Please no

it speaks to a bigger issue overall about the culture of Nebraska fans. We haven't even started winning yet and a large subset of fans are already concerned with whether or not we're going to be the appropriate level of excited, because god forbid we become known as anything other than the nicest fans in the country.
literally not a single person is making this argument

we are a 7.5 point favorite on Saturday, which functionally eliminates the option of storming the field

unless, of course, you're a brainlet who completely ignores the context
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not a single person, yet here you are making it for the 4th or 5th time.
I'm not saying don't be excited. crowd is going to be wild on Sat. can't wait.

I'm simply posting 1+1=2 level stuff, bud.

it's hilarious how many - you included - simply cannot grasp it.
I'm not saying don't be excited. crowd is going to be wild on Sat. can't wait.
whether or not we're going to be the appropriate level of excited
me neither, level being the operative word

drunk college kids want to storm the field because they haven't seen Nebraska beat Colorado since they were nearly toddlers? who cares?

you're welcome to excitedly crack open an extra diet coke and chortle thrice in celebration
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Well, it would seem that the perception of the smart enough college kids, after experiencing a game, is what matters.

Like I said to each his own. I just wanna win the game. The fact that we are having a multiple page discussion about whether we should rush the field in itself is probably not good. I always thought things like that were sacred. Again maybe I just read it wrong all these years or somewhere along the line it changed and I just missed it.

It's all good though. I won't be there so my opinion really doesn't matter. I can only speak for myself. I just don't see how it's actually a "thing".

I say beat them MOFOs 1992 "we back" style and celebrate with your fans and the team and coaches and keep it moving. But that's just how I see biggie

Like I said to each his own. I just wanna win the game. The fact that we are having a multiple page discussion about whether we should rush the field in itself is probably not good. I always thought things like that were sacred. Again maybe I just read it wrong all these years or somewhere along the line it changed and I just missed it.

It's all good though. I won't be there so my opinion really doesn't matter. I can only speak for myself. I just don't see how it's actually a "thing".

I say beat them MOFOs 1992 "we back" style and celebrate with your fans and the team and coaches and keep it moving. But that's just how I see biggie

In the era of softness and participation trophies it might seem acceptable , well that and being great a
distant memory ....tales of old type of stuff. It's not . The Buffs don't get that kinda respect from me. Nobody has to me, except Oklahoma back in the day.
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In the era of softness and participation trophies it might seem acceptable , well that and being great a
distant memory ....tales of old type of stuff. It's not . The Buffs don't get that kinda respect from me. Nobody has to me, except Oklahoma back in the day.

Especially not this version of CU. I'm with you. I think we are just so starved for something good to happen to the program that we just wanna win and celebrate. Imntrying to wrap my head around it. Maybe I'm just too old lol.

You heard the story about the man who was starving? Long story short he didn't eat anything for days and finally when he got a chance to eat something it was a Ritz cracker. At THAT particular time that Ritz cracker probably tasted like a medium rare porterhouse. O guess in this scenario Colorado is our Ritz cracker lol.

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Like I said to each his own. I just wanna win the game. The fact that we are having a multiple page discussion about whether we should rush the field in itself is probably not good. I always thought things like that were sacred. Again maybe I just read it wrong all these years or somewhere along the line it changed and I just missed it.

It's all good though. I won't be there so my opinion really doesn't matter. I can only speak for myself. I just don't see how it's actually a "thing".

I say beat them MOFOs 1992 "we back" style and celebrate with your fans and the team and coaches and keep it moving. But that's just how I see biggie

You didn’t read anything wrong. You not being there doesn’t have anything to do with it. It would be utterly lame to storm, don’t care how hammered the college students are. I would laugh at any fan base that stormed the field after beating CO. I guess I can laugh at us if it happens, and take the W.
Especially not this version of CU. I'm with you. I think we are just so starved for something good to happen to the program that we just wanna win and celebrate. Imntrying to wrap my head around it. Maybe I'm just too old lol.

You heard the story about the man who was starving? Long story short he didn't eat anything for days and finally when he got a chance to eat something it was a Ritz cracker. At THAT particular time that Ritz cracker probably tasted like a medium rare porterhouse. O guess in this scenario Colorado is our Ritz cracker lol.

You're not too old, it's the flat out starving fanbase that must come to grips with keeping it's fragile dignity.
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The more I read, the more I start to feel like this team it’s not ours anymore, so to speak. I feel as we get older and the next generation of college kids go through their time together being fans of Nebraska, they should be able to do what feels right for them. If they want to storm the field, this is their time, let them.

We grew up where Nebraska winning games was a common theme, I just hope they get a chance to witness that like I did growing up.
This is a great post. Too many comments in this thread have a Muppets two old guys in the balcony vibe. The college kids in the stands tomorrow-- most of those kids have probably not attended a home game where there was an emotional win. Let them have their moment for once.

And if this program finally beats Colorado and some fans do storm the field, I'll try to avoid any new threads that lament how the program has fallen to an all new level because that those opinions are simply ridiculous. Heaven forbid that we beat Neon Deon and our 4/5 star recruits see a rabid fan base making noise for 4 quarters and then storming the field.
It is what it is. I saw the same damn thing. They stormed the field. I have a feeling this may get contagious.
Watching them on the field I got the sense they thought it was like storming a basketball court. And then I realized basketball probably has more big wins then football. So it makes more sense. That needs to change.
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Watching them on the field I got the sense they thought it was like storming a basketball court. And then I realized basketball probably has more big wins then football. So it makes more sense. That needs to change.
Hell, those kids got to the game two hours early and their enthusiasm really made a difference. Whatever great success happened at NU 10 years before those kids were even born has zero relevance to them. Let them have some fun.
I was shocked to see them on the field. The 2nd half that place was dead. The energy was just sucked from the building with the mediocre play. Walking back to the car you might not have realized we won the game
It was super quiet. 1st half was amazing but after was not so much
I was shocked to see them on the field. The 2nd half that place was dead. The energy was just sucked from the building with the mediocre play. Walking back to the car you might not have realized we won the game
It was super quiet. 1st half was amazing but after was not so much
Refs might’ve had something to do with that? Every time something good appeared to happen a crusty yellow flag was thrown on the field..
I'm storming the field next weekend if Nebraska wins. I may be an old Muppet but I'm gonna show this world a thing or two.


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