OT: Greatest Video Game of All TIME

Home system: Kaboom and Pitfall

Arcade: defender
and then there is the rated X Kaboom called Beat Em and Eat Em.
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Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Was about to answer the same before I read your post! My favorite game by a country mile. I think I logged 300 plus hours on that game. Faxanadu and Battletoads on NES, Earthworm Jim on Genesis, Oddworld and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver on PS as well.
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I still play some of those old games on the MAME system
Tempest, Punch Out, Super Baseball, Carnival, Red Baron, Lady Bug, Track and Field, Spy Hunter, Yie-Ar Kung Fu

Ninja Gaiden Black probably my fave on console
Also Portal 2, Psychonauts
Raid Over Moscow- C64 game
Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy- text game
Original Wolfenstein- Atari 400
Emperor New Groove Action Game, original Half Life- PC
Bride of Pinbot- pinball
Metal gear solid for this guy! I've beaten it probably a dozen times or so
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Was a heated rivalry with this one older kid at WC Frank's with Super Mario Bros and before that Star Wars with the digitized voices and that swiveling rotating controller.
So many though I've forgotten a bunch. Maybe Dragons Lair and Space Ace even if they were just a game of memorize. First arcade game I remember being 50 cents.
Bit of a pro BITD if I do say so myself.
The buffet at WC Franks was glorious. At least when I was 7 or 8 years old.
Bill Walsh College Football
Tecmo Bowl or Super Bowl
NCAA Football 14
MVP 06 College Baseball
I was partial to NCAA Football 2005 or 2006. Back when they had offseason drills and you could focus on making specific improvements for players. Played that game way too much, and played it for several years rather than buying new versions. That was peak EA giving a damn about the game imo, maybe call it an inflection point, where everything just shot off after that and became ridiculous.

MVP 06 College Baseball (might have been 05, can't remember). It was the reason I got an original Xbox off Craigslist around 2010/2011, to play a game which was 5-7 years old.
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Great list there.
But man, Track and Field. I remember everyone having some sort of fulcrum system involving a pen or pencil of choice, maybe a rubberband and breaking one of your fingers for that F'n game. That game DESTROYED my Atari 2600 joysticks. Cursed game that was.
One to add for me. Tempest for sure.
The buffet at WC Franks was glorious. At least when I was 7 or 8 years old.
In Flatrock, NE ours consisted of hot dogs, nachos and cookies N cream shakes. Man that was the place to be back in '84-'85.
I bought myself an Anbernic RG353P about a year ago for some retro gaming. Mostly because it was the cheapest I could get and get up to Dreamcast levels of gaming. Its a good if somewhat underpowered handheld with an HDMI out and I bought 2 bluetooth controllers to go with it. Goes with me on trips. Sign of my age, I have to use my readers when I play using the built in screen. UGH. I never thought I'd get to this point.

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