OT: This Board (Rivals)

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Reactions: huskerfan66
I am surprised they let such a douche nozzle be the moderator
you think people are lining up for that (unpaid) job?


better keep an eye on email addresses associated with this site. security around here leaves a bit to be desired, as I've warned many times.
Holy sh!t has the site gone to crap. Constant 502/402 errors. Threads get deleted for no reason. Now it’s being overridden with spam bots.

Get your sh!t together Rivals.
And yet 50% of the threads on the paid main board are political 🙄 🤔
Yeah only way to get any attention is to use a racial slur or politics so here goes mods. Hopefully they read all of this because it's an attempt to get your attention to take out the spam threads.

Trump Trump Trump

Crazy joe crazy joe crazy joe

Please get rid of the spam threads