Sorry I brought up the Scott and Fred post....

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It is sad. The lack of empathy on this board has been a huge turnoff the past few months, exacerbated by the stress, anxiety, and anger people are feeling as a result of covid and other factors I won't comment on.
There's always been hate BUT it is hugely magnified right now caused by the coronavirus job losses and lockdowns. According to some experts, a full third of the population is experiencing major mental anxiety/stress right now due to the pandemic.

This was long predicted by a few as the pandemic lockdowns began.
no worries, spart.
if anything, the last couple of months has proven the old adage about opinions and assholes.
lots of both.
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LeBatard Show has been really good the past few days. It really helps to have a variety of people on the air with a diverse background to be able to verbalize their experiences and thoughts. Times like these its more important to listen to than speak to those who are in pain.
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It is sad. The lack of empathy on this board has been a huge turnoff the past few months, exacerbated by the stress, anxiety, and anger people are feeling as a result of covid and other factors I won't comment on.
Welcome to the society
It is sad. The lack of empathy on this board has been a huge turnoff the past few months, exacerbated by the stress, anxiety, and anger people are feeling as a result of covid and other factors I won't comment on.
I have empathy for the guy who died and his family. I have empathy for the black and other business owners in that neighborhood who lost their shops to looters. I have empathy for the business owners I've seen on TV brutally beaten while trying to protect their shops. I have empathy for the mutiple law enforcemnt personnel who have lost their lives or been injured trying to do their job. I have empathy for black people who have actually experienced unjust police brutality. I don't have empathy for lawless vandals and looters and that's what this primarily has turned in to. IF you're a peaceful protestor, do it in letters to your representative and mayor. Keep you ass at home so the police can do their job to protect lives and property. PROTESTING IS NOT HELPING NOW.
I have empathy for the guy who died and his family. I have empathy for the black and other business owners in that neighborhood who lost their shops to looters. I have empathy for the business owners I've seen on TV brutally beaten while trying to protect their shops. I have empathy for the mutiple law enforcemnt personnel who have lost their lives or been injured trying to do their job. I have empathy for black people who have actually experienced unjust police brutality. I don't have empathy for lawless vandals and looters and that's what this primarily has turned in to. IF you're a peaceful protestor, do it in letters to your representative and mayor. Keep you ass at home so the police can do their job to protect lives and property. PROTESTING IS NOT HELPING NOW.
It's also spreading the virus. I remember not too long ago when protesting was severely frowned upon
I don’t know much of what is going on cuz I don’t really pay attention to internet drama and social justice warriors but I went and helped board up the Target in Chicago yesterday and you would not believe how many protesters are just shitting in the streets and sidewalks. F’n gross
Wow. Must be due to the toilet paper shortage from the corona.
I have empathy for the guy who died and his family. I have empathy for the black and other business owners in that neighborhood who lost their shops to looters. I have empathy for the business owners I've seen on TV brutally beaten while trying to protect their shops. I have empathy for the mutiple law enforcemnt personnel who have lost their lives or been injured trying to do their job. I have empathy for black people who have actually experienced unjust police brutality. I don't have empathy for lawless vandals and looters and that's what this primarily has turned in to. IF you're a peaceful protestor, do it in letters to your representative and mayor. Keep you ass at home so the police can do their job to protect lives and property. PROTESTING IS NOT HELPING NOW.

So you have a lot of empathy for business owners, empathy for the police, and empathy for those who have been victims of racial injustice. But you don't have empathy for anyone who does not protest on your terms (writing letters to your representative and mayor).

Apparently you have little empathy for people exercising their first amendment rights. More importantly, you lack empathy for anyone, unlike yourself and unlike me, who may see the contract that is the foundation of our society as null and void because it is unjust or unfair to certain groups of people. You have no empathy for peaceful protesters who refuse to stay home, no empathy for protesters who think it's more important to protest than violate some curfew they see as arbitrary. You have no empathy for anyone who may see the destruction of property as a way of protesting that perceived injustice. You have no empathy for anyone who might want to engage in physical conflict over that injustice.

Note, your objection to them is not that you think violence is wrong. If Muslim country X commits an act of terrorism on US soil tomorrow, you'd have no qualms responding with direct and violent action. Your objection is to what they perceive to be injustices worth protesting over. You can't see them as injustices worth protesting over. Yes, you lack empathy.
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So you have a lot of empathy for business owners, empathy for the police, and empathy for those who have been victims of racial injustice. But you don't have empathy for anyone who does not protest on your terms (writing letters to your representative and mayor).

Apparently you have little empathy for people exercising their first amendment rights. More importantly, you lack empathy for anyone, unlike yourself and unlike me, who may see the contract that is the foundation of our society as null and void because it is unjust or unfair to certain groups of people. You have no empathy for peaceful protesters who refuse to stay home, no empathy for protesters who think it's more important to protest than violate some curfew they see as arbitrary. You have no empathy for anyone who may see the destruction of property as a way of protesting that perceived injustice. You have no empathy for anyone who might want to engage in physical conflict over that injustice.

Note, your objection to them is not that you think violence is wrong. If Muslim country X commits an act of terrorism on US soil tomorrow, you'd have no qualms responding with direct and violent action. Your objection is to what they perceive to be injustices worth protesting over. You can't see them as injustices worth protesting over. Yes, you lack empathy.

I lack empathy for terrorists, domestic or foreign. Guilty.
So you have a lot of empathy for business owners, empathy for the police, and empathy for those who have been victims of racial injustice. But you don't have empathy for anyone who does not protest on your terms (writing letters to your representative and mayor).

Apparently you have little empathy for people exercising their first amendment rights. More importantly, you lack empathy for anyone, unlike yourself and unlike me, who may see the contract that is the foundation of our society as null and void because it is unjust or unfair to certain groups of people. You have no empathy for peaceful protesters who refuse to stay home, no empathy for protesters who think it's more important to protest than violate some curfew they see as arbitrary. You have no empathy for anyone who may see the destruction of property as a way of protesting that perceived injustice. You have no empathy for anyone who might want to engage in physical conflict over that injustice.

Note, your objection to them is not that you think violence is wrong. If Muslim country X commits an act of terrorism on US soil tomorrow, you'd have no qualms responding with direct and violent action. Your objection is to what they perceive to be injustices worth protesting over. You can't see them as injustices worth protesting over. Yes, you lack empathy.
You're nuts. The vast majority of "protestors" are white. The vast majority of people throwing crap are white and THEY are making things tougher for my black niece, nephew (cop) and their kids. Yeah I see ALL sides of the issue and logically, THE PROTESTING NOW IS NOT HELPING. It's gone WAY past showing support and trying to implement change.
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You're nuts. The vast majority of "protestors" are white. The vast majority of people throwing crap are white and THEY are making things tougher for my black niece, nephew (cop) and their kids. Yeah I see ALL sides of the issue and logically, THE PROTESTING NOW IS NOT HELPING. It's gone WAY past showing support and trying to implement change.
It's almost like the socialite wish list was going up in smoke with the virus fizzling out and they pulled a hail mary.
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