Spring game review


Jul 1, 2004
QB - Martinez looks quicker. Seems happier and more confident. He is still making some head-scratching plays. Throwing the ball backwards for instance. Pretty sure he's what we saw in the past, but hopefully with fewer mistakes. I still expect some dumb plays from him this season, which may keep him from being a dominant player, but if he cuts back on the dumb plays he will make enough good ones that I think he'll be adequate, hopefully freshman year Adrian and not sophomore/junior year Adrian. I think if we lose Adrian, next season will be rough. Not sure I'd like to go into a Big 10 season with any of the others. Smothers looks like a faster Matt Turman. Haarberg looks like a prospect, but he's not ready IMO. Please, please let us find some other option for 3rd and 1 next season that doesn't involve Martinez running up the middle. He needs to stay healthy.
RB - I liked almost all of the RBs. I didn't love any of them. I'm not sure what we got. I have no idea if Stepp will be healthy, and even if he is, he hasn't done anything at Nebraska. He seems like the best option at this point, but he's such a big question mark. I did like Morrison out of the backfield. It was nice to see him play. Yant looks like a load. Ervin may be the best all around back from the spring game. Scott had good plays. So did Thompkins, but I can't trust his health. Johnson didn't play, but from past performance, he needs to be on the kickoff return team; beyond that I'm not a fan. Overall I'm not too worried, but we need someone that Frost has confidence in so we don't rely on Martinez as our leading rusher.
WRs - Looks like a good room. Toure looks as advertised and Martin looks like he's going to be a good player. Manning *may* be a great player. And there are several other who also looked good, Nixon in particular. He will play some. Betts is as good of a young prospect as we've had in a while. And there are others on the squad who I think can play, but if Manning is ready it'll be him, Toure, and Martin.
TEs - Sucks for Fidone, but as a group it's still pretty good. It's still a question mark as to whether we'll ever actually utilize the TEs in the passing game, but if we do, I think we've got some players. Allen isn't the NFL prospect that Frost makes him out to be, but he might have a shot at making a roster. For a college TE, he can make a difference if we give him a chance.
OL - Lots of talent. That's good. I won't trust anything I see until we play real games in the fall. Oh, one thing. Cam's snaps were on point. Not just no snaps over the head of the QB, but they weren't even at the helmet one time followed by the ankles the next time. They seemed consistent quality snaps. That at least I was happy with, and is a promising sign for fall.
DL - We have loads of depth. None jump out as deluxe pass rushers, but in a 3-4 defense that's not to surprising. Some big, grown-up men in that group.
LBs - Sorry to hear about Honas. Sucks for him, but Reimers needs to be one of the middle LBs. He just has more speed and instincts than the rest. MLBs should be good, even though losing Honas hurts depth. OLBs may be better than in the past. Pass rush as a whole will be by committee, but assuming JoJo is ready to go in the fall, at least we should have decent coverage LBs and some pass rush. Gunnerson flashed a little. I didn't spot Payne, although last year he showed a little something. If he improves, perhaps OLB may not be our worst group.
DBs - Should be good. Still not entirely sold on our returning safeties, but there's experience there and some decent depth. I'd love to see Cam Taylor back at the slot CB in our nickle/dime packages, but we may need him to stay on the outside. Hopefully the young DBs continue to develop fast. Oklahoma will spread us out and expose our DBs if they're not ready.
Kickers - Couldn't tell much. Hopefully we can continue to make field goals and extra points like last year. And the rest of our special teams can't be a disaster again.
QB - Martinez looks quicker. Seems happier and more confident. He is still making some head-scratching plays. Throwing the ball backwards for instance. Pretty sure he's what we saw in the past, but hopefully with fewer mistakes. I still expect some dumb plays from him this season, which may keep him from being a dominant player, but if he cuts back on the dumb plays he will make enough good ones that I think he'll be adequate, hopefully freshman year Adrian and not sophomore/junior year Adrian. I think if we lose Adrian, next season will be rough. Not sure I'd like to go into a Big 10 season with any of the others. Smothers looks like a faster Matt Turman. Haarberg looks like a prospect, but he's not ready IMO. Please, please let us find some other option for 3rd and 1 next season that doesn't involve Martinez running up the middle. He needs to stay healthy.
We need to be looking for a transfer QB to come in and compete for the starting role.

The same QB was our #1 in the spring game that got benched last season in favor of LM. Until LM imploded.

There was no discernable improvement. We got what we got there, people have been waiting for 3 straight seasons for him to get back to looking like he did his frosh season.
Just some random observations after watching.
-For RS freshmen, Yant and Hutmacher looked the part.
-A couple other young guys Tagge and John Bullock were pretty aggressive, nice to see.
-Manning, Toure, Martin and Nixon can form a nice WR crew. I like Betts too, though I fear he's not aggressive enough. Dare I say another Alonzo Moore?

-Overall I'd say the Spring game was 'as expected'. The highlighted for me the two biggest keys to success will be Martinez staying healthy and the coaches putting together gameplan for the offense to get in rhythm.
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We need to be looking for a transfer QB to come in and compete for the starting role.

The same QB was our #1 in the spring game that got benched last season in favor of LM. Until LM imploded.

There was no discernable improvement. We got what we got there, people have been waiting for 3 straight seasons for him to get back to looking like he did his frosh season.
Are people still this delusional? It's May. The season starts in 4 months. Where do you think we're gonna find a transfer QB to come in and compete for a starting spot, and honestly why would you even want to do that at this point in the offseason. Like it or not, Martinez is the guy.
Are people still this delusional? It's May. The season starts in 4 months. Where do you think we're gonna find a transfer QB to come in and compete for a starting spot, and honestly why would you even want to do that at this point in the offseason. Like it or not, Martinez is the guy.
Don't sleep on Haarborg

Ya, I know. But Haarborg rhymes with Cyborg. 😁
OP - Smothers looks like a faster Matt Turman.
Given that Logan has run a sub-11 100M, that he is faster than Turman is a given. But I am sure you are happy using perhaps the GOAT "One Game" Husker to insult a RS freshman's spring game performance. Smothers did complete 60% of his passes.
Are people still this delusional? It's May. The season starts in 4 months. Where do you think we're gonna find a transfer QB to come in and compete for a starting spot, and honestly why would you even want to do that at this point in the offseason. Like it or not, Martinez is the guy.
We need the transfer QB to be the backup to AM because none of the other guys are ready. C'mon, this aint that hard to figure out.
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Are people still this delusional? It's May. The season starts in 4 months. Where do you think we're gonna find a transfer QB to come in and compete for a starting spot, and honestly why would you even want to do that at this point in the offseason. Like it or not, Martinez is the guy.
Because of hope.

If we don't find one, the odds are very high that Frost, the coaching staff, and Martinez will put up a record identical to the last 3 years = all will exit the program at the same time.

Watch the spring game and convince me Martinez is improved from last season. The same season he was benched for pre-implosion McCaffrey because he wasn't getting the job done, and finished the by damn near single handedly giving the game away at Rutgers.

Players come and go, but churning coaches sucks.
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Just a couple of observations on the spring game. As I wrote in a previous thread, hate the "thud" scrimmage. A couple of reasons, first there wasn't a thud to most of the tackles, most were touches and some were barely a fingertip touch on a full speed running back. Second, with a running QB, it is unrealistic and could lead to a false sense of security to both the defense and the offense. There were times when the QB would have been lit up and the defender almost had to jump out of the way so they didn't hit the QB. Then there were times when the QB had a huge hole, but the play was blown dead because of the finger tip touch. Lastly, the WR get a free pass to run across the middle and know they won't get leveled. Example was the first drive of the game I believe, Toure caught a pass across the middle and the DB was about to separate him from his pads and had to pull up and could have easily hurt himself stopping that quickly on the field turf.

#8 needs a lot of work, I don't care if he completed 60% of his passes or not, the 40% that were incomplete look horrible at times, especially in the wind. His below average arm strength is the reason. He did look good running the ball, but made a few misreads in when to keep. I am not giving up on him, but it will take a while for him to be ready.
Just a couple of observations on the spring game. As I wrote in a previous thread, hate the "thud" scrimmage. A couple of reasons, first there wasn't a thud to most of the tackles, most were touches and some were barely a fingertip touch on a full speed running back. Second, with a running QB, it is unrealistic and could lead to a false sense of security to both the defense and the offense. There were times when the QB would have been lit up and the defender almost had to jump out of the way so they didn't hit the QB. Then there were times when the QB had a huge hole, but the play was blown dead because of the finger tip touch. Lastly, the WR get a free pass to run across the middle and know they won't get leveled. Example was the first drive of the game I believe, Toure caught a pass across the middle and the DB was about to separate him from his pads and had to pull up and could have easily hurt himself stopping that quickly on the field turf.

#8 needs a lot of work, I don't care if he completed 60% of his passes or not, the 40% that were incomplete look horrible at times, especially in the wind. His below average arm strength is the reason. He did look good running the ball, but made a few misreads in when to keep. I am not giving up on him, but it will take a while for him to be ready.
fact remains,smothers is from alabama and alabama doesnt let the GOOD homegrown kids get away.
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We need the transfer QB to be the backup to AM because none of the other guys are ready. C'mon, this aint that hard to figure out.
The odds of finding a transfer QB better than the guys we have on the roster already to come in and be a backup are extremely low for multiple reasons. I think it's time for you/me/us to realize that we're riding with AMart and that's just the way it's going to be. MAYBE you get a young transfer to come in who thinks he is better than Haarberg and Smothers BUT if you do, I would bet that Smothers would leave. So would you really be gaining anything? We're not going to get a guy with any game experience to come in and back up AMart.
The odds of finding a transfer QB better than the guys we have on the roster already to come in and be a backup are extremely low for multiple reasons. I think it's time for you/me/us to realize that we're riding with AMart and that's just the way it's going to be. MAYBE you get a young transfer to come in who thinks he is better than Haarberg and Smothers BUT if you do, I would bet that Smothers would leave. So would you really be gaining anything? We're not going to get a guy with any game experience to come in and back up AMart.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Smothers doesn't start a single game during his career at Nebraska.

the quarterback room should be 3 deep. so far during Frost's tenure it's looked like a really bad karaoke bar where one tone deaf guy sings a 4 years long solo while the bar owner can't figure out how to turn the mic off.
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The odds of finding a transfer QB better than the guys we have on the roster already to come in and be a backup are extremely low for multiple reasons. I think it's time for you/me/us to realize that we're riding with AMart and that's just the way it's going to be. MAYBE you get a young transfer to come in who thinks he is better than Haarberg and Smothers BUT if you do, I would bet that Smothers would leave. So would you really be gaining anything? We're not going to get a guy with any game experience to come in and back up AMart.
That’s a perfectly rational take on the situation. I’m sure you are prepared for it to be ignored.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Smothers doesn't start a single game during his career at Nebraska.

the quarterback room should be 3 deep. so far during Frost's tenure it's looked like a really bad karaoke bar where one tone deaf guy sings a 4 years long solo while the bar owner can't figure out how to turn the mic off.
No doubt his devotion to AM has hurt our QB room for the long term. I can see why he picked him from the "strain" his feet puts on a defense, but when he picked a true freshman as his starter he cast his lot with him for 4 years. We REALLY needed to take 2 QBs this last class and we clearly had room.
The odds of finding a transfer QB better than the guys we have on the roster already to come in and be a backup are extremely low for multiple reasons. I think it's time for you/me/us to realize that we're riding with AMart and that's just the way it's going to be. MAYBE you get a young transfer to come in who thinks he is better than Haarberg and Smothers BUT if you do, I would bet that Smothers would leave. So would you really be gaining anything? We're not going to get a guy with any game experience to come in and back up AMart.
You can say that now, just a few months before the season, but it's once again a player management issue with Frost. I think we do need an older qb backup. I don't believe Smothers is even close to being ready, and you could say the same for Haarberg, but for different reasons. At least with Haarberg, there is future potential there.

Here is what will likely happen, AM will get hurt, or whatever because someone always has to come in and relieve him, and Scott is going to trot out Smothers, because he wants to protect HH's redshirt, and he's got to play Smothers or risk losing him to the transfer portal. While the kid looks to be a great runner, defenses will just load the box and shut down the offense again.

I have no doubt that AM is going to start this fall, and next fall. While he isn't my choice, once again, there isn't anyone left on the roster but new guys because of the way player management has been handled.

Now, IF you were a coach, and you HAD to get some wins this year.. what would you do? I'd be getting somebody in here, if only just to increase my odds of having a better QB situation than we currently do.

Frost is going to ride this into the dirt, and it doesn't have to be that way. That is what is so maddening about the past 3 years.. there have been a lot of things that could have been done, but either Scott is too stupid or too stubborn to do them.

Scott is bad for Nebraska football.
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You can say that now, just a few months before the season, but it's once again a player management issue with Frost. I think we do need an older qb backup. I don't believe Smothers is even close to being ready, and you could say the same for Haarberg, but for different reasons. At least with Haarberg, there is future potential there.

Here is what will likely happen, AM will get hurt, or whatever because someone always has to come in and relieve him, and Scott is going to trot out Smothers, because he wants to protect HH's redshirt, and he's got to play Smothers or risk losing him to the transfer portal. While the kid looks to be a great runner, defenses will just load the box and shut down the offense again.

I have no doubt that AM is going to start this fall, and next fall. While he isn't my choice, once again, there isn't anyone left on the roster but new guys because of the way player management has been handled.

Now, IF you were a coach, and you HAD to get some wins this year.. what would you do? I'd be getting somebody in here, if only just to increase my odds of having a better QB situation than we currently do.

Frost is going to ride this into the dirt, and it doesn't have to be that way. That is what is so maddening about the past 3 years.. there have been a lot of things that could have been done, but either Scott is too stupid or too stubborn to do them.

Scott is bad for Nebraska football.
I don't agree with most of this, but for one item, I'll point out that the true freshmen were able to play 4 games without losing a year of eligibility. If Haarberg is the best QB, he would play.
Smothers looks like he can run part of the offense. I just think we'd end up one dimensional like last season with McCaffrey, and I don't think Smothers is built to take that kind of punishment in a QB run-first offense. Perhaps Smothers will gain 15 pounds of muscle, add some arm strength, and become the next McKenzie Milton. But that's a lot to expect.
For 2021, our season rides on Martinez. That will tick off many Husker fans posting here, but that's what we've got. 2022 will also be interesting. Realize that Martinez *could* come back for a 5th year as starting QB!
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Perhaps Smothers will gain 15 pounds of muscle, add some arm strength, and become the next McKenzie Milton. But that's a lot to expect.
For 2021, our season rides on Martinez. That will tick off many Husker fans posting here, but that's what we've got. 2022 will also be interesting. Realize that Martinez *could* come back for a 5th year as starting QB!
Milton is listed on the 2020 UCF roster as 5-11/185. Smothers is 6-2/190. Smothers will surely add some pounds, but Milton is a smaller QB.
I didn’t think AM looked bad. I thought his runs were good. He looked quick. His throws were better than “meh”. But what concerns me is how long he sat in the pocket. I thought they should simulate a real game and give him a 3-4 Mississippi count. Cause he’s not gonna be able to camp out there that long come B10 season
Because of hope.

If we don't find one, the odds are very high that Frost, the coaching staff, and Martinez will put up a record identical to the last 3 years = all will exit the program at the same time.

Watch the spring game and convince me Martinez is improved from last season. The same season he was benched for pre-implosion McCaffrey because he wasn't getting the job done, and finished the by damn near single handedly giving the game away at Rutgers.

Players come and go, but churning coaches sucks.
I'm not convinced that Martinez is going to suddenly be a Heisman candidate, but I do think the talent around him will be the best we've had since his freshman year, when he was pretty good
QB - Martinez looks quicker. Seems happier and more confident. He is still making some head-scratching plays. Throwing the ball backwards for instance. Pretty sure he's what we saw in the past, but hopefully with fewer mistakes. I still expect some dumb plays from him this season, which may keep him from being a dominant player, but if he cuts back on the dumb plays he will make enough good ones that I think he'll be adequate, hopefully freshman year Adrian and not sophomore/junior year Adrian. I think if we lose Adrian, next season will be rough. Not sure I'd like to go into a Big 10 season with any of the others. Smothers looks like a faster Matt Turman. Haarberg looks like a prospect, but he's not ready IMO. Please, please let us find some other option for 3rd and 1 next season that doesn't involve Martinez running up the middle. He needs to stay healthy.
RB - I liked almost all of the RBs. I didn't love any of them. I'm not sure what we got. I have no idea if Stepp will be healthy, and even if he is, he hasn't done anything at Nebraska. He seems like the best option at this point, but he's such a big question mark. I did like Morrison out of the backfield. It was nice to see him play. Yant looks like a load. Ervin may be the best all around back from the spring game. Scott had good plays. So did Thompkins, but I can't trust his health. Johnson didn't play, but from past performance, he needs to be on the kickoff return team; beyond that I'm not a fan. Overall I'm not too worried, but we need someone that Frost has confidence in so we don't rely on Martinez as our leading rusher.
WRs - Looks like a good room. Toure looks as advertised and Martin looks like he's going to be a good player. Manning *may* be a great player. And there are several other who also looked good, Nixon in particular. He will play some. Betts is as good of a young prospect as we've had in a while. And there are others on the squad who I think can play, but if Manning is ready it'll be him, Toure, and Martin.
TEs - Sucks for Fidone, but as a group it's still pretty good. It's still a question mark as to whether we'll ever actually utilize the TEs in the passing game, but if we do, I think we've got some players. Allen isn't the NFL prospect that Frost makes him out to be, but he might have a shot at making a roster. For a college TE, he can make a difference if we give him a chance.
OL - Lots of talent. That's good. I won't trust anything I see until we play real games in the fall. Oh, one thing. Cam's snaps were on point. Not just no snaps over the head of the QB, but they weren't even at the helmet one time followed by the ankles the next time. They seemed consistent quality snaps. That at least I was happy with, and is a promising sign for fall.
DL - We have loads of depth. None jump out as deluxe pass rushers, but in a 3-4 defense that's not to surprising. Some big, grown-up men in that group.
LBs - Sorry to hear about Honas. Sucks for him, but Reimers needs to be one of the middle LBs. He just has more speed and instincts than the rest. MLBs should be good, even though losing Honas hurts depth. OLBs may be better than in the past. Pass rush as a whole will be by committee, but assuming JoJo is ready to go in the fall, at least we should have decent coverage LBs and some pass rush. Gunnerson flashed a little. I didn't spot Payne, although last year he showed a little something. If he improves, perhaps OLB may not be our worst group.
DBs - Should be good. Still not entirely sold on our returning safeties, but there's experience there and some decent depth. I'd love to see Cam Taylor back at the slot CB in our nickle/dime packages, but we may need him to stay on the outside. Hopefully the young DBs continue to develop fast. Oklahoma will spread us out and expose our DBs if they're not ready.
Kickers - Couldn't tell much. Hopefully we can continue to make field goals and extra points like last year. And the rest of our special teams can't be a disaster again.
Thanks for posting regardless what these other idiots on here say.
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This looks like a 5 or 6 win team to me, with maybe 7 wins as our ceiling. Saw some good out of the spring game, but also a lot of not so good. Didn't really see any young guys on the 3rd or 4th teams stand out at all. Not even many of the 2nd teamers stood out. Our only chance of improvement is if the starters can make significant strides, and that's barring any key injuries. We also won't have a serviceable backup qb and special teams still looks bottom of the barrel. This is not an acceptable place to be at heading into year 4 imho.
Just a couple of observations on the spring game. As I wrote in a previous thread, hate the "thud" scrimmage. A couple of reasons, first there wasn't a thud to most of the tackles, most were touches and some were barely a fingertip touch on a full speed running back. Second, with a running QB, it is unrealistic and could lead to a false sense of security to both the defense and the offense. There were times when the QB would have been lit up and the defender almost had to jump out of the way so they didn't hit the QB. Then there were times when the QB had a huge hole, but the play was blown dead because of the finger tip touch. Lastly, the WR get a free pass to run across the middle and know they won't get leveled. Example was the first drive of the game I believe, Toure caught a pass across the middle and the DB was about to separate him from his pads and had to pull up and could have easily hurt himself stopping that quickly on the field turf.

#8 needs a lot of work, I don't care if he completed 60% of his passes or not, the 40% that were incomplete look horrible at times, especially in the wind. His below average arm strength is the reason. He did look good running the ball, but made a few misreads in when to keep. I am not giving up on him, but it will take a while for him to be ready.
Yep. I get the reason for green jerseys but it has often led to our QBs running in games like they haven't been tackled in months. Oh does he fumble a lot? HOW STRANGE does he maybe not experience having to get hit for real and hold onto the ball except for on Saturdays in the fall?

Toure' would have taken a career-ender on that pass you mentioned if that was somebody like Dismuke in a live rep. And Dismuke would have done it, gotten ejected, and gotten suspended for the next game.

Smothers isn't a pass-first QB and he's never going to be one. He seems like he's a good enough passer to be a nice little college QB in the right offense. But that's a really loaded phrase. I'm thinking like Louisville, does Cincinnati do a lot of QB run as well or am I just blending uniforms in my mind?

This offense doesn't seem to be honest with itself about what it wants to do. We get these kids in who have option QB skillsets and then call plays like they're pro style guys. Frost just can't resist the allure of these *brilliant* pass plays and he forgets that guys at 3 different position groups struggle to execute them.

Worst of all worlds, they run Adrian enough to get him hurt and then start calling 35 pass attempts for him once he's got a bad shoulder.

Oregon was known to run all kinds of option out of shotgun, pistol, etc. Not just zone read but triple, speed, shovel option. It's like all we see any more is zone read/veer or RPO. HOW are you putting Luke McCaffrey in at QB and not running triple. I know it's in the playbook. How on earth do you not go split backs with Mills and Wan'dale and run triple off that? What a nightmare to defend.

Instead it's all "YUH WULL the third option is the swing, the third option is the slant" dude a pass that travels 25 yards in the air is not an option, it's a pass.

And I rant about all that to say that the Logan Smothers and Henrich Haarberg I saw on Saturday are not ready for that offense where it's a lot to think about and a lot of passing accuracy needed.

If you're gonna run the ball like crazy and have one of those guys come in around 15 passing attempts, ok. Logan might be ready for that. Otherwise, we need a transfer.
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I didn’t think AM looked bad. I thought his runs were good. He looked quick. His throws were better than “meh”. But what concerns me is how long he sat in the pocket. I thought they should simulate a real game and give him a 3-4 Mississippi count. Cause he’s not gonna be able to camp out there that long come B10 season
My concern with Martinez on Saturday is that there were still multiple "WTF was that" plays. Chucking it backwards in the general vicinity of an RB and losing 7 on more than one occasion.

Healthy Adrian playing smart is a really good QB. The problem is he hasn't stayed healthy and he still has those moments where he makes a foolish decision.
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My concern with Martinez on Saturday is that there were still multiple "WTF was that" plays. Chucking it backwards in the general vicinity of an RB and losing 7 on more than one occasion.

Healthy Adrian playing smart is a really good QB. The problem is he hasn't stayed healthy and he still has those moments where he makes a foolish decision.
It's like he has one thing in mind, and when that isn't there, panic sets in. How hard is it to hold a sequence of thoughts captive, IE my TE is my first choice, if that isn't there, my RB should be open in the flat? After that, it's move up field or throw it away if in distress. I get it that it's not as easy as I made it out to be, but he is not very good at check downs.
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Why was Otte running with the 1's? He was the only non-stater I noticed that did the first few series with the red team.
This offense doesn't seem to be honest with itself about what it wants to do. We get these kids in who have option QB skillsets and then call plays like they're pro style guys. Frost just can't resist the allure of these *brilliant* pass plays and he forgets that guys at 3 different position groups struggle to execute them.
That is most confounding. Mario has said that the first and most important attribute he looks for in a QB is athleticism. We got that in spades with Luke and Smothers. That was our plan A recruiting strategy at the most important position coming together. And yet neither are worthy of unseating AM and prevent him from earning the rare distinction of starting QB for 4 straight losing seasons at a Power 5 school.

Luke and Smothers can’t unseat AM because this offense requires more than athleticism at the QB position to be successful, but we don’t recruit to those other skills.

Frost talked about the need for everyone associated to be pulling in the same direction. But he’s not doing it within.
Are most QBs in portal seeking to be a #2?

Dominoes and college football have more in common today, due to the portal.
I guess that depends on where a guy sits on the depth chart.

Whomever the #2 is, is going to get to play. Martinez will get injured again and get knocked out of 1-3 games. It would surprise me if that didn't happen as before.

I guess the staff wants to keep the redshirt for Haarberg, but will be interesting to see how they want to play it.

Not against Logan being in there for a series or two, but he scares me in the passing game. Both guys have zero experience..

Pretend you're a coach, every game matters.. I'm going to try to get someone more experienced in is what I would do, and I wouldn't have waited this long to do it either.

You see, Frost sets himself up for situations like this.. why? I don't know. But lets recruit some more injured running backs.

That will surely fix the problem right? Sigh.
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I'm not convinced that Martinez is going to suddenly be a Heisman candidate, but I do think the talent around him will be the best we've had since his freshman year, when he was pretty good
If Martinez is smart with the football, the O-line doesn’t implode during drives, and Special Teams isn’t a comedy of errors every game, this team could surprise this year.

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