Ranking HC job positions in the B1G

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Originally posted by HawktimusPrime:

Maybe, but consider OSU, PSU, and Michigan as having 100,000+seating in their stadium. Elite funding, huge student support, etc. etc. None of these stadiums have had less than 95,000 in their stadiums anytime recently. They have all been successful.

They also have to deal with multiple in-state D-1 Universities and professional teams. Yet they still trump everyone else in all these things listed. Now success is one thing you have going for you, but they have all three been more successful in actual accomplishments for a decade and a half now. Penn State, like it or not, is going to rise back up.

Also, like I said before. MSU and Wiscy are now both starting to full realize their potential. They are monsters in the making and they have the credentials to prove it.

I'm not trying to cut on you, I'm just telling you how it is. If anything there is an almost too close too call debate going on here.
So congrats on a big stadium, that don't sell out on a yearly basis. Nebraska has elite funding as well, funding that doesn't rely on tax payers. Not bad for a smaller school (B1G standard of this response) with 1.75M state population.

They also have (Michigan) 5x the state population, and (Ohio State / Penn State) 6x the state population not to mention border areas that trump anything Nebraska has. Michigan has Ohio and Indiana right there, while Ohio State is the top school in the country with more population within 500 miles.

Penn State is going to rise back up to what? The 1910's or the 1980's?
I've heard about Penn State rising back up since they've joined the B1G and here we are in 2015, and I read the exact same thing.

With all those students, and a state population, Michigan ran this promotion (yes, I said promotion, what an embarrassment) in 2014
Originally posted by litespeedhuskerfan:
I just got back to my office but will look this over and post back by tomorrow. Reasonable debates always welcome...
Gil Brandt is the one that said Bielema turned down the NU job. Not exactly the pathological liar off SNL, "ya, ya, that's the ticket".

On to the topic at hand. Outside of Ohio State, you can argue all kinds of subjective things to get a pecking order. And it will boil down to opinion. Personally, I think the HC at Michigan would be ranked higher. They definitely shelled out the cash for Harbaugh. If having the police turn a blind eye is one of the considerations then Penn St would definitely score high on that mark, but still not a better job in my opinion.

NU and Wisconsin are probably about the same in my book. So here's my completely subjective list: OSU, Mich, NU/Wisky, PSU.

But, since we have some metrics to judge:

Which program provides the most support? None seem to lacking.

Which program has access to the best players? Did I wake up and it's 1930?

Which program has proven it can succeed at a higher level over time? Pick your time frame to define success.

Which program has the most pressure to win? All these teams expect to do well, with consequences for failure. I inadvertently left out MSU, but would rank them below PSU. They've only had recent success.
This post was edited on 4/14 2:11 PM by nebcountry
Originally posted by HawktimusPrime:

Originally posted by Hoosker Du:

Penn State's record isn't anywhere close to being as successful as Nebraska over the last decade and a half. Seriously man, do some research before you post.

Penn St.-113-71

Our funding is on par with anyone in the B1G, other than Ohio State. And who gives a f*ck about student support? Can students pay $5,000 for each ticket (plus donation) each year? Regardless, our student support is as good as any team in the B1G.

The beauty of Nebraska is that our entire state is behind the program. Our entire state supports them as opposed to splintered fan support.
Penn State went to 2 BCS games and won two conference titles in the past decade. This on top of the Sandusky scandal, which they should still be suffering for by the way. Records mean squat if they don't actually lead somewhere. That's a fact, and I hate defending those cretins, but it is what it is.

Student support is as important as ANY support. It is also the place from where most of the donations in the future will come from. More students, more money, it's simple. Boosters, Alumni, are the life blood of a program and that's a fact. They are almost always former students in the majority of their numbers.

Yes, you do have statewide support. I'll agree with that. But I'm a realist, and you know why you have that type of support. It's an advantage that many schools do not have.

This post was edited on 4/14 1:24 PM by HawktimusPrime
And we played in a national title game, so playing in 2 BCS games is nice, but doesn't compare.

Listen, we've been filling our stadium for over 50 years. The only way it will end is if we take a complete nose-dive for multiple seasons in a row, and that simply isn't going to happen, because we will always open our pocketbooks to get a better coaching staff if need be. And we will always be on the cutting edge of facilities and research.

When you have 5 national championship trophies, whether you want to believe it or not, it does make a difference in recruiting. It also makes a difference when you have 3 Heisman trophy winners, multiple Lombardi and Outland winners, and multiple All Americans. You can frame these award winners so they are impactful to this generation and generations to come. You just have to know how to market the program.

Our population isn't decreasing, so I think we're going to be fine on the financial side for quite some time. And we aren't adding a D1 university anytime soon, so again, we will be able to support any facility upgrades that will be needed...which aren't at the present time.
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:

Originally posted by HawktimusPrime:

Maybe, but consider OSU, PSU, and Michigan as having 100,000+seating in their stadium. Elite funding, huge student support, etc. etc. None of these stadiums have had less than 95,000 in their stadiums anytime recently. They have all been successful.

They also have to deal with multiple in-state D-1 Universities and professional teams. Yet they still trump everyone else in all these things listed. Now success is one thing you have going for you, but they have all three been more successful in actual accomplishments for a decade and a half now. Penn State, like it or not, is going to rise back up.

Also, like I said before. MSU and Wiscy are now both starting to full realize their potential. They are monsters in the making and they have the credentials to prove it.

I'm not trying to cut on you, I'm just telling you how it is. If anything there is an almost too close too call debate going on here.
So congrats on a big stadium, that don't sell out on a yearly basis. Nebraska has elite funding as well, funding that doesn't rely on tax payers. Not bad for a smaller school (B1G standard of this response) with 1.75M state population.

They also have (Michigan) 5x the state population, and (Ohio State / Penn State) 6x the state population not to mention border areas that trump anything Nebraska has. Michigan has Ohio and Indiana right there, while Ohio State is the top school in the country with more population within 500 miles.

Penn State is going to rise back up to what? The 1910's or the 1980's?
I've heard about Penn State rising back up since they've joined the B1G and here we are in 2015, and I read the exact same thing.

With all those students, and a state population, Michigan ran this promotion (yes, I said promotion, what an embarrassment) in 2014
Yeah, but they put a limit of 2 free tickets!
Wow, those aren't even 2 liter bottle purchases.
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:
Originally posted by BringBackRoyal:
LOL. The rest of the differences are absolutely trivial compared to this one. No one but Husker fans would think NU is a better job than Michigan (or tOSU or Penn State). Laughable.
Based on the questions asked....

Which program provides the most support? One has to define the question to answer it.

Which program has access to the best players? Michigan > Nebraska, if the question is in-state or border state talent. If it's access as in access, Nebraska can go anywhere Michigan and any other school in the country can go.

Which program has proven it can succeed at a higher level over time? Nebraska > Michigan. Since the invention of the color television, Michigan has one (shared) national title. Nebraska has five (one shared). Higher level is plain and sim

Which program has the most pressure to win? Nebraska > Michigan. Frank Solich and Bo Pelini are the only 4 words needed to support this fact.
You could have saved yourself the time you spent writing this useless post if you had read mine. Again, as determinants of present-day job desirability, all the other factors are trivial in comparison to Michigan's built-in recruiting advantages.
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:
One more thing, just to be clear.

With the questions asked within the article, all questions seem to be asked evenly. As in, one doesn't outweigh the other, they're equal. Because of this, one needs to answer the questions independently of the others. Once you do this, see what school ranks where and if you still have Nebraska as low as the article does, or think other schools have it better than Nebraska, I'm not sure what to say outside of everyone has an opinion...
Good grief, that's absurd.

There's no suggestion whatsoever that questions are to be given any predetermined weight relative to each other. There's no suggestion that voters were even asked to consider those specific questions in determining their rankings. Even if they were, their goal is simply to answer the question of which HC jobs they view as more desirable than others, not to adhere to some imaginary prescribed weighting of the questions before arriving at their answer. The questions merely point to factors that anyone would consider when ranking the positions -- nothing more than that.
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:
We heard plenty of backlash over Solich, as he represented our school, state and program with class. Unless you forgot, there was an overwhelming show of support all over the country when Pelini was fired. Very, very few - and I say less than a handful - was against the Pelini firing.

I will never downplay the importance of recruiting, ever. I've said all B1G schools trump Nebraska with in-state and border state talent. That's pretty clear. Nebraska has been at this disadvantage for decades, and has more success than any other B1G school not named Ohio State.

Harbaugh is an alum, let's not overplay Michigan hiring him. And you don't know if Nebraska could've landed him or not.

Franklin, seriously?!? Name all the schools that went after Franklin and he turned them down. Matter of fact, Franklin wasn't even the first choice of Pedophile State, that would go to Al Golden.

This post was edited on 4/14 7:07 AM by HuskerTimOmaha

Totally wrong. PSU never even offered Golden. Franklin was the only coach that was offered. Golden's agent confirmed he was never offered. If he was offered he would have left Miami.
This post was edited on 4/14 4:12 PM by sputnick3
Considering the article claims, "These are all the questions head coaches must ask themselves when deciding to accept a job or not." it's more than safe to assume all questions were asked and are equal.

It's alright though, it must sting knowing "all the advantages" Texas has and still can't match the accomplishments of Nebraska. Just like Michigan, Penn State and every other school not named Alabama, Oklahoma, Ohio State and USC.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by nebcountry:
Originally posted by litespeedhuskerfan:
I just got back to my office but will look this over and post back by tomorrow. Reasonable debates always welcome...
Gil Brandt is the one that said Bielema turned down the NU job. Not exactly the pathological liar off SNL, "ya, ya, that's the ticket".
It doesn't matter who said it, it contradicts plenty of other stories about the timeline of the Mike Riley hiring. The whole Bret Bielema rumor happened on Wednesday of that week, a time when many other reports indicate we had already hired Riley. Unless you think Shawn Eichorst and all of the other people who have given timelines of the events are lying, the Bielema thing never happened.
Felt like I was doing a homework assignment on why my favorite school isn't as good of a place to coach as some other schools and it made me feel a little awkward, but I said I would, so here goes. It also looks like a lot of other people share the same opinion, so it must be (at the very least) a reasonable opinion, but for the record I hope I'm wrong. I hope most top flight coaches feel like NU is the second best place to go coach in the B1G, but I'm pretty sure they don't.

That article spawned a general discussion, but you seem hell bent on keeping the context of the discussion within the framework of the article. Others, as well as myself, expanded our train of thought outside the article and just started talking about the situation in general, because this is a message board and that's what we do. It was a thought provoking article and looks like plenty of people agreed with it.

I have no idea if the author meant to imply all question were weighted equal, that seems dumb to me because a few of those are really important, more-so than the others. I wonder if you came to a conclusion not shared by him. Frankly, I don't care if he meant it that way. No top flight coach thinking about taking a top flight job would agree all those questions are of equal importance. If you wish to think he meant it that way, we will never agree on that.

Without further delay….

Which program provides the most support?[/I][/B] What's your definition of "support" B1G had 4 of the top 10 paid CFB head coaches in all of America, and NU isn't one of them. We are 24th….Hmmmm. Iowa, Penn State, Ohio State, and Michigan State all pay more. Is it private planes? NU depends on an individual company to loan them, is that correct? Michigan State leases planes for the purpose of their head football coach to use, with state money no less, which came under fire. Skirting rules for your coach could be considered wonderful support, see Ped State and the way they swept molestation under their rug (must have a huge lump under that rug). Hargod got 25 hours of personal use written into his contract with their school's plane, how many did MR get? That's just personal use. Looks like all the schools being talked about get all the airplane time they want, even if I am wrong on how NU coaches get their planes, they all get them. Is "support" proper time to get the program rolling? Hell, Iowa is still employing KF, talk about time. Michigan kept a few coaches around too long. Is it sell-outs? NU had a considerably smaller stadium than several of the other schools being talked about forever. Of course it's easier to sell out a smaller stadium in a state with no other team to cheer for.

Which program has access to the best players?[/I][/B] This is the biggest most single important thing all coaches are going to consider. Don't care about "the article". Any top flight coach is going to look at this first, and we know NU isn't at or near the top. It matters, more than anything else.

Which program has proven it can succeed at a higher level over time?[/I][/B]

NU hasn't been relevant since that fateful day in October 2001 in Boulder. So maybe we can't for all we know. Things have changed since the 90's, and 15 years is a long time to be average, or flat our sucky (see Callahan years).

Which program has the most pressure to win?[/I][/B] Well we know this one isn't Iowa (sorry Iowa). Somebody else pointed out and I piggybacked off it earlier already, Ped State swept molestation under the rug, I wonder if somebody felt pressure to keep their football program rolling and that's why they did it? Personally, I think the pressure is pretty equal across the board to win at all the schools being talked about. Michigan has burned through 3 coaches recently before landing Hargod, and they didn't all suck. Carr 122-40, 5 B1G titles. Do we really think he just stepped down? Many feel he was told to do so.

So there you have it. 25 minutes of typing a some research, and none of it changed my mind. I still say, if all the top flight coaches in America were out of a job tomorrow and the B1G had to fill their jobs first, and they all had their pick of jobs in the B1G, I think the article is pretty accurate. Hope I'm wrong, but I also can't help but think back to when Peadyshine was looking for a new coach, how many people told us no before he landed Callahan?
I had made mention of Franklin and thinking he was a fairly coveted HC before taking the PSU job and I think you disagreed with it. Just a few minutes research shows I may have been correct. From the first article I found "Franklin, a Pennsylvania native, has become one of the hottest coaching names with his success with the Commodores, winning 24 games over the past three seasons" ESPN. Seems like I also remember the ESPN crew talking about him moving on for quite some time before he actually did. Whether or not he was offered any other job doesn't mean he wasn't coveted or highly thought of. I think he was, and my research shows this. Fox Sports..."James Franklin turned Vanderbilt into a winner - and turned himself into one of the nation's hottest coaching names". You also stated Carroll was one of hotter coaching names to come along in a while and that isn't how I remember it. Seems like Carrol was a NFL washout who was USC's 4th or 5th choice. He wasn't a big name until his time with USC.
I knew you'd fall for it lite. Of course it felt like a homework assignment, you're a casual fan that doesn't pay close enough attention to have answers readily available.

You see, you claim access to the best players is the "biggest most single important thing". That's awesome except, when it comes to providing the most support (previous question), you don't mention recruiting budget. That's not a coincidence as what it does is prove you're not as smart as you think you are on this. Instead, you work real hard to tunnel vision an answer.
Support isn't academic related? Support isn't recruiting budget? (since surrounding talent is the "biggest most single important thing")Support isn't 50 years of home sellouts instead of free tickets via a Coca-Cola promotion? Support isn't 20,000 fans at a regular season away game? Support isn't life after football?

No, support is only the money spent on head coaches and personal use of private jets. Why is that? Because, that's all you could come up with, without making excuses to downplay the support Nebraska has. FTR, Mike Riley turned down having personal use to private jets, and he did the same thing with the standard golf club membership. Pelini had both, and neither are important to Mike Riley.

Nebraska has never been top 25 in head coach pay. However, Nebraska has top 5 results, over a very long period of time. So while you think head coach salary means so much, all it does is show sloppy spending. See Ferentz, Rodriguez, Hoke and O'Brien as prime examples. All that money, and three coaches are no longer there while the fourth is on the very of hottest seats...


Access to recruiting, already agreed it's #1. However, with that said it's not the separator you believe it is. Why? Because, all schools in Florida, Texas and California trump Michigan and Penn State. However, if access to recruiting was all that and a bag of chips, and so far ahead of everything else - all schools in recruiting hot beds would trump Nebraska. Except, not all schools do trump Nebraska. Florida schools struggle, California schools struggle and Texas schools struggle.

Why do they struggle? Because, not all schools in those areas have what Nebraska has. But, according to you - access to the best players is the single most important thing - well, I expect schools in the hot beds to have way more success. Cherry picking


Relevant over time...

You choose 2001, and stop. One would think "over time" means more than the last 13 seasons, but that's just me.


Pressure to win. Let me know of the schools that fired two 9-10 win coaches in a 11-year period. Penn State hasn't done it, Michigan hasn't done it, Iowa hasn't done it, Wisconsin hasn't done it. Matter of fact, very few schools have done it. I don't see the same as your Pedophile State comment as pressure to win, and don't feel like rehashing my thoughts on that piece of shit school.
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:
I knew you'd fall for it lite. Of course it felt like a homework assignment, you're a casual fan that doesn't pay close enough attention to have answers readily available.

You lost me after that. Yes, it took me 25 minutes because I am not an encyclopedia and football isn't the most import thing in my life. I like it a lot, but it doesn't even make my top 5. You suggested I use Google, then poke fun of me for doing it. Whaveter. I think I am right, you haven't changed my mind, and I don't care if I change yours. If you wish to have a friendly debate going forward don't talk down to me or suggest I do something only to use it against me. I have spent all the time on this subject I am comfortable with, and in the end I hope you're right. Don't think so, but I hope so.
Actually your research on Franklin doesn't show he was highly coveted. To prove he was coveted, one would have to list the schools he turned down to stay at Vanderbilt prior to moving on to Pedophile State. This should be really simple since he was highly coveted. Mike Riley wasn't highly coveted and a quick search results in Alabama and USC (both blue blood programs) wanting him as head coach. You see, this should be really, really, really easy for you to prove me wrong.

Pete Carroll is the hottest name in all of football, not talking about prior to USC. If that's the case, you'd have to use the same guidelines for Franklin as you're trying to with Carroll (pre USC). How do I know Carroll is the hottest name? Because, he's the (tied) highest paid coach in the NFL with an $8,000,000 salary. And head coach salary is extremely important, see your previous post(s) as proof.

Now, back to Franklin, while at Vanderbilt....
USC had an opening, did they offer Franklin? Nope.Texas had an opening, did they offer Franklin? Possibly, took Charlie Strong insteadAuburn had an opening, did they offer Franklin? Nope.Tennessee had an opening, did they offer Franklin? Nope.Wisconsin had an opening, did they offer Franklin? Nope.
What other big name schools had openings and didn't offer Franklin? Heck, forget about offering him, just tell me what schools he interviewed with while at Vanderbilt (I gave you the one answer but go ahead and research it).
Originally posted by litespeedhuskerfan:

You lost me after that. Yes, it took me 25 minutes because I am not an encyclopedia and football isn't the most import thing in my life. I like it a lot, but it doesn't even make my top 5. You suggested I use Google, then poke fun of me for doing it. Whaveter. I think I am right, you haven't changed my mind, and I don't care if I change yours. If you wish to have a friendly debate going forward don't talk down to me or suggest I do something only to use it against me. I have spent all the time on this subject I am comfortable with, and in the end I hope you're right. Don't think so, but I hope so.
Of course I lost you, that's not an earth shattering comment. Of course I suggested you use Google, it wasn't a friendly gesture though. I poked fun at you prior to your lengthy response, you didn't catch it.

Sure you think you're right, you don't know any better. My lengthy response speaks volume, and you choose to back out, for a reason that's pretty obvious.
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:
Actually your research on Franklin doesn't show he was highly coveted. To prove he was coveted, one would have to list the schools he turned down to stay at Vanderbilt prior to moving on to Pedophile State. This should be really simple since he was highly coveted. Mike Riley wasn't highly coveted and a quick search results in Alabama and USC (both blue blood programs) wanting him as head coach. You see, this should be really, really, really easy for you to prove me wrong.

Pete Carroll is the hottest name in all of football, not talking about prior to USC. If that's the case, you'd have to use the same guidelines for Franklin as you're trying to with Carroll (pre USC). How do I know Carroll is the hottest name? Because, he's the (tied) highest paid coach in the NFL with an $8,000,000 salary. And head coach salary is extremely important, see your previous post(s) as proof.

Now, back to Franklin, while at Vanderbilt....

USC had an opening, did they offer Franklin? Nope.
Texas had an opening, did they offer Franklin? Possibly, took Charlie Strong instead
Auburn had an opening, did they offer Franklin? Nope.
Tennessee had an opening, did they offer Franklin? Nope.
Wisconsin had an opening, did they offer Franklin? Nope.
What other big name schools had openings and didn't offer Franklin? Heck, forget about offering him, just tell me what schools he interviewed with while at Vanderbilt (I gave you the one answer but go ahead and research it).
You take this stuff very seriously don't you buddy. I noticed the comment about being a casual fan, as if that was a sort of insult you threw Lites way. It really wasn't an insult, but you see it as that don't you?

Everyone has hobbies outside of football really. Some like to shoot guns, some REALLY like to fish, some like to play metal guitars, some like baseball, some like to go on roadtrips with their neighbors, some like to shoot guns and ride motorcycles.

Either way, I just have noticed that you take this really seriously. NTTIAWWT. Pete Carroll is pretty amazing as a coach though, I have to admit.
It will be nice if Riley and staff can shatter the notion that Nebraska can't be a recruiting power. If you can get kids to go to places like Ann Arbor, Tuscaloosa and Eugene, you can get them to go to Lincoln.

I'm sick of this idea that other college towns are any less crappy and boring than Lincoln. For most kids it's really not about the geography.
Originally posted by HawktimusPrime:

You take this stuff very seriously don't you buddy. I noticed the comment about being a casual fan, as if that was a sort of insult you threw Lites way. It really wasn't an insult, but you see it as that don't you?

Everyone has hobbies outside of football really. Some like to shoot guns, some REALLY like to fish, some like to play metal guitars, some like baseball, some like to go on roadtrips with their neighbors, some like to shoot guns and ride motorcycles.

Either way, I just have noticed that you take this really seriously. NTTIAWWT. Pete Carroll is pretty amazing as a coach though, I have to admit.
There's no buddy between us. I'm a huge fanatic of sports, and well, this is a Husker sports message board so yeah, I'm more than interested in discussing something that interests me.

You won't see me discussing fishing, metal guitars, shooting guns, riding motorcycles or swinging on a road trip with the neighbors. I will however discuss something I'm passionate about, such as college football.

Then don't engage me, it's that simple.
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:

Originally posted by HawktimusPrime:

You take this stuff very seriously don't you buddy. I noticed the comment about being a casual fan, as if that was a sort of insult you threw Lites way. It really wasn't an insult, but you see it as that don't you?

Everyone has hobbies outside of football really. Some like to shoot guns, some REALLY like to fish, some like to play metal guitars, some like baseball, some like to go on roadtrips with their neighbors, some like to shoot guns and ride motorcycles.

Either way, I just have noticed that you take this really seriously. NTTIAWWT. Pete Carroll is pretty amazing as a coach though, I have to admit.
There's no buddy between us. I'm a huge fanatic of sports, and well, this is a Husker sports message board so yeah, I'm more than interested in discussing something that interests me.

You won't see me discussing fishing, metal guitars, shooting guns, riding motorcycles or swinging on a road trip with the neighbors. I will however discuss something I'm passionate about, such as college football.

Then don't engage me, it's that simple.
Well, that's not a very polite response. You do have fire, I'll give you that. So do I,.... If you really want to have a discussion, no holds barred, come look me up on the Hawkeye board. I'm allowed to unleash there. Or a neutral court of your choosing.

I'll play nice here, because you guys are usually good for talking football. Show me you can talk tough when on a neutral site and I'll respect your view.

Until then, I'll speak with others. Good day Tim:)

Personally, I think we are all part of a fine conference, and we should all be proud, regardless where articles tell us where our teams lie in the heirarchy in any subject.
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:
Originally posted by HawktimusPrime:

You take this stuff very seriously don't you buddy. I noticed the comment about being a casual fan, as if that was a sort of insult you threw Lites way. It really wasn't an insult, but you see it as that don't you?

Everyone has hobbies outside of football really. Some like to shoot guns, some REALLY like to fish, some like to play metal guitars, some like baseball, some like to go on roadtrips with their neighbors, some like to shoot guns and ride motorcycles.

Either way, I just have noticed that you take this really seriously. NTTIAWWT. Pete Carroll is pretty amazing as a coach though, I have to admit.
There's no buddy between us. I'm a huge fanatic of sports, and well, this is a Husker sports message board so yeah, I'm more than interested in discussing something that interests me.

You won't see me discussing fishing, metal guitars, shooting guns, riding motorcycles or swinging on a road trip with the neighbors. I will however discuss something I'm passionate about, such as college football.

Then don't engage me, it's that simple.
He will talk about his basement. Ask him about his basement.
Originally posted by HawktimusPrime:

Well, that's not a very polite response. You do have fire, I'll give you that. So do I,.... If you really want to have a discussion, no holds barred, come look me up on the Hawkeye board. I'm allowed to unleash there. Or a neutral court of your choosing.

I'll play nice here, because you guys are usually good for talking football. Show me you can talk tough when on a neutral site and I'll respect your view.

Until then, I'll speak with others. Good day Tim:)

Personally, I think we are all part of a fine conference, and we should all be proud, regardless where articles tell us where our teams lie in the heirarchy in any subject.
Not everyone gets a ribbon. "Unleash" here, I'm game for any debate regarding college football or another sport I follow and have great interest for. For the other subjects you mentioned, have fun on the Io_a site.

There's no talking tough going on, it's a fact that litespeed is a casual fan, he stated it himself. You disagree with anything I state then state it with your reasons. If not, since I'm a "tough talker", GTFO.
Originally posted by TheBeav815:

Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:

Originally posted by HawktimusPrime:

You take this stuff very seriously don't you buddy. I noticed the comment about being a casual fan, as if that was a sort of insult you threw Lites way. It really wasn't an insult, but you see it as that don't you?

Everyone has hobbies outside of football really. Some like to shoot guns, some REALLY like to fish, some like to play metal guitars, some like baseball, some like to go on roadtrips with their neighbors, some like to shoot guns and ride motorcycles.

Either way, I just have noticed that you take this really seriously. NTTIAWWT. Pete Carroll is pretty amazing as a coach though, I have to admit.
There's no buddy between us. I'm a huge fanatic of sports, and well, this is a Husker sports message board so yeah, I'm more than interested in discussing something that interests me.

You won't see me discussing fishing, metal guitars, shooting guns, riding motorcycles or swinging on a road trip with the neighbors. I will however discuss something I'm passionate about, such as college football.

Then don't engage me, it's that simple.
He will talk about his basement. Ask him about his basement.
I know all about his basement, it's quite nice. Dual 50 inch screens, Husker decoration, bar, etc. I have something very similar, though it's above ground.
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:

Originally posted by HawktimusPrime:

Well, that's not a very polite response. You do have fire, I'll give you that. So do I,.... If you really want to have a discussion, no holds barred, come look me up on the Hawkeye board. I'm allowed to unleash there. Or a neutral court of your choosing.

I'll play nice here, because you guys are usually good for talking football. Show me you can talk tough when on a neutral site and I'll respect your view.

Until then, I'll speak with others. Good day Tim:)

Personally, I think we are all part of a fine conference, and we should all be proud, regardless where articles tell us where our teams lie in the heirarchy in any subject.
Not everyone gets a ribbon. "Unleash" here, I'm game for any debate regarding college football or another sport I follow and have great interest for. For the other subjects you mentioned, have fun on the Io_a site.

There's no talking tough going on, it's a fact that litespeed is a casual fan, he stated it himself. You disagree with anything I state then state it with your reasons. If not, since I'm a "tough talker", GTFO.
I accept your surrender. Put the W back HTO, we've been winning plenty.
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:
Originally posted by TheBeav815:

He will talk about his basement. Ask him about his basement.
Jim Rome you're not.
Are you positive about this? Because it's an area of great confusion for me. I very often think to myself, " I some guy nobody has ever heard of who lives in the suburbs of Chicago with a desk job that's a little hard to explain, or am I a nationally syndicated sports talk show host who lives in California?"

Besides, I'm only stating a fact. You like that basement. Sounds like it's a nice basement. It would be wasted on me, I never think to invite people over until the very last minute.
Originally posted by HawktimusPrime:

I accept your surrender. Put the W back HTO, we've been winning plenty.
Typical recycled answer, can't counter a thing and claims victory. Well, that's more than your football team can do.
Originally posted by HuskerTimOmaha:
I'm more than positive.
Really appreciate the candid feedback. You have NO IDEA how much this will increase my efficiency at work now that I know I don't have to divide my time between my regular tasks and trying to hire a team of writers to crank out sports "takes" that I can read on-air. It's so much work making sure they sprinkle in those token, show-specific words so that they sound like original thoughts.

You know what, you really are more than positive, because you make the world a better place!
You take this place way to serious. You should spend some time off here and with your kid in an attempt to be a better Father. Zing, see we can all throw around little funny man insults.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Actually tim I picked up on your prior poking fun of me earlier, I just chose to be more mature than you and dismissed it because it isn't important to me to win the Internet, I think it's much more important to you. I am able to enjoy a friendly debate, you always revert back to your condescending ways, it just took you a little longer this time, but you got there. Not only do I think I'm right, still, I think your totally freaking nuts wrong, not just sorta wrong, and you digging in your heels on a subjective subject plenty of people seem to disagree with you about makes you look kind of weird. Like your opinion is any more valuable than mine? I think not. I think the disconnect here is you place your opinions and place in life above everyone else's, as if a casual fan is less of a person or their opinion means less, what a stupid thing to say. Expected from you, but stupid.
Originally posted by 4.6.3:
You take this place way to serious. You should spend some time off here and with your kid in an attempt to be a better Father. Zing, see we can all throw around little funny man insults.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
See, Tim and I do the back and forth every now and again. One of us takes a little crack at the other, we have our little exchange, and ultimately it's no big deal. We don't interact in "real life" but I could have a beer and a burger with the guy and we'd be just fine even though he likes to stir it up on here and I like to troll him sometimes. We keep it civil, even if it's dumb.

But you're a special one. You come flying in from the side like that friend who just sucker punches somebody who isn't even looking because his buddy was having some words with the guy. You don't care about context, you just want an excuse to throw a haymaker.

You can't get to me, even trying to take a full broadside like that. I just look at guys like you strangely because you're that guy who wants to play the game everyone else is playing, but you don't understand the rules or the strategy.

...and no, you can't do "funny man" anything. That much is clear. You seem to have one and only one talent, and that's starting fights.
This post was edited on 4/15 11:28 AM by TheBeav815
Start a fight? On the internet? I was just having a discussion with you. See, you throw a jab at me, and I come back and point out your kid in a broken family because daddy can't be there enough. That's ok, right? Or is it just when you insult others personal lives? I am admittedly confused. I will leave you to your expertise in the matter. It's no big deal, right? Just friendly jabs on the interwebs. Hahahaha chuckle chuckle chuckle.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by 4.6.3:
Start a fight? On the internet? I was just having a discussion with you. See, you throw a jab at me, and I come back and point out your kid in a broken family because daddy can't be there enough. That's ok, right? Or is it just when you insult others personal lives? I am admittedly confused. I will leave you to your expertise in the matter. It's no big deal, right? Just friendly jabs on the interwebs. Hahahaha chuckle chuckle chuckle.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Let's see if I follow you here. Let's just climb inside that mind of yours and hope to GOD nobody pulls the rope up and leaves me stuck there.

So in your world, these two things are the same:

1) Pointing out that a guy has talked about the work he's done on his basement
2) Making "broken family" cracks

You're doing an excellent job of proving me right. Do you do this in other walks of life? Like if you hear a coworker complain about a rude customer, do you go beat the customer with a tire iron and then come back to your coworker like, "Hey, you know that guy who was short with you? I gave him a traumatic brain injury for you. See? I can be rude, too!"
Ah yes, my condescending way, which is exactly what you just did. And have done before, but let's look past it.

It's alright lite, I knew you couldn't counter a thing, Google doesn't help with that.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I get it Beav, I really do. It's ok for you to jump in every thread and throw insults like "try and volunteer and do good in society". All while hiding behind a sad need to attempt humor. I understand now you were not loved enough as a child, maybe that's why you are on a path to repeat it with your son. But I am no doctor, I will leave those types of conclusions to you the expert on internet board behavior. Keep chiming in thread after thread with your jokes. Or, you know, go take your kid to lunch or something more valuable to his needs in society.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
It's a completely subjective article with completely subjective can there be so much right and wrong here? W's in the fall are the only thing that matters.....not what some no name Volunteer grad thinks.
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