Just my 2 cents. Yes, I’m sure most teachers, especially public educators, did not have much or any say whether learning was remote or in person. That decision came down from a collaboration between politicians, the teachers’ union and the school administrators. That being said, I never saw one single teacher, not one, take to the internet (TikTok, Facebook or instagram) claiming that remote learning was detrimental to their students advancement, that studies show that children are not at an elevated risk of contracting or having serious long term affects from coronavirus, that masking isn’t helpful or necessary (especially for children) and parents are overwhelmed by trying work a full time job and making sure their children were getting an adequate education. Never saw any teachers taking to social media to get that message out.
What I did see was… teachers by the dozens taking to social media saying “I’m not gonna risk my life to educate your child in person. We need more money/funding to ensure the safety of our teachers returning to in person learning. Masking saves lives and is the absolute minimum measure to ensure safety. Remote learning can be just as effective as in person learning with the proper funding and support.” etc… etc…
So maybe it wasn’t the teachers decision, but they seemed to support and back that decision at a 90%+ rate. And if there were teachers that were against remote learning, none of them spoke up and dared to counter the Union’s plan to blackmail the federal government for more money. Any many many did individually speak up in support for the Union’s resistance to return to in person learning. Call me cynical, but I think lots of teachers are playing revisionist history now that we’ve seen how detrimental remote learning and militant mask mandates were. JMO