It is the same, parents were done dealing with their kids because they were around all the time. You can attempt to be "parent of the year" and pretend that you were ONLY concerned about the education but any normal person doesn't want to have their kids with them 24/7 365, especially if they are trying to work their own job from home.
Again, as far as teachers who didn't want to teach in person. They had no choice. If the schools opened for in person, they either went to work or they lost their jobs, at least here in Texas. If the schools stayed distance learning, then the teachers taught the students from their home. Teachers complaining about having to go to the classroom is one thing. Teachers complain about a lot of things, but they still come in and do their jobs, or they change career fields.
If I wanted to overgeneralize this, it was liberal teachers complaining and liberal cities and states that were fighting the return to in person classes.