Your post here is indicative of the problem this movement has been trying to get out in the forefront. The problem in the eyes of black people is that their mere existence and being is "stressful" to a lot of cops and creates needlessly dangerous and confrontational encounters. I have been pulled over several times and not once was the encounter anything other than incredibly cordial from beginning to end. That is privilege. I am never met with skepticism even though statistics say I'm just as likely as a black person to have drugs on me. Black people simply have different experiences and to deny that fact is disingenuous.
Additionally, can you imagine how angry you would get if you were consistently being nickel and dimed by police over stupid traffic offenses or being subjected to the indignity of baseless, embarrassing encounters like what occurs in stop and frisk encounters? My guess is, like me, you've never really experienced these things and, thus, cannot appreciate what they do to individuals and, in turn, communities at large. It's not really that hard, though, when you simply try to place yourself in their shoes for a bit.