Just like your post made me laugh.Republicans that beg for small government but turn around and want the government to make laws telling us what we can and can not put in our bodies make me laugh.
Just like your post made me laugh.Republicans that beg for small government but turn around and want the government to make laws telling us what we can and can not put in our bodies make me laugh.
Says the Oklahoman who rounds 9.4 up to 10.Is this that Michigan edumacation at work?
I will never stop being amazed by the absolute hypocrisy of those on the right on this issue. All I ever hear is about the virtues of small government, free markets, and the importance of individual freedoms. We liberals are constantly being told that we couldn't possibly impose even the slightest gun control regulations because to do so would be an affront to individual liberties. Why do all of these values go out the window when it comes to the ability of individuals to choose whether or not to use marijuana--a drug which, while perhaps harmful to the individual (debatable, but whatever), does not present a threat to society in and of itself. No advocates of marijuana legalization believe that it should be allowed to be distributed to minors, or that people should be able to use and then operate a vehicle. We are perfectly capable of drafting laws to deal with those potential abuses just like we do for alcohol.
I have a good job, am respected professionally....and use marijuana on a very regular basis. I do it at home and on occasions when it will not impact the other important aspects of my life. If that is a problem for some of you, then you can go right ahead and mind your own business. I would say the same should go for the government. Please leave me alone and start honoring the small government ideals you profess to believe.
I personally hate the stuff and can't stand the smell. That said, it falls on the spectrum of a lot of substances that aren't great for us. Government needs to draw a line somewhere. Personal and social impacts need to be properly measured so decisions aren't arbitrary, which is the situation we have now. Processed sugar, caffeine, tobacco, pot, alcohol, cocaine, etc. all affect us to different degrees.
I don't think it's government's job to protect us from ourselves. But it is government's job to protect us from each other, and others from ourselves. My neighbor has a 4 month old and blazes up in their own home nightly. Does that 4 month old have a right to protection from the government? According to the state of Washington, he doesn't. Should he? Maybe not, tobacco is legal and people have been smoking it around their children for years. Should smoking tobacco be legal?
I'm certain that I'm in an extreme minority, but my opinion that nobody asked for is that smoking of any kind should be illegal. Just because you choose to smoke doesn't mean that I should have to ingest it second-hand. What about my right to clean air? Drink it, chew it, inject it, no problem! As long as it doesn't turn you into a monster, I'm all for it being legal.
Just like your post made me laugh.
Hmmmmm...and I thought 67 wins divided by 7 full seasons equaled 9.6 wins per season. You must be using New Math.Says the Oklahoman who rounds 9.4 up to 10.
I didn't think pot was a partisan issue. I know lots of conservatives who are for legalization. I'm not sold myself even though I know it isn't that harmful. My worry is that it seems to be a gateway drug. "But studies show..." Screw studies. Go ask any meth cocaine heroin etc user what their first drug was and what percentage would say pot? If you don't say its high you're delerious or lying. No I don't mean every pothead uses other drugs, but for a lot of people experimenting with pot will lead and has led to experimenting with others.
Right onHmmmmm...and I thought 67 wins divided by 7 full seasons equaled 9.6 wins per season. You must be using New Math.
No. Pot was enough of a problem.Interesting, because I've witnessed people doing it that have amazing families and great lives who make bank and are active in the community, that you'd want for a neighbor. In fact, I cannot think of a single person who I have ever known who smokes pot, that went "bad". Not one. My guess is, if you know somebody who did go bad, there was probably meth or coke or whatever tied into it.
Of course they both play politics, but that's not what your post stated. The way your post reads is silly; maybe you didn't state it the way you wanted to state it.If you can't see the hypocrisy of platform party politics (on both sides) then you are the ideal voter for these candidates. At least you got that going for you.
Of course they both play politics, but that's not what your post stated. The way your post reads is silly; maybe you didn't state it the way you wanted to state it.If you can't see the hypocrisy of platform party politics (on both sides) then you are the ideal voter for these candidates. At least you got that going for you.
Of course they both play politics, but that's not what your post stated. The way your post reads is silly; maybe you didn't state it the way you wanted to state it.
I will never stop being amazed by the absolute hypocrisy of those on the right on this issue. All I ever hear is about the virtues of small government, free markets, and the importance of individual freedoms.
I didn't think pot was a partisan issue. I know lots of conservatives who are for legalization. I'm not sold myself even though I know it isn't that harmful. My worry is that it seems to be a gateway drug. "But studies show..." Screw studies. Go ask any meth cocaine heroin etc user what their first drug was and what percentage would say pot? If you don't say its high you're delerious or lying. No I don't mean every pothead uses other drugs, but for a lot of people experimenting with pot will lead and has led to experimenting with others.
I didn't think pot was a partisan issue. I know lots of conservatives who are for legalization. I'm not sold myself even though I know it isn't that harmful. My worry is that it seems to be a gateway drug. "But studies show..." Screw studies. Go ask any meth cocaine heroin etc user what their first drug was and what percentage would say pot? If you don't say its high you're delerious or lying. No I don't mean every pothead uses other drugs, but for a lot of people experimenting with pot will lead and has led to experimenting with others.
Complete history fail.
I would agree, and the reason is money. Colorado is bringing in 5 million a month in pot taxes. The feds are missing out.It'll be federally legal soon enough, no later than spring 2017 is my prediction, as of today.
Hitler's primary supporters were right-wing industrialists (See Bullock, Kershaw and Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich), who believed that they could use and control Hitler, but backed away from him when his proposed policies became even too far right for them.
Maybe you should contact him and suggest that Hitler was a liberal. It's very possible that, by making such an absurd suggestion, he will write you off as a fool, but he might respond and put you straight.
Do you, in fact, operate a vehicle while you're getting high? Please let me know, so that I can stay the hell away from you on the road.I will never stop being amazed by the absolute hypocrisy of those on the right on this issue. All I ever hear is about the virtues of small government, free markets, and the importance of individual freedoms. We liberals are constantly being told that we couldn't possibly impose even the slightest gun control regulations because to do so would be an affront to individual liberties. Why do all of these values go out the window when it comes to the ability of individuals to choose whether or not to use marijuana--a drug which, while perhaps harmful to the individual (debatable, but whatever), does not present a threat to society in and of itself. No advocates of marijuana legalization believe that it should be allowed to be distributed to minors, or that people should be able to use and then operate a vehicle. We are perfectly capable of drafting laws to deal with those potential abuses just like we do for alcohol.
I have a good job, am respected professionally....and use marijuana on a very regular basis. I do it at home and on occasions when it will not impact the other important aspects of my life. If that is a problem for some of you, then you can go right ahead and mind your own business. I would say the same should go for the government. Please leave me alone and start honoring the small government ideals you profess to believe.
Do you, in fact, operate a vehicle while you're getting high? Please let me know, so that I can stay the hell away from you on the road.
Yes we agree Hitler was supported by the crony capitalists of the yesteryear just like the left are supported by special interest green crony capitalists of today...that was my point.
Liberal is often an abused word and the context in which I used it was Liberal = Leftist, Liberal being the more commonly used term.
If you would prefer I said 'Hitler was a leftist' then I am happy to rephrase the comment.
One thing that is clear is that liberals, leftists, socialists, fascist, marxists etc are all in fact state-ists.
They all believe in the state and their ability to run others lives in an efficient and utilitarian manner based on their own peculiar morality.
Hitler and modern leftists agree on the fundamental principle that the "State" is the best/only vehicle for effecting social change.
Hitler was undoubtedly a leftist. Liberals are undoubtedly leftists.
If A = C and B = C then A = B. Right?
Transitive Relation. Science.
If you disagree then answer the question about who's policies Hitler would agree with Obama or Jefferson.
It is self evident.
Go Blue!
Yes we agree Hitler was supported by the crony capitalists of the yesteryear just like the left are supported by special interest green crony capitalists of today...that was my point.
Liberal is often an abused word and the context in which I used it was Liberal = Leftist, Liberal being the more commonly used term.
If you would prefer I said 'Hitler was a leftist' then I am happy to rephrase the comment.
One thing that is clear is that liberals, leftists, socialists, fascist, marxists etc are all in fact state-ists.
They all believe in the state and their ability to run others lives in an efficient and utilitarian manner based on their own peculiar morality.
Hitler and modern leftists agree on the fundamental principle that the "State" is the best/only vehicle for effecting social change.
Hitler was undoubtedly a leftist. Liberals are undoubtedly leftists.
If A = C and B = C then A = B. Right?
Transitive Relation. Science.
If you disagree then answer the question about who's policies Hitler would agree with Obama or Jefferson.
It is self evident.
Go Blue!
And Hitler, Sir, would have agreed with neither Obama or Jefferson. Comparing Barack Obama to Hitler says much about you, but little about the President of the United States.
Yes we agree Hitler was supported by the crony capitalists of the yesteryear just like the left are supported by special interest green crony capitalists of today...that was my point.
Liberal is often an abused word and the context in which I used it was Liberal = Leftist, Liberal being the more commonly used term.
If you would prefer I said 'Hitler was a leftist' then I am happy to rephrase the comment.
One thing that is clear is that liberals, leftists, socialists, fascist, marxists etc are all in fact state-ists.
They all believe in the state and their ability to run others lives in an efficient and utilitarian manner based on their own peculiar morality.
Hitler and modern leftists agree on the fundamental principle that the "State" is the best/only vehicle for effecting social change.
Hitler was undoubtedly a leftist. Liberals are undoubtedly leftists.
If A = C and B = C then A = B. Right?
Transitive Relation. Science.
If you disagree then answer the question about who's policies Hitler would agree with Obama or Jefferson.
It is self evident.
Go Blue!
Actually, you apparently have a reading problem. My point was that Hitler was NOT controlled by crony capitalism
Really, the last thing this board needs is another liberal bashing personality from another fan base. We have plenty liberal bashers of our own, but thanks so much for stopping by.
And Hitler, Sir, would have agreed with neither Obama or Jefferson. Comparing Barack Obama to Hitler says much about you, but little about the President of the United States.
I never said Hitler was controlled by anybody, I said 'supported' and you agreed.
I did not bash anybody.
I never compared Obama to Hitler anymore than I compared Jefferson to Hitler, I asked who's policies he would have been a fan of or agreed with.
Go Blue!
No wonder the driving habits have gotten worse over the years, then. But I think driving while on the phone should be illegal, too. But that all being said......it still doesn't make it right just because people are doing it.If you really feel this way, and if you had any idea how many people do drive high, you would never leave your driveway.
I never said Hitler was controlled by anybody, I said 'supported' and you agreed.
Go Blue!
No. I'm not an idiot. Do you operate a vehicle after having a few drinks? It's absolutely no different.Do you, in fact, operate a vehicle while you're getting high? Please let me know, so that I can stay the hell away from you on the road.