ok. the kid didn't like football. He received a misdemeanor citation for having a controlled substance, probably marijuana. He didn't show up for court. 10 months later, while driving in Lavista, he was pulled over for speeding, and they saw the failure to appear warrant. The Lavista cops gave him a warning for speeding and arrested him for the failure to appear. He paid the ticket and that was over.
None of this is evidence of drifting aimlessly.
I've got a take on this, not that I disagree Tuco.
I do think kids like Betts, and Mo Washington, among hundreds of thousands of kids fall into a gap they can't get out of, and it probably happened when they were younger and in school.
Now, I'm not saying kids like this are stupid, I'm saying they're not even close to average students, and yes, some of them are just plain stupid. The school system just passes them through and passes them through, the learning just never takes hold, they lack the aptitude to do normal classwork, yet, they get a pass early on because they can catch a ball or run a football extremely well.
They get pressured (by a parent, a coach, a friend) to try sports and they find out they really possess talent. So they play the game almost as if they just want to get people off their ass, but deep down, they really don't enjoy the game. They don't enjoy school, they don't enjoy trying to learn, they don't enjoy whatever sport they're in. They just enjoy whatever it is they personally enjoy.
Eventually, they get to the college level, or even deeper into high school and they realize no matter how hard they try, they just don't "get it" or understand the playbook. Then it becomes a bigger challenge. Tudors, maybe the continued use of pot to relax their world, next thing you know, they're checking out mentally.
Look at Mo. Talent. He showed up at practice when he felt like it, arrived smelling like a marijuana factory, lived on Chik fil A all day long, but was still a really good player. He could have been all everything if he had the right stuff. He never got past the loss of his dad at a very young age. He, right or wrong, used that as a crutch for many his failings. Some kids, I think most kids, under those circumstances would have busted their balls over the years to make the old man proud. But not Mo. That was the world that somehow gave him sanctuary.
I don't know Betts from the man in the moon. Yes, he had a lot of talent. Maybe even NFL talent. But, he didn't want it, might have taken it if it were given to him, but lacked the requisites to do it on his own. I hope the kid finds happiness.