OT: Greatest Video Game of All TIME

SNES: Zelda Link to the Past or Chrono Trigger
N64: Zelda OoT
PS1: Metal Gear Solid 1
PS2: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
GameCube: Animal Crossing or Twilight Princess
PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4 or The Last of Us
Xbox: Halo 2
Xbox 360: Gears of War, CoD Modern Combat 2
PS4: RDR2 or Witcher 3
NES: Mario 3
SNES: Chrono Trigger/Mario Kart
N64: Wave Race
PS1: Chrono Cross
PS2: GTA Vice City (didn't play much this gen)
GameCube: Smash Melee/Mario Kart Double Dash
PS3: Last of Us
Wii: Mario Kart or New Mario Bros
Xbox: Halo
Xbox 360: Bulletstorm/Gears
PS4: RDR2 (didn't like Witcher 3)
SNES: Zelda Link to the Past or Chrono Trigger
Sega Genesis: Flipper
Sega Game Gear: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Gameboy: Zelda: Link's Awakening
GB Advance: Fire Emblem
DS: Chrono Trigger
3DS: Zelda OoT
N64: Zelda OoT
PS1: Metal Gear Solid 1
PS2: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
GameCube: Animal Crossing or Twilight Princess
PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4 or The Last of Us
Xbox: Halo 2
Xbox 360: Gears of War, CoD Modern Combat 2
PS4: RDR2 or Witcher 3
Switch: BotW
Flipper = echo the dolphin
That game was bad ass
NES: Mario 3
SNES: Chrono Trigger/Mario Kart
N64: Wave Race
PS1: Chrono Cross
PS2: GTA Vice City (didn't play much this gen)
GameCube: Smash Melee/Mario Kart Double Dash
PS3: Last of Us
Wii: Mario Kart or New Mario Bros
Xbox: Halo
Xbox 360: Bulletstorm/Gears
PS4: RDR2 (didn't like Witcher 3)
I forgot all about Smash!! Darnit
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Anyone try playing Double Dragon now? It was SO DAMN GOOD back in the day…at least we thought, but now the drag/delay is hard to believe and makes it almost unbearable.

Pretty awesome how much woman beating there was in that game though!
Wasn't that on NES?

Also, I remember watching an early Saturday morning cartoon of Double Dragon in the early 90s
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When I was in grade school the whole town would go to high school basketball games, and we would spend the whole time playing this stupid game up in the stands.

When I was young, I used to play the hell out of my Mattel!
NES - dragon warrior
SNES - street fighter 2
Genesis - Ecco the dolphin
64 - Zelda
PS - gran turismo/tekken2
Xbox - Halo
XBone - MW2/Skyrim
Game cube - zelda
Switch - Zelda
XBX - been playing the hell out of Madden 23. Gameplay is best it’s ever been
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I'm going to be a weirdo and admit it - I was born in the 90s and have never played a Zelda game. Heard great things about BOTW though. GOAT is hard to say and subjective but GTA 5 is one of my favorites and arguably a candidate. Some other favorites of mine even if not candidates necessarily:

Pokemon Yellow - Will always hold the most special place in my heart of any video game. Even if it's objectively not the best. I definitely don't play it anymore or especially the new pokemon games... Just kidding yes I do LOL (Good god I'm such a dork)

Super Mario 64 - nostalgic and revolutionary at the time. Still holds up

Crash Bandicoot Warped - classic. Uka Uka (the main villian) scared the hell out of me as a little kid

Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars Battlefront 2 - More recent favorites of mine but played BF2 a bit as a kid

Civilization Series - Great strategy games. Civ 5 in particular is my favorite. Do occasionally play Civ 6 multiplayer with old college friends when we have the time. Nuclear wars decide who wins LOL

Unfortunately I don't have much time to game anymore. Yet I wrote this long comment for some reason LOL. Honestly I waste more time playing chess than anything on this list. But still enjoy gaming when I can make the time
Me and my 12 year old daughter just finished up BOTW. Pretty awesome game. It started slow and I didn’t like it at first. But once we got the flow of the game it was awesome. Can’t wait for Tears of the Kingdom to come out next month.
Old School: Tecmo and Super Tecmo Bowl
Arcade: Mortal Combat with about 8 buddies. Winner stays on. Lots of hours wasted!
College years: Goldeneye on N64. Lots of beers and long nights
Honorable Mention: Halo, NCAA Football was untouchable too. Red Dead Redemption is pretty sweet too.
I can't tell you how many times me and my buddies would start drinking and playing Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat before going out. Usually turned into real fights over someone bitching that you're cheating and only use the same move and same fighter to win. Lol
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I can't tell you how many times me and the buddies would start drinking and playing Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat before going out. Usually turned into real fights over someone bitching that you're cheating and only use the same move and same fighter to win. Lol

Obligatory challenge to anyone wanting to play MK 11. 😍

NCAA football and Civ are the best Game franchises in history.
I didn't put any sports games down on my above list.. was an oversight. Still have some of the old NCAA games which are fun. Old Madden games as well but from my understanding that franchise has gone downhill... Don't know if that's true or not. Old NHL games are pretty fun too
a lot of original snes games for mostly nostalgia reasons having grown up with that console, but chrono trigger and zelda link to the past were the two games that really got me hooked into video games especially rpg style games. played endless golden eye with friends. i liked chrono cross as a follow up to chrono trigger. mostly played ncaa football and tony hawk pro skater through college. more recently the games ive played the most have been mass effect series, fallout new vegas, red dead redemption, skyrim, and elden ring. (cyberpunk 2077 as well but it isnt a very good game, just kind of fun for brief moments).
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If you like oldschool arcade games, there are new ones being made that are really good.

Good to know. I actually bought my own stand up arcade game that has 60 games on it. A guy in Geneva programmed it to be as close to original as possible and it's pretty much spot on. 👍

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