves with the above.
Why would the medical community ever want to find a method to corral these affects when they have lifetime customers as a result of these two specific afflictions?
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So you're not a fan of raw milk I take it? I drank raw milk for 60 years and haven't ever had an issue.

I used to squeeze the cow's teets and shoot it right into my mouth.

It offers great protection against those who are jabbed and shedding.
That wasn’t a dairy cow and it wasn’t a teet.
don't be so sure

kong, we are trapped in a world where the masses think all answers lie in the usage of drugs. Or the truth only exists
from the accounts they read and see in the mainstream media.

When 75% of their revenue is generated by big pharma, what else would one expect?

Others, who are open to alternatives look at results that are not widely (or flat out suppressed) real person's results.

It seems to me, if you have a loved one who is afflicted with one of these "incurable" health conditions, a cursory look or
attempt at an alternative that could work, should be taken. If it helps, awesome, if not, at least you played your part.
don't be so sure

Well 240 out of 6,000 people maybe onto something?
People who suffer from schizophrenia is suffering in a different way than the next.

Meaning, this can be related to environment, genetics, disease, etc…so not everyone will benefit from the same therapy regimen, hence the above results.
Even by my having drank only 1 glass of raw milk every day for 60 years means I've consumed a minimum of 20,000
glasses of raw milk in my life with zero negative affects. I'm on a roll.

But I do appreciate your input, compliments of Google.
Compliments if 40 years in a field that deals with epidemiology. You do what you want but giving raw milk to kids carries a risk that pasteurized milk does not. I’ve had Salmonella and it wasn’t fun. That’s one of my biggest concerns right before EColi for my grandkids drinking raw milk. A cow can be carrying potentially lethal bacteria and seem completely fine.

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