Can't really remember if it was this thread or another, but to quote Arnold;It is easy to have the bravado when it really isnt you that has to back it up. Think how stupid this all is when grown me (allegedly) go on a message board and talk stupid trash they have no control over. I taught kids in high school to always respect your opponent, no matter the sport and the record. The mindless chatter is nothing more than an exercise of one person thinking their mental acuity is so much higher than another. Common sense has no place in said opinions.
For the record, there is nothing for Iowa to be ashamed of. They have won them all so far and congrats on that. Heck we cant even beat hapless Purdue so why should we even boast? We had one good game with Minny only to show we really werent over the hump. We beat MSU but we were due something going our way. Until we can actually stop someone I would have nothing to say but good luck. I will let the players decide all if this. We are all a bunch of wanna bes.
"You'll be back!"