Pelini, the type of people they are, if you had any doubt


Jul 15, 2016
Someone just retweeted this on my time line. If my son was a senior and tweeted this, his ass would be raw for a month.

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Wisconsin fans miss Bo Pellini dreadfully.
Well nobody was called a c*** or pu$$y so pretty mild according to the Pelini book of core values.
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Hard to be upset at the kid. I actually feel sorry for him, and any potential future wife of his. The "men" in that family have set a terrible example for him. Worst part is there are still idiots in our fan base that feel the same way.
I don't know why the blame goes on Tom
Every Husker fan thought Bo was the greatest thing since sliced bread and would have been p#ssd if Bo wasnt hired. Bo just needed time to show his colors
This Husker fan wondered why Bo got the job from day 1 but I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while because Tom hired him. Frank warned Tom not to hire him and Tom went with the pressure from 2 boosters. Then when it became evident very early that Bo was not cut out to represent our university Tom stubbornly defended him for multiple years. Tom hired him and refused to fire him so yes Tom bears responsibility for Bo, just like SP bears responsibility for Bill Callahan.
This Husker fan wondered why Bo got the job from day 1 but I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while because Tom hired him. Frank warned Tom not to hire him and Tom went with the pressure from 2 boosters. Then when it became evident very early that Bo was not cut out to represent our university Tom stubbornly defended him for multiple years. Tom hired him and refused to fire him so yes Tom bears responsibility for Bo, just like SP bears responsibility for Bill Callahan.
It is an unwritten rule. Nebraska never does a national search, the AD just picks somebody. I'm not complaining about Devaney picking TO or Eichorst picking HCMR, but I do believe our last "national search" was for Devaney.
I was against hiring him, but I wanted Turner Gill, so I was hardly prescient. I was concerned about his temperament and his commitment to recruiting. What I didn't suspect is that he would wed himself to a defensive strategy ill suited to defending teams with any semblance of a running game when we changed conferences.

Once he was our coach, I supported him until he wasn't our coach anymore. I did think it would be good to move on after the 2011 season and especially after the 2012 conference championship game. I always held out hope he would get it figured out, but he never did.
See? I told you guys these types of people are in the fan base. Disgusting
Everything in his tweet is true. So? You need a whole box of tissues dont you. You need to just let it go. Who arranged pelinis buyout? Be mad at that guy, not a poster who states the truth. So the kid stated some facts to piss off some husker fans. Get some thick skin. It dont bother me one bit.
Everything in his tweet is true. So? You need a whole box of tissues dont you. You need to just let it go. Who arranged pelinis buyout? Be mad at that guy, not a poster who states the truth. So the kid stated some facts to piss off some husker fans. Get some thick skin. It dont bother me one bit.
Tom "arranged" his buyout, He wanted it to be very painful for NU to fire him.
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Everything in his tweet is true. So? You need a whole box of tissues dont you. You need to just let it go. Who arranged pelinis buyout? Be mad at that guy, not a poster who states the truth. So the kid stated some facts to piss off some husker fans. Get some thick skin. It dont bother me one bit.
I'd make my kid delete every social media account he had if he posted something like that. Good grief, it is classless as hell.