Love your optimism and I hope you are right. And we don't disagree on Riley. In my post I said there is no real way to know how deep the Riley rot went. So that allows for your optimistic take as one possibility. Davison's comments may argue otherwise about player morale but who knows what he really meant by those comments? They were rather open ended. He could have been talking about two players or twenty, who knows?I have to disagree with the notion there is a "Riley rot." I believe most of these players have been starving for the kind of leadership, commitment, and passion that Frost & Co. bring. Most of the players will eat it up. They want to win. They want to excel. There will be no hangover because at 4-8 with multiple blowout losses, they know change was needed. Plus, Riley did not poison the well on the way out. He left like an adult, unlike Pelini.
I think the situation will be more reminiscent of Stoops following Blake at OU. OU's players knew they were underperforming and took to Stoops' coaching immediately. Here's hoping. GBR
I am not predicting a great season, an average season, or a poor season. I am neither an optimist or a pessimist. I listed the variables I did because I truly think there are things we just don't know yet. So I honestly don't have a clue how our season will unfold.