Rece Davis and Desmond Howard Slam Scott Frost ...


Nebraska Legend
Sep 29, 2001
for suggesting that Nebraska could play other teams if the B1G cancels the season.

Desmond Howard called Frost's comments "offensive" and said there's no way Nebraska or Penn State would leave the Big Ten to play this season. "When I first heard it, I thought it was absurd," If I'm Kevin Warren, I'm getting on the phone to talk to the president of Nebraska and tell him we can't have your coach using this roguish-type language.

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Desmond Howard is probably upset because his Michigan teams never won a National Championship and Scott Frost did.

Nebraska very well may have won the championship because of Scott Frost’s passionate speech after the game.


for suggesting that Nebraska could play other teams if the B1G cancels the season.

Desmond Howard called Frost's comments "offensive" and said there's no way Nebraska or Penn State would leave the Big Ten to play this season. "When I first heard it, I thought it was absurd," If I'm Kevin Warren, I'm getting on the phone to talk to the president of Nebraska and tell him we can't have your coach using this roguish-type language.

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I don't think Scott Frost really cares what Rece Davis and Desmond Howard think anyway, nor should any of us. He or any of us don't have to answer to them to do what's best for our athletic program. What a bunch of self-serving arrogant worthless windbags.
I’m sure Nebraska isn’t the one and only that wants to play football in the Big 10 this year..

There just the one That is more outspoken about wanting to do so..
Franklin was on Get Up this morning saying the same thing Scott did that he supports his players that want to play and would consider other options if BIG season is cancelled.
LOL. Ryan Day said the same things. James Franklin said the same things.

Jim Harbaugh has been critical of the leaked decision and strongly is advocating playing.

Not sure where Maryland and Rutgers are landing, but the conference heavyweights have already weighed in.

Someone has to lead. It's not going to be the NCAA. It's not going to be Kevin Warren, if he even actually exists. Who else is there?
LOL. Ryan Day said the same things. James Franklin said the same things.

Jim Harbaugh has been critical of the leaked decision and strongly is advocating playing.

Not sure where Maryland and Rutgers are landing, but the conference heavyweights have already weighed in.

Someone has to lead. It's not going to be the NCAA. It's not going to be Kevin Warren, if he even actually exists. Who else is there?
You'd have to to pay me a LOT to give a f*** about what Maryland and Rutgers think.
I'm sure ESPN is instructed by their masters to make sure their casual viewers are very scared of the big, bad virus.
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The bashing of Warren is predictable, but not necessarily correct. First, he doesn’t have the final say in what direction the conference goes. That belongs to the University presidents. Second, sometimes the best leaders go against the grain of what is popular or what the masses want.

In today’s world of social media we have a bunch of people who think they are smarter, more well-equipped or just superior to those who actually have the experience to make decisions of this nature. I wonder how regular folks would feel to have people staring over their shoulders questioning every decision they make on the job. It’s tiring.
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By the way, Sean Callahan in a Tweet claimed that contrary to leaked rumors, the B1G presidents never voted yet. The vote that got leaked was by the university medical officers regarding whether they thought their university was ready in their opinion. But that vote got misinterpreted as a vote by the presidents which the B1G denied.
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The bashing of Warren is predictable, but not necessarily correct. First, he doesn’t have the final say in what direction the conference goes. That belongs to the University presidents. Second, sometimes the best leaders go against the grain of what is popular or what the masses want.

In today’s world of social media we have a bunch of people who think they are smarter, more well-equipped or just superior to those who actually have the experience to make decisions of this nature. I wonder how regular folks would feel to have people staring over their shoulders questioning every decision they make on the job. It’s tiring.

Warren has never publicly stated his opinion on the matter. Secondly, its absolutely terrible form to make a big spectacle last Tuesday announcing the big ten only schedule, only to back track a week later. It doesn't make any sense.
Warren has never publicly stated his opinion on the matter. Secondly, its absolutely terrible form to make a big spectacle last Tuesday announcing the big ten only schedule, only to back track a week later. It doesn't make any sense.
I'm guessing all the talk about playing outside the B10 is solely for the purpose of trying to influence decisions. they dont believe it will happen. But if saying it has any chance at all in influencing decisions then they will say whatever it takes. These coaches say a whole bunch of stuff in recruiting they know isnt completely true when they say it. But they say it anyway because they hope it influences someone. This isnt the first time or the last time these coaches will say things they know probably won't happen or aren't necessarily true
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OTOH - Joel Klatt, a CU Grad, was on the Big Ten Network yesterday - following Frost's remarks - making an equally impassioned plea to play the season. He echoed many of Frost's comments, and expressed his concern about athletes falling victim to substance abuse and mental illness if they miss out on the structure of college football and the student-athlete experience.
It's 100% in their best interest for college football to be played. Job security is a fickle thing when you're in the sports world without sports.
Count me among those who think this kind of national criticism of Frost is a big plus for Nebraska. The more heat jerks like these two asshats bring to bear the more it makes Frost, and Nebraska, look like heroes to any young athlete out there who has a passion for football. It also highlights in a huge way that recruits will notice how important football is to Nebraskans.
Reece and Howard obviously aren't fans of playing the long game because the brilliance of the conference-wide pushback is that it implies arbitration even if the teams don't play.

The word sue is being thrown around, but the teams void the right to sue the conference when they join it and also void the right to file a collective class action lawsuit. What they can do is individually file grievances declaring that the conference owes them money ($120MM in Nebraska's case) for cancelation and restriction and allow an arbitrator to review their cases. I doubt any team would get its maximum request, but it would circumvent the conference's power as the only authority....and likely bring several millions of dollars back to each university.
Warren has never publicly stated his opinion on the matter. Secondly, its absolutely terrible form to make a big spectacle last Tuesday announcing the big ten only schedule, only to back track a week later. It doesn't make any sense.

Just last week Warren was being derided for NOT releasing a schedule