To the people who doubted Gerry...


Defensive Coordinator
Jun 1, 2009
You just saw how valuable he is to the defense. As bad as Armstrong was protecting the football, losing Gerry cost us the game. He gets ejected on a horse**** call, in my opinion, and we give up two TDs right down his alley. Gotta credit Iowa's coaches for the play-calling in that third quarter.
Horseshit call?

They could use his hit during targeting training for referees.

If he keeps his face up he stays in the game. Sad part is he was doing it until the last instant.
Horseshit call?

They could use his hit during targeting training for referees.

If he keeps his face up he stays in the game. Sad part is he was doing it until the last instant.

Looked to me he was attempting to move his helmet away from the guy and lead with his shoulder. Not sure how else you're supposed to tackle a guy coming right at you with his helmet first.
Don't get me wrong. I like Gerry a lot.

I was very disappointed Iowa didn't land him. He is a great talent and him leaving the game had a negative impact on Nebraska.
Gerry is overrated and those runs were because of mc muffin and 52 or 92 I can't see the numbers when they are scrunched. Bando didn't do especially well on those either.
And I hate the call but that was textbook according to the rule. Hate the rule not the call.
Looked to me the last two of these points were met on the play. Did not see the CROWN of Gerry's helmet hit the guy at all. The crown is the top part, and it looked to me that Gerry turned his head and the side of his helmet contacted the other guy's helmet incidentally.

These indicate less risk of a foul:

  • Heads-up tackle in which the crown of the helmet does not strike above the shoulders
  • Wrap-up tackle
  • Head is to the side rather than being used to initiate contact
  • Incidental helmet contact that is not part of targeting but is due to the players changing position during the course of play
1. was he defenseless
-hands out, fully extended leaning out catching the ball... check.
2. did he lead with his helmet?
-yes his head was down and crown leading when making tackle.. check
3. helmet to helmet?
-now this is more debatable imo but definitely looked to contact anyways.

really this example was pretty much textbook targeting. if it was an iowa player who was ejected i would feel the same way... just the rule dude. and really he could have easily made the play without doing so! he really didnt need much contact to break that play up...
what i hated was seeing the kid celebrate after knocking a guy out. pretty classless there really. i love the game of football and making big plays but celebrating a guy that cant get up... yuck!

Watch that and tell me he led with crown of helmet. Clearly hits side of helmet. Gerry was trying to go low and iowa wr was falling down. When your target area changed in a second its tough to avoid. The rule is stupid that every little penalty somebody has to get ejected. If it is blatant go ahead and toss them, but you can clearly see Gerry trying to avoid the head to head in this vine.
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And I just don't see the celebrating that you squakeye fans are talking about. Keep making stuff up.
These guys are running in to each other at 15+mph and in slow mo people want them to move body parts out of the way like they're in the matrix. That LB that couldn't walk in the first half got blown up by his own teammate, same thing really only they don't eject for that.
Looked to me he was attempting to move his helmet away from the guy and lead with his shoulder. Not sure how else you're supposed to tackle a guy coming right at you with his helmet first.

Not suggesting it was dirty. But by the rules it was definitely targeting. Gerry is a very good player. Really wish he chose Iowa a few years back.
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You just saw how valuable he is to the defense. As bad as Armstrong was protecting the football, losing Gerry cost us the game. He gets ejected on a horse**** call, in my opinion, and we give up two TDs right down his alley. Gotta credit Iowa's coaches for the play-calling in that third quarter.

Not sure what you were watching but helmet to helmet is an easy call. He was and should have been ejected.

But go ahead and petition the NCAA to change the rule.
You just saw how valuable he is to the defense. As bad as Armstrong was protecting the football, losing Gerry cost us the game. He gets ejected on a horse**** call, in my opinion, and we give up two TDs right down his alley. Gotta credit Iowa's coaches for the play-calling in that third quarter.
Just another reckless play by #25. Got himself thrown out of the game. It was a good call. Lucky no one was seriously hurt on the play.
Cant take this anymore, I m sorry it was a BAD CALL. on many parts.
If you frame by frame watch the hit. You see that their helmets don't even touch. Contact is actually Gerry's Shoulder to the Iowa Players right arm and chest. It was a violent contact and the receiver's body spinning made it appear helmets hit.
No leading with the crown, Gerry actually turns his body so shoulder becomes the lead.

Watch that and tell me he led with crown of helmet. Clearly hits side of helmet. Gerry was trying to go low and iowa wr was falling down. When your target area changed in a second its tough to avoid. The rule is stupid that every little penalty somebody has to get ejected. If it is blatant go ahead and toss them, but you can clearly see Gerry trying to avoid the head to head in this vine.

I couldn't believe the ump made his decision so fast. He obviously didn't look at the side view showing Gerry turned his head before contact. Just like everything about this husker season--> pure incompetence. Ref made a rushed decision, and likely made up his mind after looking at only one view. At most you call the penalty, but ejecting Gerry was a complete joke.
Cant take this anymore, I m sorry it was a BAD CALL. on many parts.
If you frame by frame watch the hit. You see that their helmets don't even touch. Contact is actually Gerry's Shoulder to the Iowa Players right arm and chest. It was a violent contact and the receiver's body spinning made it appear helmets hit.
No leading with the crown, Gerry actually turns his body so shoulder becomes the lead.

From the rule book:
ARTICLE 4. No player shall target and make forcible contact to the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent with the helmet, forearm, hand, fist, elbow or shoulder. When in question, it is a foul.

Now watch this and tell me it wasn't contact to head or neck area of Iowa player.
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I couldn't believe the ump made his decision so fast. He obviously didn't look at the side view showing Gerry turned his head before contact. Just like everything about this husker season--> pure incompetence. Ref made a rushed decision, and likely made up his mind after looking at only one view. At most you call the penalty, but ejecting Gerry was a complete joke.
You do realize that targeting is reviewed and decided by the refs upstairs using video replay from multiple angles, right?
You do realize that targeting is reviewed and decided by the refs upstairs using video replay from multiple angles, right?
Yes, but thanks for contributing.
The decision was made so quickly there is no way he took time to look at all angles. None. Enforce the penalty, fine. Ejecting him was a joke, and had a major impact on the game.

Watch that and tell me he led with crown of helmet. Clearly hits side of helmet. Gerry was trying to go low and iowa wr was falling down. When your target area changed in a second its tough to avoid. The rule is stupid that every little penalty somebody has to get ejected. If it is blatant go ahead and toss them, but you can clearly see Gerry trying to avoid the head to head in this vine.
You do realize the crown portion of the rule is for the tackler not the tacklee right? The only side helmet contact was Gerry's crown hitting the side of Smiths helmet.

It was the textbook example of what not to do on a tackle.
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Yes, but thanks for contributing.
The decision was made so quickly there is no way he took time to look at all angles. None. Enforce the penalty, fine. Ejecting him was a joke, and had a major impact on the game.
Do you REALLY think they skipped their process of review? What would the reasoning be for that?

No, that's just how obvious that call was.
Yes, but thanks for contributing.
The decision was made so quickly there is no way he took time to look at all angles. None. Enforce the penalty, fine. Ejecting him was a joke, and had a major impact on the game.
There's a reason it was so quick, it was blatantly obvious that it was targeting. As others have already noted, there are two main requirements for targeting. Just one of the two need to be met for targeting to be called, and Gerry's hit clearly met BOTH. Even most NE fans in this thread are agreeing that it was targeting.
There's a reason it was so quick, it was blatantly obvious that it was targeting. As others have already noted, there are two main requirements for targeting. Just one of the two need to be met for targeting to be called, and Gerry's hit clearly met BOTH. Even most NE fans in this thread are agreeing that it was targeting.

So, you are saying it's ok to nnot look at every angle before making a game-changing decision? There was literally no way he could have looked at everything given how fast his decision was made and relayed to the field.
You can move on now. Congrats on beating a 5-7 team that has college FBs worst OC and QB, threw 4 stupid INTs, lost it's starting SS on the above play, and you won by 8 points. Congrats. Nice job. (any more compliments you want before you take your 8 posts and go back to an Iowa site?)
So, you are saying it's ok to nnot look at every angle before making a game-changing decision? There was literally no way he could have looked at everything given how fast his decision was made and relayed to the field.
You can move on now. Congrats on beating a 5-7 team that has college FBs worst OC and QB, threw 4 stupid INTs, lost it's starting SS on the above play, and you won by 8 points. Congrats. Nice job. (any more compliments you want before you take your 8 posts and go back to an Iowa site?)
LOL. Boy, you really seem to be taking this personally. Just expressing my opinion on this topic in what I believe is a rational, mature manner.
You do realize the crown portion of the rule is for the tackler not the tacklee right? The only side helmet contact was Gerry's crown hitting the side of Smiths helmet.

It was the textbook example of what not to do on a tackle.
Watch the video again. I'm not denying they hit heads but it was NOT with the crown of his helmet. If you want to give a 15 yard penalty on this I could stomach that I think, but an automatic ejection for something that can't be avoided is to much for my liking. And yes I would feel the same if it was for Nebraska. Collisions happen in football and when 2 objects are moving over 15 mph its hard to avoid things like this. Even if he hits him in the waist they still throw a flag because you can't hit anybody hard anymore.
So by the rule the defender has to let the Iowa player make a play for the ball and catch uncontested???

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