

Defensive Coordinator
Oct 25, 2014
First off I love my girls so much its painful. Literally amazing to me that Jesus loves us more than I love my wife and kids.
They are currently 2 and 3 months old.
For those here experienced in the child raising, at what point do you get your life back?
I need to be hunting and fishing more or im gonna lose it. Also refuse to be a deadbeat like my relative who just drops his kids off with their grandma 24/7.
Gonna have more kids so my guess is ive got some time ahead of me before i reach go where i want mode. Btw fully plan on taking them with when old enough.
I would say you have 12 to 13 years before they are able to be a little more independent. However, by then you will be missing some of the things they used to depend on you for. I would say that you really dont get your "life back" rather your priorities change. All I can say is enjoy them while they still see you as the rock star Dad.
First off I love my girls so much its painful. Literally amazing to me that Jesus loves us more than I love my wife and kids.
They are currently 2 and 3 months old.
For those here experienced in the child raising, at what point do you get your life back?
I need to be hunting and fishing more or im gonna lose it. Also refuse to be a deadbeat like my relative who just drops his kids off with their grandma 24/7.
Gonna have more kids so my guess is ive got some time ahead of me before i reach go where i want mode. Btw fully plan on taking them with when old enough.

I’m a 50 year old father of 8 and I can honestly tell you that you never “get your life back.” But you end up not wanting it back. Enjoy the ride.
First off I love my girls so much its painful. Literally amazing to me that Jesus loves us more than I love my wife and kids.
They are currently 2 and 3 months old.
For those here experienced in the child raising, at what point do you get your life back?
I need to be hunting and fishing more or im gonna lose it. Also refuse to be a deadbeat like my relative who just drops his kids off with their grandma 24/7.
Gonna have more kids so my guess is ive got some time ahead of me before i reach go where i want mode. Btw fully plan on taking them with when old enough.
Your priorities change for a while. Once a year I get away for a short weekend to hunt. The only other times I get to is on family trips back home, and holidays. You will love taking your girls fishing.
I’m a 50 year old father of 8 and I can honestly tell you that you never “get your life back.” But you end up not wanting it back. Enjoy the ride.
Yes i am enjoying it very much, just hit a few days here and there.
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I'm in the same boat, so don't feel like you're alone. Our little guy is just over 3 months old now, and my head is still spinning. I'm newer to it, obviously, so hope you don't mind if I share my thoughts

We are blessed with two very supportive families (her parents and my mother) who can't get enough of him. Don't be afraid to let their grandparents take them from time to time, both for them and for you. The "me" (or "us" if you spend it with your spouse) time can be rejuvenating, and in some ways reminds you love those kids because you still spend that "me" time mostly thinking about them. For the kids, the time they get to spend with their grandparents is something they will cherish. I barely knew either of my grandmother's, both died when I was young, but I'm so glad I at least have a few memories of them. My little guy never got to meet my father (HuskerPreacher) and my mother is not especially young and has her share of health problems, so any time he gets to spend with her is a blessing for him and her. I guess I'm saying there's a balance to spending time with grandparents, so don't be afraid to take them up if they offer to take them for awhile.
One thing American white men get to do morally to deal with child rearing is to drink lots of alcohol. You can go on beer tours, wine tastings, have friends over for a drink..go over to friends for a drink. Americans have never been more drunk...enjoy.
First off I love my girls so much its painful. Literally amazing to me that Jesus loves us more than I love my wife and kids.
They are currently 2 and 3 months old.
For those here experienced in the child raising, at what point do you get your life back?
I need to be hunting and fishing more or im gonna lose it. Also refuse to be a deadbeat like my relative who just drops his kids off with their grandma 24/7.
Gonna have more kids so my guess is ive got some time ahead of me before i reach go where i want mode. Btw fully plan on taking them with when old enough.
Just pour yourself into them and fill their tanks now, while they are young. They are like a monetary investment. The more sacrifice and investment you put in now, the more carefree your retirement years (with kids/grandkids) will be. Outsource parenting and nurturing at this age, and pay the price, later. Always breaks my heart seeing grandparents with grandkids in the store...and the kids are unsettled brats, wearing out the people whose job it is to spoil them! Oh...and, for the love of Pete, let your 'Yes' mean, 'yes' and your 'no' mean, 'No. No counting down, in a loud disciplinary "threat" for all to hear, at the store. The kids will learn fast that nothing happens when you're out of numbers. That is all I can think of.:)
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First off I love my girls so much its painful. Literally amazing to me that Jesus loves us more than I love my wife and kids.
They are currently 2 and 3 months old.
For those here experienced in the child raising, at what point do you get your life back?
I need to be hunting and fishing more or im gonna lose it. Also refuse to be a deadbeat like my relative who just drops his kids off with their grandma 24/7.
Gonna have more kids so my guess is ive got some time ahead of me before i reach go where i want mode. Btw fully plan on taking them with when old enough.
In my case, I have given up several hobbies and cut back on others. My answer would be that you will never get your old life back. As far as time to yourself goes, everyone needs that. I think you need it in order to be a better father. I think you're going to have to work something out with the Mrs. Girls night out or weekend out in exchange for a hunting or fishing trip. Whatever you used to do before the kids, make the decision yourself to cut it back to 1/2 or 1/3. Be realistic and whatever you do, make it your own decision so that you don't resent your spouse or kids in any way.
We have two, ages 37 and 35. My experience is you go through stages. The first few years it's all about them. Then about age 4-5 or so I took them fishing, hunting nightcrawlers, catching minnows, etc. Then we did a lot if fishing and camping as a family for several years. Then the period of 4H animals, junior high and high school sports took over and that put an end to camping, fishing, my golf game and hunting. If my son would have wanted to hunt that would have changed. I know some guys have daughters who love to hunt with Dad, I didn't get that lucky. Then when HS is over and they are in college a couple of years you get your life back. By then all of your guns are old and your fishing stuff is all stuck together.
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In my case, I have given up several hobbies and cut back on others. My answer would be that you will never get your old life back. As far as time to yourself goes, everyone needs that. I think you need it in order to be a better father. I think you're going to have to work something out with the Mrs. Girls night out or weekend out in exchange for a hunting or fishing trip. Whatever you used to do before the kids, make the decision yourself to cut it back to 1/2 or 1/3. Be realistic and whatever you do, make it your own decision so that you don't resent your spouse or kids in any way.
Word. I used to be a 6 handicap. Now when I see my clubs in the crawl space every year when getting holiday stuff out.... I just look at them and chuckle.
You wont. Your life will now consist of unimaginable joy at seeing them grow along with soul freezing terror at the prospect of something happening to them in your lifetime.

On a related note, wife got a hyper puppy. When do we get our life back in that situation? is "deadbeat" to let the kids grandparents have them every now and then? Uggggg...
Just pour yourself into them and fill their tanks now, while they are young. They are like a monetary investment. The more sacrifice and investment you put in now, the more carefree your retirement years (with kids/grandkids) will be. Outsource parenting and nurturing at this age, and pay the price, later. Always breaks my heart seeing grandparents with grandkids in the store...and the kids are unsettled brats, wearing out the people whose job it is to spoil them! Oh...and, for the love of Pete, let your 'Yes' mean, 'yes' and your 'no' mean, 'No. No counting down, in a loud disciplinary "threat" for all to hear, at the store. The kids will learn fast that nothing happens when you're out of numbers. That is all I can think of.:)
Agree with all, and my no means no. How i was raised.
Big john rosmund fan btw.
Word. I used to be a 6 handicap. Now when I see my clubs in the crawl space every year when getting holiday stuff out.... I just look at them and chuckle.
Golf for me is done.
Went maybe four times past two years. One was a guy trip, other two were tourneys. Which was fun.
In my case, I have given up several hobbies and cut back on others. My answer would be that you will never get your old life back. As far as time to yourself goes, everyone needs that. I think you need it in order to be a better father. I think you're going to have to work something out with the Mrs. Girls night out or weekend out in exchange for a hunting or fishing trip. Whatever you used to do before the kids, make the decision yourself to cut it back to 1/2 or 1/3. Be realistic and whatever you do, make it your own decision so that you don't resent your spouse or kids in any way.
Great thoughts!
I already do this fortunately.
I hope people arent taking my post as me saying I hate being a father, i love it, want more kids in fact, and do get away now and then.
Its just every now and then my wife and i look at each other and know...when?!:D
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You wont. Your life will now consist of unimaginable joy at seeing them grow along with soul freezing terror at the prospect of something happening to them in your lifetime.

On a related note, wife got a hyper puppy. When do we get our life back in that situation?
Honestly, i dont want my old life back and commented the other day to my wife that i couldnt imagine life without them and feel like ive always known them.
Just be nice to get to home depot or to the woods when i need to more often!:D
First off I love my girls so much its painful. Literally amazing to me that Jesus loves us more than I love my wife and kids.
They are currently 2 and 3 months old.
For those here experienced in the child raising, at what point do you get your life back?
I need to be hunting and fishing more or im gonna lose it. Also refuse to be a deadbeat like my relative who just drops his kids off with their grandma 24/7.
Gonna have more kids so my guess is ive got some time ahead of me before i reach go where i want mode. Btw fully plan on taking them with when old enough.

I have 4 boys (15,12,9,7)— trust me it gets better. Infant stage is rough
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Is this for real?

Yeah, no sh!t your life changes forever and it never goes back...and it’s FUC$&NG amazing.

That said, things get back to semi- normalcy when your kids can actually sit and eat themselves(3ish) and life cycles almost all the way back when you can actually go to the gas station or takeout or something and leave your kids at home(hopefully 10 years oldish).
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Your old life is gone man!

This is the better life!!! Everything is changed, only thing more reorientating in life is discovering and following Jesus!

Enjoy it all brother its such a gift!!!
I am lucky enough to have two. Both boys. 1 and 3. They’re awesome. You have to get through that first year before any sort of freedom (or sleep) starts.

For fishing, I have a little pond at the bottom of my hill. So I get up at daybreak a couple times a month and fish before work. I don’t hunt, but it’s my understanding you can deer hunt early in the morning. I’d do that before work or early on the weekend and be home when the kids get up.

I’m lucky enough to get to golf for work. So I’m good there.

If you have boys, your new hobby should be wrestling and roughhousing. That’s pretty much all I do every night when I get home from work. That and laugh at farts. My poor, poor wife.
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First off I love my girls so much its painful. Literally amazing to me that Jesus loves us more than I love my wife and kids.
They are currently 2 and 3 months old.
For those here experienced in the child raising, at what point do you get your life back?
I need to be hunting and fishing more or im gonna lose it. Also refuse to be a deadbeat like my relative who just drops his kids off with their grandma 24/7.
Gonna have more kids so my guess is ive got some time ahead of me before i reach go where i want mode. Btw fully plan on taking them with when old enough.
hahahahahahahaaaaahhhrgh. You never "get your life back". Everything changed when you had kids. One of my old stand by sayings is "the first child changes your life and the second one ruins it".....At some point though you can maybe have a hunting/fishing buddy who doesn't have to get permission from their wife to go. Nothing more fun than taking a youngster fishing on a Bluegill hot bed.Winking
As far as time to yourself goes, everyone needs that. I think you need it in order to be a better father.
I think you're going to have to work something out with the Mrs. Girls night out or weekend out in exchange for a hunting or fishing trip. Whatever you used to do before the kids, make the decision yourself to cut it back to 1/2 or 1/3.


My brother did EVERYTHING with his wife and kids and nothing by himself and she did nothing by herself. His hobbies became her hobbies (dirt track racing, hunting). It drove both of them crazy. They got divorced eventually.

Gotta have time to yourself every now and then, if not a few hours every week or two to do something you want to do or just to do something by yourself. Make the wife do the same. Girls night out maybe, but you watch the kids while she leaves the house to do something. Works both ways. Very healthy for a relationship.

I love taking my girls with me, whether to work (farming), golfing (they beg to go with me the once or twice a year that I actually go), fishing, camping, riding go-karts (I fixed up a couple old ones at my parents that I drove when I was a kid) or utvs (I started teaching them to drive), shopping for farm supplies, etc.

Teach your kids about life and enjoy it. Be proud to teach them everyday life skills and fun. Pass on your knowledge. Be the one that teaches them something for the first time (blowing bubblegum bubbles, whistling, yo-yoing, fishing, juggling, etc). Teach them how to love sports and competition if you love it. Pass on the passion.

At a young age, kids want to do what their parents do. Use that to your advantage to shape them.

I don't want my previous life back. I can't imagine my life without my wife and kids and I tell my wife that almost every time one of my kids does something that makes me proud.

Life changes. Enjoy it, but you gotta make time for yourself to have some alone time now and then. Make time to enjoy some of your old hobbies every now and then.
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First off I love my girls so much its painful. Literally amazing to me that Jesus loves us more than I love my wife and kids.
They are currently 2 and 3 months old.
For those here experienced in the child raising, at what point do you get your life back?
I need to be hunting and fishing more or im gonna lose it. Also refuse to be a deadbeat like my relative who just drops his kids off with their grandma 24/7.
Gonna have more kids so my guess is ive got some time ahead of me before i reach go where i want mode. Btw fully plan on taking them with when old enough.
How do you have a 2 and 3 month old? Jk. Age 3 or so was better for us. The 3 month old is likely doing the damage on both ends. I have a 2 and 4 year old. Sleep helps my friend, and nothing wrong with getting a sitter once in a while.
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