

Nebraska Football Hall of Fame
Feb 13, 2004
Omaha Metro
Funny how a QB who can throw accurately, a line that can block, receivers who can get open, and multiple players who don't turn the ball over can make a perceived marginal OC look like a good OC. I wasn't too keen on the wide passes to Fidone, but I'm sitting here racking my brain about calls I didn't like and I can't really think of any. It is possible they put the TE passes on film to set Colorado up for faking the throw to the TE and having the wideouts hold a block for a couple counts and race down the field. When HH got in I wished they would have run an option and let him keep, but they probably don't want him to get banged up unnecessarily. I was hard on Satt sometimes last year starting in the Minnesota game (not running when it was working), so I have to give credit where credit is due and say he called a good game.