What's with all the jokers around here? I wanna know who's going to watch the game this weekend?

I won't spoil the ending, but will give you two possible outcomes and you have to figure which it will be.

Nebraska will win, everybody will be all happy, several players/coaches will mention all our goals are intact, and the 24 hour rule will be followed where they celebrate on Sunday and return to work on Monday because Minnesota is tough as are all teams in the B1G. Callers to Overreaction and message board gurus will give grudging praise, but note there are a lot of holes and deficiencies on this team.

Nebraska will lose, everybody will be all bummed out, several coaches will mention this is a process and we are still doing better than last year and have improved. The 24 hour rule will be followed where they lick their wounds on Sunday and return to work on Monday because Minnesota is tough as all teams in the B1G are. Callers to Overreaction and message board gurus will be mean as hell and insist staff changes are needed.

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