Sounds like Keshawn is listening to the tide now...

Just for clarification's sake, Tate Martell was the first recruit to decommit. After Coach Morehead was a giant douche all night, another RECRUIT announced he wouldn't be choosing that school. He's a classmate of Martell's so yes, those two are tight. But even he said the treatment of Martell (i.e the way Morehead was acting) was the reason he was cutting off recruitment from Texas A&M. In other words, it might have been harder to get Lindsey but Morehead going on Twitter and whining all night cemented the departure.

The other commit who de-committed made it clear he left because of the coach's behavior and not because Martell left.

Lindsey is a former teammate, no longer at Gorman. He is in Cali going to school.
yall some creepy jealous boyfriends over an 18 year old boy talking to an older man. This thread should be locked and any future similar threads banned.

This site's basic purpose is to follow recruiting. It's not that weird to talk recruiting on the website. Some of the jack holes go overboard but the original post was informing us of recruiting news.
This is going to get iffy quick I bet...
---Talked about how Nebraska fans as concerns KJ Jr and the whole Kiffen saga and how they are impactful in a negative way on social media acting insecure. Huskers fans need to get used to the fact they are going up against the 'big boys' and that it is a positive and don't freak out. Bottom line is you want to be in recruiting battles against the best of the best (A few of us have been saying all of this for awhile). Once again there is NOTHING to worry about. Only way he flips is if Riley and Williams leave. Oh and stop tweeting ridiculous things at kids like KJ Jr. who wrote to Nate 'wow NU fans are tripping right now' because Husker "fans" were tweeting at him that you better not be looking at Alabama. The insecurity came out. As time goes on he hopes that will wear off. Its a positive and fans need to relish it. As the Huskers are getting a different (much better) caliber of recruit right now. Per Nate Clouse on USC
Wow... Apparently this thread just can't die. Its over. Everyone knows by now that Keyshawn was not visited by Kiffen. Anybody coming in here now should have been here a week and a half ago with their wisdom when the topic was still relevant. Just let the thread die.. Please.
Wow... Apparently this thread just can't die. Its over. Everyone knows by now that Keyshawn was not visited by Kiffen. Anybody coming in here now should have been here a week and a half ago with their wisdom when the topic was still relevant. Just let the thread die.. Please.
Did you miss the point that was made by HBK4Life? Fans have gone overboard with KJJ according to KJJ because of this. The message is not to let it be a big deal... It's a good thing when the alabama's come calling... Don't get your knickers in a twist. You may have missed the relevancy in his post but it is very relevant to this thread and I am glad HBK posted it.

Fans need to relax and not be idiots towards our recruits. Evidently, some idiots have upset KJJ. We don't want that.

This thread should never have started in the first place. In a rush to be the first to post, you had to post it with a questionable statement regarding KJJ's possible commitment.
Fans need to relax and not be idiots towards our recruits. Evidently, some idiots have upset KJJ. We don't want that.

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If KJJ wants to play big-time college and NFL football, he better get used to idiots on Twitter. Every fan base has them, and they will come out in droves if you have a bad game.
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