OT-Please don't lecture me

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They see the writing on the wall, a Republican controlled Senate and a weakly controlled Democratic House (although I think their is an outside chance at Republicans to control still). They know nothing on the radical agenda will make it's way into law unless they get some suckers like Markowski, Collins and/or Romney to take the bait. They are starting to angle already it sounds like.
Correct. And if they don’t get what they want, it’s those meanies blocking all the great ideas, and when they’ve had enough of Biden, she’ll step in and if you don’t comply, you’ll be labeled a white supremacist, misogynistic, man-speaking sexist, and when all else fails, there will always and forever be “it’s Trumps fault.”

Haven’t turned the “news” on for two days and it’s all I thought it would be. I highly recommend it.
Lockdowns coming soon.

California, New York, Illinois and other poorly run liberal states will be 'bailed out' by the government in hundreds of billions of dollars.

This will be paid for by everyone who holds dollars because of the inflation in the money supply. Robbing you of your purchasing power. Your fast food lunch will be well over $10 soon.

Taxes will be going up for those with jobs and also for those creating jobs.

Your healthcare mandate will be coming back.

It won't be long, and the military will again be involved in foreign wars... we need a common enemy to unite the people.

The borders will become porous again.. making it so you must compete with cheap foreign labor for a job.

Gasoline prices are going to go way back up. Just wait and see. Crushing the delivery, trucking, and airlines markets even further.

My generation have about 10 more years of this crap until retirement. Many of us will move overseas if we haven't already.

As for Joe, they will declare him having dementia and unfit to serve in the first year.. it will become the Harris and Pelosi show, so I hope the senate can stand up to that.

More and more controls on your freedom will be enacted. Computer robotics and AI will continue, but fewer and fewer people will participate in the profits from those fields as access to those markets for the common person will disappear.

Crypto currencies will go through some massive growing pains. Not only will the state attempt to use them, but also as a way to control their citizens. Those who hold wealth outside the system, will be targeted as criminals.

Jobs are also going to disappear.

They will go after the guns.. not just banning assault rifles, they will go for outlawing all firearms.

They will also beef up the police forces. If you think the police have issues now, just wait until more of your rights have been surrendered.

Mostly though, I think the base level of trust in this country has been eroded. It's hard to build anything on that foundation that is remotely like what it used to be.

Things will eventually be done via force and by that time, it will be too late for a revolution.

Those that wanted a different system will get it.. but it's not going to be anything like utopia.
Yeeeaaahhhhh not in the next 4 years, no. Look I definitely lean right and really saw nothing change in my day to day life during Obama than I did during Trump. I accepted about 2 weeks ago that Biden was going to win this.
It’s a great thing to come together. I just don’t understand why no effort was made before this election. If I’m wrong and the Democrats tried to bring healing to the nation, forgive me.

I look forward to any links or even anecdotes of Democrats saying it’s time to come together pre-election.
Biden literally uttered it as his reason for getting into the race at all. His goal was simply to heal the soul of America.
Biden literally uttered it as his reason for getting into the race at all. His goal was simply to heal the soul of America.
Off topic question, but are you following the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden corruption story and the allegations of foreign influence peddling? I know most people are doing their best to pretend it doesn't exist, but once the msm takes an interest, you'll all know what we've known for months. Yes, the media will come after Joe. That's what they do.
There is no case to be made to the Supreme Court. Everyone knows this.

I am looking forward to weeks at a time without hearing from the President. I am looking forward to the days where politics aren’t treated as a football game, where we wear hats and wave flags to support our “team”.

Can we go back to normalcy again, please?
Oh, you mean normal like how all Americans used to stand and honor the flag and anthem?
Normal like not spending billions of dollars on a wild goose chase for three years based on a document everyone knows was fabricated by a political enemy?
Normal how Americans thought criminals were the bad guys and cops were the good guys?
Normal like how people didnt burn, loot, steal, the property of innocent Americans in a giant political hissyfit, then blackmail people during the election with promises of more while elected officials stood by and did nothing.?
Normal like how people wouldnt shut down the economy for political purposes for a virus that has a .003 death rate? Normal like how people govt and people wouldnt be calling for the clear violation of the first amendment and shutting down churches?

Your lunacy blames trump and voters for being the ones who are not normal. That is absolutely ridiculous. It is obvious who has ruined normalcy.
Almost as redicilous as believing an election was won by biden, when he managed to do worse than clinton in every major metropolitan area other than deteoit, atlanta, milwalkee, and philly......and those are the ones that just so happened to take the longest. This despite the dems losing house seats, not gaining the senate, and not winning one state house while repubs won multiple. yeeaaaaahhh right.

Get lost, your version of normal is corrupt.
Biden literally uttered it as his reason for getting into the race at all. His goal was simply to heal the soul of America.

As he did and said little during the riots, who ran less than subtle messaging about the country and systemic racism, had his running mate visit JG in Wis (a direct anti-cop signal) and who seemingly won by doing nothing more than holding up a mask. And Harris is the most opportunistic ... she will play the race card if someone so much sneezes in her direction. People’s feelings on race relations are very likely going to get worse.
Off topic question, but are you following the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden corruption story and the allegations of foreign influence peddling? I know most people are doing their best to pretend it doesn't exist, but once the msm takes an interest, you'll all know what we've known for months. Yes, the media will come after Joe. That's what they do.
You think the media will go after him? Are you serious?
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Almost as redicilous as believing an election was won by biden, when he managed to do worse than clinton in every major metropolitan area other than deteoit, atlanta, milwalkee, and philly......and those are the ones that just so happened to take the longest. This despite the dems losing house seats, not gaining the senate, and not winning one state house while repubs won multiple. yeeaaaaahhh right.
Biden literally uttered it as his reason for getting into the race at all. His goal was simply to heal the soul of America.
The guy who called a voter fat?
the guy who called a voter a lying dog face?
the guy who called trump voters chumps?
the guy who called a voter a damn liar?
the guy who mocked a reporter with stuttering then pushed him?

Just one, doubt youd watch or look for more...but jeeze dude are you really dumb enough to buy a simple campaign slogan!? RollingLaugh
It’s a great thing to come together. I just don’t understand why no effort was made before this election. If I’m wrong and the Democrats tried to bring healing to the nation, forgive me.

I look forward to any links or even anecdotes of Democrats saying it’s time to come together pre-election.
Coming together is a common mantra of the newly elected, but the opposition usually feels jilted and has little interest in being part of a together moment. What complicated that for Trump was his campaign style and 4 years of governing. He relentlessly attacked his opponent and all who support him, not with the occasional remark, rather a non stop barrage of insults. He did that and won in 2016, and he doubled down on this tactic in 2020. That the opposition declined his attempt to extend an olive branch in 2016 was hardly a surprise, and when you've been spitting in your opponent's eye for years, who could blame them for celebrating now? To be sure, Biden has made his comments that piss off Republicans, but you can't seriously compare him to Trump. He has attacked Trump, but not Trump's base. That might have been a tactic, since he was going to have to win some of those voters. The fact of the matter is Trump is just a different cat, but how he changed political discourse in the country will be lasting.
OP, youre right.
the peope who held the country hostage for 3 years with a fake collusion story using a fake dossier from a campaign rival in order to overturn an election do NOT get to lecture us.
The people who burned down streets and looted and looked the other way do NOT get to lecture us.
The people who tried saying it would be a blue wave and biden would win easily do NOT get to lecture us or tell us what happens next as if they are the experts.

And finally, anyone who tries saying theres nothing wrong with late votes, stops in counting followed by massive biden increases, shady hidden counting practices and changing ballot dates....does not get to lecture us.
Al Gore says hold my beer.
Al Gore never had a lead in Florida, not after 486 tries to recount ballots there, and never had a leg to stand on other than -- literally -- trying to steal an election by way of the courts.

Same goes for this time around for DJT.
Coming together is a common mantra of the newly elected, but the opposition usually feels jilted and has little interest in being part of a together moment. What complicated that for Trump was his campaign style and 4 years of governing. He relentlessly attacked his opponent and all who support him, not with the occasional remark, rather a non stop barrage of insults. He did that and won in 2016, and he doubled down on this tactic in 2020. That the opposition declined his attempt to extend an olive branch in 2016 was hardly a surprise, and when you've been spitting in your opponent's eye for years, who could blame them for celebrating now? To be sure, Biden has made his comments that piss off Republicans, but you can't seriously compare him to Trump. He has attacked Trump, but not Trump's base. That might have been a tactic, since he was going to have to win some of those voters. The fact of the matter is Trump is just a different cat, but how he changed political discourse in the country will be lasting.
When your side burns, loots, and riots and kills innocent people after carrying on a bogus onvestigation to overturn an election for three years, while in the meantime attempting to ruin a mans life over false accustions from thirty hears ago...adding on the attacks on people for as little as wearing the wrong hat in public and smearing even 16 year dont get to play the “nice” card. The cognitive dissonance of people like you is astounding.
Trump choked, he deserves to lose...but what I won't do is act out like the left did for 4 years and support one coup attempt after another, and nobody has to ask conservatives to behave.....we would never entertain the idea of acting like liberals have for the last 4 years. We will regroup, lick our wounds, and see ya again in 4 years.
Really? I seem to remember a lot of birther talk from the right questioning the legitimacy of our last Democratic President to hold the office.
You think the media will go after him? Are you serious?
I do, and I am. The media is nothing more than a product. People think it's a benevolent service, but it's not. It's owned by big corporations and this is one fabulous product to sell. If you get just one well known journalist to go big on it, the rest will follow. They have to. If Soros funds the right groups, it could take hold. I think most of the moderates will want to keep it suppressed though.

I firmly believe the plan is for Joe to be camouflage for Kamala. Joe is no president. He's a relic with greatly diminished mental faculties. He needs to get out of the way so Bernie's faction can lead. Pretty wild, I know. It might be better for him if he steps down on his own. He knows the score.
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Can we go back to normalcy again, please?

That's not coming back. Want to know the date of this photo?

It was taken on November 18, 2014.

Who were the President and Vice President on that day?
Really? I seem to remember a lot of birther talk from the right questioning the legitimacy of our last Democratic President to hold the office.
Remember when people who believed in birther theories led an fbi investigation that spent billions and lasted three years based on something that was knowingly made up from obamas political rival? Yeah, me either.

Remember when they rioted and burned and looted and the governors and mayors told police and national guard to stand down? Yeah, me either.
Trump choked, he deserves to lose...but what I won't do is act out like the left did for 4 years and support one coup attempt after another, and nobody has to ask conservatives to behave.....we would never entertain the idea of acting like liberals have for the last 4 years. We will regroup, lick our wounds, and see ya again in 4 years.
Thats way too mature and reasonable ...stop it
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That's not coming back. Want to know the date of this photo?

It was taken on November 18, 2014.

Who were the President and Vice President on that day?
This. So much this.

If people think the jackasserey that has been 2020 is the fault of DJT, they're going to be in for a hell of a rude awakening over the next 48 months.

Every institution that exists today in order to divide and destroy will still exist post inauguration day 2021.

And, for the record, I can't stand Trump.
Remember when people who believed in birther theories led an fbi investigation that spent billions and lasted three years based on something that was knowingly made up from obamas political rival? Yeah, me either.

Remember when they rioted and burned and looted and the governors and mayors told police and national guard to stand down? Yeah, me either.

Yeeeaaahhhhh not in the next 4 years, no. Look I definitely lean right and really saw nothing change in my day to day life during Obama than I did during Trump. I accepted about 2 weeks ago that Biden was going to win this.
I've been hearing that they're coming for my guns for the past 30 years. Somehow, I still have my guns, as does everyone I know.
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I've been hearing that they're coming for my guns for the past 30 years. Somehow, I still have my guns, as does everyone I know.
My dad has had his guns for my entire life.....I'm 27, so that math works out. Hope I have mine for the next 30 years too.
I'm not going to lie everyone - reading these ridiculous conspiracy theories is entertaining.
Really? I seem to remember a lot of birther talk from the right questioning the legitimacy of our last Democratic President to hold the office.

That noise was about one tenth of one percent of the chaos the left has pulled for the last 4 years. Maybe even less than that. So, yes. Really.
Lockdowns coming soon.

California, New York, Illinois and other poorly run liberal states will be 'bailed out' by the government in hundreds of billions of dollars.

This will be paid for by everyone who holds dollars because of the inflation in the money supply. Robbing you of your purchasing power. Your fast food lunch will be well over $10 soon.

Taxes will be going up for those with jobs and also for those creating jobs.

Your healthcare mandate will be coming back.

It won't be long, and the military will again be involved in foreign wars... we need a common enemy to unite the people.

The borders will become porous again.. making it so you must compete with cheap foreign labor for a job.

Gasoline prices are going to go way back up. Just wait and see. Crushing the delivery, trucking, and airlines markets even further.

My generation have about 10 more years of this crap until retirement. Many of us will move overseas if we haven't already.

As for Joe, they will declare him having dementia and unfit to serve in the first year.. it will become the Harris and Pelosi show, so I hope the senate can stand up to that.

More and more controls on your freedom will be enacted. Computer robotics and AI will continue, but fewer and fewer people will participate in the profits from those fields as access to those markets for the common person will disappear.

Crypto currencies will go through some massive growing pains. Not only will the state attempt to use them, but also as a way to control their citizens. Those who hold wealth outside the system, will be targeted as criminals.

Jobs are also going to disappear.

They will go after the guns.. not just banning assault rifles, they will go for outlawing all firearms.

They will also beef up the police forces. If you think the police have issues now, just wait until more of your rights have been surrendered.

Mostly though, I think the base level of trust in this country has been eroded. It's hard to build anything on that foundation that is remotely like what it used to be.

Things will eventually be done via force and by that time, it will be too late for a revolution.

Those that wanted a different system will get it.. but it's not going to be anything like utopia.
Boris Johnson say hi!
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