RIH! Manson gone to hell @ 83, nfm

I have friends in corrections. I do some prison ministry. Manson was a no doubter. There are hundreds of other no doubters who live in prison just for the opportunity to kill prison guards. They are evil beyond any evil anybody on this board has seen. The people in corrections usually know who those guys are but sometimes a guy will pop up and take out a guard. It's a difficult problem. My friends in corrections want every one of those "no doubters" removed from the population.

In all seriousness I respect the heck out of anyone who is willing to go into correctional facilities on their own time to try to give inmates some guidance. I don't know if it does any good, but the attempts are admirable.

On another note, it is pathetic in this state that our state prison workers make less than guys working at our largest county jails. I'm not saying working in the Douglas or Lancaster jails are bad, but again, the prisons get all the felons. The worst of the worst, and people wonder why there are problems at the prisons in Lincoln and Tecumseh.
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charlie's done gone. Life goes on.
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3For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.
Charlie should have focused on his singing career. The guy actually had a very good singing voice. I guess the record companies must have backed off due to that whole mass murderer thing..

Charlie Manson tried to hang with the Beach Boys before he went all Charlie Manson. Mike Love figured out the guy wasn't playing with a full deck and pretty much told him to pound sand.
it was the beach boys drummer who wanted to hang around charlie, theres a good documentary on the beachboys, one of them vh1 deals I think.
I didn't know the front guy (not love but the other one) never wrote a tune for the beach boys, they just had him in there cause the other guy dennis wilson (I think) just wanted to lay in bed and do drugs. but he could write music like crazy
I didn't know the front guy (not love but the other one) never wrote a tune for the beach boys, they just had him in there cause the other guy dennis wilson (I think) just wanted to lay in bed and do drugs. but he could write music like crazy
Brian Wilson was really their frontman early on, but by the late 60’s, a nervous breakdown and drugs led him to not travel when the group toured. He was the main song/music writer of the group. Mike Love kind of took over as the front after Brian Wilson’s demise, but Love did write one of their biggest hits, California Girls, along with some lyric shifting by Wilson.

Love collaborated some on the music side of the song (Cali Girls) with Wilson, but Brian was responsible for most of the notes and lyrics to the majority of their material.
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