Illinois Info

We have a handful of freshmen playing important spots, plus transfers like Dowdell…those guys aren’t burdened by the last 7 years like kids that have been here a few years are.
Just find it odd we score all the points in the first half and then hit the second half and nothing against nobodies. Come these bigger games they'll need to get TD a few times in the second half to secure wins.
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Not sure I buy into “ NU does too much hitting during the week”. I believe they’ve been purposefully conservative in all three games on offense in the second half, while defense has seemed to maintain the same intensity all game long.
Right. I thought people used to complain that Frost never hit during practice, now we do it too much?
We have a handful of freshmen playing important spots, plus transfers like Dowdell…those guys aren’t burdened by the last 7 years like kids that have been here a few years are.

so yer sying they aren't unburdened by what they haven't seen? and what has been? ..and what hasn't been seen?
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Just find it odd we score all the points in the first half and then hit the second half and nothing against nobodies. Come these bigger games they'll need to get TD a few times in the second half to secure wins.
I’m confident we’ll score more in the second half Friday night, but I doubt we’ll have a 3 score lead at halftime… but damn well hope so..
Illinois plays a bit like the old KSU teams did. Minimize mistakes, and hope the other team loses so you can win, while limiting your own mistakes and making the other team drive the ball.

If you play a clean game against Illinois and have equal or more talent, you will win.
It’s pretty much every BiG TeN WeSt team in a nutshell. Some just do it better than others
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