RIH! Manson gone to hell @ 83, nfm


Offensive Coordinator
Mar 28, 2003
Blood on the Tracks

He was originally sentenced to death but his sentence (along with others) was changed to life without parole by the California Supreme Court invalidating the state death penalty laws. I’d love to hear from death penalty opponents exactly how did our society benefit positively from Charles Mason living for decades after his horrific crimes?
He was originally sentenced to death but his sentence (along with others) was changed to life without parole by the California Supreme Court invalidating the state death penalty laws. I’d love to hear from death penalty opponents exactly how did our society benefit positively from Charles Mason living for decades after his horrific crimes?

How would our society have benefited positively from his death?
He was originally sentenced to death but his sentence (along with others) was changed to life without parole by the California Supreme Court invalidating the state death penalty laws. I’d love to hear from death penalty opponents exactly how did our society benefit positively from Charles Mason living for decades after his horrific crimes?
No benefit whatsoever, he should have been put to death.
I’d rather Manson remain alive than execute a convicted person who was in fact innocent of his/ her crime. An instance of this has been documented in TX, and a number of people who were the on death row have subsequently been found innocent of their crimes.
I’d rather Manson remain alive than execute a convicted person who was in fact innocent of his/ her crime. An instance of this has been documented in TX, and a number of people who were the on death row have subsequently been found innocent of their crimes.
I have friends in corrections. I do some prison ministry. Manson was a no doubter. There are hundreds of other no doubters who live in prison just for the opportunity to kill prison guards. They are evil beyond any evil anybody on this board has seen. The people in corrections usually know who those guys are but sometimes a guy will pop up and take out a guard. It's a difficult problem. My friends in corrections want every one of those "no doubters" removed from the population.
I have friends in corrections. I do some prison ministry. Manson was a no doubter. There are hundreds of other no doubters who live in prison just for the opportunity to kill prison guards. They are evil beyond any evil anybody on this board has seen. The people in corrections usually know who those guys are but sometimes a guy will pop up and take out a guard. It's a difficult problem. My friends in corrections want every one of those "no doubters" removed from the population.
If the system could work to remove the “no doubters”, I’d be fine with it. I have no moral objection to executing a person who is guilty of murdering another. But the system of execution seemingly cannot work that way.
I have friends in corrections. I do some prison ministry. Manson was a no doubter. There are hundreds of other no doubters who live in prison just for the opportunity to kill prison guards. They are evil beyond any evil anybody on this board has seen. The people in corrections usually know who those guys are but sometimes a guy will pop up and take out a guard. It's a difficult problem. My friends in corrections want every one of those "no doubters" removed from the population.

when I was about 25, I put a roof on the new maximum security in elevenworth federal pen. I come to one part and it had a hole in the roof with bars. I wondered what the hell it was..I heard there was a guy there they built his own 250,000 dollar cell..
I never put the two together, till years later I found out it was silversteins cell. this is the guy they based the prison scene of the silence of the lamb on. he the longest prisoner in the federal system in solitary/no human contact.
He still has 8 more life sentences to fulfill. I say put him in a vacuumed sealed room and make him pay his full sentence.
I’d rather Manson remain alive than execute a convicted person who was in fact innocent of his/ her crime. An instance of this has been documented in TX, and a number of people who were the on death row have subsequently been found innocent of their crimes.

Didn't Manson admit to it?
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One beneficial reason for his death would be the obvious cost of keeping an unviewed zoo animal alive.

Manson wasn't at the scene and never physically ended any ones life. So they pinned the murders on him because he "ordered" their deaths. And was subsequently found guilty of multiple murders to include a child...who hadnt been born yet...

So this is a slam dunk. He's a murderer. Execute the animal already.
when I was about 25, I put a roof on the new maximum security in elevenworth federal pen. I come to one part and it had a hole in the roof with bars. I wondered what the hell it was..I heard there was a guy there they built his own 250,000 dollar cell..
I never put the two together, till years later I found out it was silversteins cell. this is the guy they based the prison scene of the silence of the lamb on. he the longest prisoner in the federal system in solitary/no human contact.

That is one really evil dude.
That is one really evil dude.
He's in colorado's supermax now, h level..
I think him and the guy who tried to blow up the world trade towers the first time are the only ones, on that level.

it's funny, cause I was working right next to the old maximum security when building the new, and I was decent looking back then and I had cut off levi shorts on cause the heat on the roofs got so hot...well a bunch of the prisoners in max were whistling at me, which made me nervous, but I flipped them off..and they all went silent, which made me more

another funny thing was when I first went there, my tool box had 8" long scissors and and about 15 metal hacksaw blades.
and I had a electric chain saw for cutting insulation, the guards took my hacksaw blades, but let me keep the other

them guys didn't have much of a life. 23 hours in a 9'x15' cell, with a window that had a mound of dirt infront of it.
and they came out for a hour in full body chains to stare at the sun.
silverstein had like the deluxe suite.
50 years of free room, board, and health care cost society millions.
about 20 years ago, I heard it was 1 million to throw away the key, and 6 million to execute someone (lawyers, appeals, etc.)
them figures are probably still the same (adjusted to inflation)
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about 20 years ago, I heard it was 1 million to throw away the key, and 6 million to execute someone (lawyers, appeals, etc.)
them figures are probably still the same (adjusted to inflation)

I can believe that.

I say in slam dunk cases we should have a waxed rope and use it non stop until all those cases are exhausted and then rewax that sucker and it'll cost about 50 dollars for the rope, 50 bucks for the steel tress. Then of course moving the murderers and wages for the executioners.

Bread and water until your turn on the swing set. No need for electric lights or hot water either....won't be long.
Charlie never killed nobody (to quote him), but he conspired to make it happen. Lots of other guys have walked after 10-15 years for doing a heck of a lot worse. Not saying Charlie should have walked, saying the other guys should have done more.
And faster yet.... just pack em all in an obsolete, prepped(environmentally safe), shipping vessel and tugged out to a pretty deep spot in the Pacific and sink it.

That's probably inhumane although I'm not sure more so than the treatment of their victims
If Manson asked for God's forgiveness on his death bed, he is sitting in Heaven right now. Christianity is such a letdown sometimes.

I'm so glad God forgives man! Praise Jesus!

Jesus went willingly to the cross and did not deny the thief when he admitted he deserved death.....and crucifixion is a mother in inhumane ways to die. State execution is an option in this world.

...and he was just a thief!
I'll answer yours if you answer mine

It's real simple. Some people just deserve it. You can read and find crime scene photos of the Tate (and other victims) murder. That scene shocked even experienced police detectives at the time.

I don't advocate for the death penalty for every murder. I'm pretty selective. I advocate keeping it and using it for the absolute most horrific, sick, twisted, cruel, etc etc cases. He qualified.
It's real simple. Some people just deserve it. You can read and find crime scene photos of the Tate (and other victims) murder. That scene shocked even experienced police detectives at the time.

I don't advocate for the death penalty for every murder. I'm pretty selective. I advocate keeping it and using it for the absolute most horrific, sick, twisted, cruel, etc etc cases. He qualified.
Agree.. rock solid evidence/confession of 1st degree murder, kidnappers, and pedophiles should be put on a fast track to die of the cheapest means(bullet/rope)
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It's real simple. Some people just deserve it. You can read and find crime scene photos of the Tate (and other victims) murder. That scene shocked even experienced police detectives at the time.

I don't advocate for the death penalty for every murder. I'm pretty selective. I advocate keeping it and using it for the absolute most horrific, sick, twisted, cruel, etc etc cases. He qualified.

Just for revenge then?

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