Today is three years. Had a good day. Slept in. Made a pizza. Buddy came over. Went and visited my best friend (Wannie). Stayed longer than I thought I would. Talked her ear off. Played her favorite song.

Bigboxes you will meet again on that other side of life. I'm so sorry for your loss but know she will be waiting for you again and this time it will be for an eternity of joy and bliss. What you are going through is something that those that are faithful, and loyal to one another will eventually experience. I know my words don't help a lot and having this happen this time of year isn't nice but Gods promise of eternity together with loved ones may give you some solace. God Bless You.As many of you know, 11 years ago "Wannie" was diagnosed with State IV cancer. I posted a prayer thread on this about that time asking for your guys support. You guys responded like Nebraskans always do. I appreciated it then and I again thank you once more.
Today, my love passed on to be with her Lord. She was 51. At the age of 14, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She was not supposed to make it. 37 years later, the love of my life finally lost her battle with cancer.
I met Wannie through my friend and co-worker, Rhonda. She lived at my apartments and introduced Wannie to me. It was obvious that Wannie liked me right away, as I did her. When she left, I was mad that I didn't ask her out right then. I vowed to ask her out again as soon as I saw her again.
Our first date was the date I officially joined the Navy. We met at my favorite Chinese restaurant. She wore a little red dress. I thanked her for the date, gave her a hug and a peck and walked across the street to the Navy recruiting station, got on the bus and headed for the airport on my way to boot camp.
While I was at boot camp in Orlando, she was the one who kept writing me. She sent me a package of about ten full-sized candy bars which I was supposed to share with everyone. I greedily ate every last one of them. Haha!
After boot camp, we dated some more while I was on leave. Even though it was only a week, I knew by the way she carried herself and handled adversity that she was the right one for me. So, I asked her to marry me over the phone from my "A" school in Meridian, Mississippi. Of course she said yes and we were married close to a year later.
While I was deployed she finished up her degree back home in Texas. She would later go on to have a career in teaching. She also was a Stephen Minister in our church, bringing the church to shut ins and those that were in the hospital.
If you met Wannie, then you made a friend. She was kind, thoughtful and respectful of all. Even through her years of suffering, she was always thinking of others.
Goodbye Wannie. Until we meet again, my love.
In psalms it says: the Lord rejoices at the death of His loved ones.” You really loved your wife and she did love you. It will be a great reunion when you see her again as you both know the Lord as your Savior.As many of you know, 11 years ago "Wannie" was diagnosed with State IV cancer. I posted a prayer thread on this about that time asking for your guys support. You guys responded like Nebraskans always do. I appreciated it then and I again thank you once more.
Today, my love passed on to be with her Lord. She was 51. At the age of 14, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She was not supposed to make it. 37 years later, the love of my life finally lost her battle with cancer.
I met Wannie through my friend and co-worker, Rhonda. She lived at my apartments and introduced Wannie to me. It was obvious that Wannie liked me right away, as I did her. When she left, I was mad that I didn't ask her out right then. I vowed to ask her out again as soon as I saw her again.
Our first date was the date I officially joined the Navy. We met at my favorite Chinese restaurant. She wore a little red dress. I thanked her for the date, gave her a hug and a peck and walked across the street to the Navy recruiting station, got on the bus and headed for the airport on my way to boot camp.
While I was at boot camp in Orlando, she was the one who kept writing me. She sent me a package of about ten full-sized candy bars which I was supposed to share with everyone. I greedily ate every last one of them. Haha!
After boot camp, we dated some more while I was on leave. Even though it was only a week, I knew by the way she carried herself and handled adversity that she was the right one for me. So, I asked her to marry me over the phone from my "A" school in Meridian, Mississippi. Of course she said yes and we were married close to a year later.
While I was deployed she finished up her degree back home in Texas. She would later go on to have a career in teaching. She also was a Stephen Minister in our church, bringing the church to shut ins and those that were in the hospital.
If you met Wannie, then you made a friend. She was kind, thoughtful and respectful of all. Even through her years of suffering, she was always thinking of others.
Goodbye Wannie. Until we meet again, my love.
What a great this...In psalms it says: the Lord rejoices at the death of His loved ones.” You really loved your wife and she did love you. It will be a great reunion when you see her again as you both know the Lord as your Savior.
Take care buddy. Thinking about you. Merry Christmas.Today is three years. Had a good day. Slept in. Made a pizza. Buddy came over. Went and visited my best friend (Wannie). Stayed longer than I thought I would. Talked her ear off. Played her favorite song.
Take care, @bigboxes . God Bless you, and Wannie.Today is three years. Had a good day. Slept in. Made a pizza. Buddy came over. Went and visited my best friend (Wannie). Stayed longer than I thought I would. Talked her ear off. Played her favorite song.
So terribly sorry for your loss amigo. Thanks for sharing this photo.Today is our 30th anniversary! It's obviously bittersweet. I miss her so! Took the day off from work. Had lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. An Indian restaraunt. Visited her at the cemetary afterwards. Today is a good day. I am blessed.
So terribly sorry for your loss amigo. Thanks for sharing this photo.
AgreedThere needs to be a praying hands emoji in the like option.
I lost my younger sister over 10 years ago to breast cancer. I think of her often but the one wish I have wished for her husband is that he was able to find another woman to grow old with. Unfortunately he met that someone but the mental health problems my nephew experiences from her suffering ended that.Today is our 30th anniversary! It's obviously bittersweet. I miss her so! Took the day off from work. Had lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. An Indian restaraunt. Visited her at the cemetary afterwards. Today is a good day. I am blessed.
It's been 6 years for my mother. 3.5 years for my wife. A week for my boy cat. Two months for my girl cat. Those cats helped me get through all of this. It was hard saying goodbye to my boy.Today is my Dad's birthday as well. Last week was Mom's birthday. This is the 2nd year of not being able to sing "happy birthday" to them on their birthdays. It's still hard.
Thing of you on this day, Boxes.
Prayers to you Mr Boxes.I made it to Year 4. It was a beautiful day. Sky blue. Wind very little. Mid 60s when I was at gravesite. Talked to Wannie about general stuff. Played her favorite song (You're The Inspiration) and cried a little. I hated that song when it was out. So sappy. LOL. But that was her song.
They had been talking about needing funds for wreath laying at the DFW National Cemetery. I go out there today and BAM! Wreaths in front of every grave marker. Look how nice they look. Here's pics that include my "forever girl" and our view. It's been a good day.
That's why it's so hard. We are blessed.All my best to you, brother. Can't imagine life without my love.
I know it can be hard this time of year. But anytime can test you if you allow it in to stew.That's why it's so hard. We are blessed.
FIFY. It was a pet peeve of my wife and all the ways that people misspelled her name. But I used to love to bug her so, of course, I had to mispronounce her name on occasion just to get a rise out of her. I appreciate your kindness, my friend.Mr. Boxes… blessings to you … I think of you almost every time you post, of the tireless way you carried Wannie through her illness … great example… best to you…
I knew all along that we weren't the only ones enjoying your music. God Bless.Today is three years. Had a good day. Slept in. Made a pizza. Buddy came over. Went and visited my best friend (Wannie). Stayed longer than I thought I would. Talked her ear off. Played her favorite song.