thanks! And yet, Rhule hired him because of the technique he teaches. He was looking for a disciple of Harry Hiestand and found one on the previous staff. I bet the problem your people have is that they are looking at it from a different lens. Not from the Harry Hiestand lens.From listening to people who know OL, ot comes back to a technique thing. No issues with intensity. No clue about S&C stuff.
I actually don’t think he is downright terrible. Our run blocking has improved a bit this season, and somehow Benhart has actually gotten better. But prior to injury, Corcoran looked lost on most plays. I don’t truly believe that falls squarely on TC’s shoulders. Pass blocking has been poor overall, and that usually comes back to technical stuff with hands, knees and feet philosophy.
I don't know the difference in technique between Hiestand and anyone else but it's obvious that Rhule does. Just because teacher A teaches a technique different than what teacher B teaches doesn't make it wrong, just different. Do they get the same or better results? That, to me, is the question. TC has looked lost on most plays for years - probably because he's playing out of his true position (most likely). TC, imho, does a better job run blocking than pass blocking by far. If it doesn't fall on TCs shoulders, whose does it fall on? He's looked the same under multiple coaches. IMHO, Piper has improved & Benhart has improved. Nouilli looks pretty solid as does Scott. I'd love for them to have improved more than what it seems but I do believe they are better. TC just hasn't really gotten better but he tries to do what he's asked. I do remember one (I wish it would happen more often) pass play where TC was getting bull rushed and it looked like he was going to get pushed right into HH. Somehow, he plants his foot and holds his ground and HH was able to get the pass off. Different type of rush by the DE that TC had more success with.
If you get a chance, go back & rewatch the offense in the IL & NW games. There are several plays in both games where they are blocking a pin & pull running play but bringing the backside TE along with the backside guard instead of both guards. You'll notice that the pin blocks are done well. The backside guard kicks out the DE and the TE then is left to pick up the LB or S filling in the hole. Unfortunately, almost every time, the TE (mainly 87) misses his block and the RB is dead in the hole for little to no gain. Is that the fault of the OL? Is that the fault of the OL Coach? There was even a play in the NW game where they used 84 instead of the TE - and he missed the block as well. Yet those plays are part of what the "fans" are complaining about. It "looks" like the OL is missing blocks but it was the TE that missed the block. Does the OL miss blocks they shouldn't? Absolutely - all do from time to time.