OT: Epstein

I have a family member who is an immigrant from Romania which shares a border with Ukraine. She says Ukraine is just as evil and corrupt as Russia. We've gotten ourselves involved with a corrupt regime in large part to try to stop Putin from rebuilding the Soviet Union. Romania had better hope that Putin gets stopped in Ukraine but they have zero love for Ukraine. I have little doubt that half of the financial support we've sent to Ukraine has ended up in Swiss bank accounts belonging to generals and political figures. We are where we are but we need to stop this misadventure and I think orange man's stance is going to be the only way to get Ukraine to the table. Russia isn't giving up what they've taken. That's done and Ukraine can't win.
There are no good guys. Might as well be a gang fight in south-side Chicago
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I’m not angry; your question, based on the prior conversations, was really stupid. I have no idea how you formulated that thought.
Calm down. If you do not understand the question, ask for clarification. But I suspect that you must not have an ability to have a civil conversation about certain topics without getting irate and immediately going to the name calling or using worn out message board insults. If we disagree, we disagree. Leave it at that.
We've gotten ourselves involved with a corrupt regime in large part to try to stop Putin from rebuilding the Soviet Union. Romania had better hope that Putin gets stopped in Ukraine but they have zero love for Ukraine. I have little doubt that half of the financial support we've sent to Ukraine has ended up in Swiss bank accounts belonging to generals and political figures. We are where we are but we need to stop this misadventure and I think orange man's stance is going to be the only way to get Ukraine to the table. Russia isn't giving up what they've taken. That's done and Ukraine can't win.
I can't argue with that. Where I'm off board with you know who and his loyal side kick, Troy Underbridge, is how they cozy up to Russia. I hope that there's nothing suspicious going on there.
Calm down. If you do not understand the question, ask for clarification. But I suspect that you must not have an ability to have a civil conversation about certain topics without getting irate and immediately going to the name calling or using worn out message board insults. If we disagree, we disagree. Leave it at that.

There you go again. I am calm and I’m not angry. Telling you that you sound stupid does not involve being irate, simply and calmly put, you just sound stupid. To review, I said “Do you think that you are entitled to any and all information?” Your response:

So is your position that you have no problem with information being released via social media? Give money to the right person and certain wealthy dittlers' names disappear?

The one who needs to calm down and not get emotional is you. You twisted a very simple question into a wild and stupid suggestion that I would want wealthy child rapists protected. It was not just stupid, it was very strange.
There you go again. I am calm and I’m not angry. Telling you that you sound stupid does not involve being irate, simply and calmly put, you just sound stupid. To review, I said “Do you think that you are entitled to any and all information?”

The one who needs to calm down and not get emotional is you. You twisted a very simple question into a wild and stupid suggestion that I would want wealthy child rapists protected. It was not just stupid, it was very strange.
I was just repeating my question. And sure, if it makes you feel better I am the one who is irate and overly emotional as evidenced by our previous dialogue.
I can't argue with that. Where I'm off board with you know who and his loyal side kick, Troy Underbridge, is how they cozy up to Russia. I hope that there's nothing suspicious going on there.
If you take the simplest explanation possible, is that they benefit more from money from Russian oligarchs then they do from backing Ukraine. And they think they can keep the rest of us happy by executive orders, banning transgender athletes, getting rid of DEI and rounding up the people that roof our houses, mow our lawns and harvest our vegetables.

It’s Thursday, are we putting tariffs on Canada or not? Laying off people in the government or rehiring them?
If you take the simplest explanation possible, is that they benefit more from money from Russian oligarchs then they do from backing Ukraine. And they think they can keep the rest of us happy by executive orders, banning transgender athletes, getting rid of DEI and rounding up the people that roof our houses, mow our lawns and harvest our vegetables.

It’s Thursday, are we putting tariffs on Canada or not? Laying off people in the government or rehiring them?
we can always just sit around and wait for Mexico, Canada and China to ban imports of our corn and meat products over baseless "health" claims. They've done that repeatedly with no recourse form our government other than to beg and plead for them to trade nicely. I'm willing to take a little hit on my grain prices to bend the bastards over for a change. About freaking time. While we're at it, lets try to regain some of our manufacturing base so every farm part or product I buy doesn't say "made in China" on it. They have us by the balls and its a national security problem.
we can always just sit around and wait for Mexico, Canada and China to ban imports of our corn and meat products over baseless "health" claims. They've done that repeatedly with no recourse form our government other than to beg and plead for them to trade nicely. I'm willing to take a little hit on my grain prices to bend the bastards over for a change. About freaking time. While we're at it, lets try to regain some of our manufacturing base so every farm part or product I buy doesn't say "made in China" on it. They have us by the balls and its a national security problem.
The problem is we went through this last time and did we gain anything other then more debt writing farmers checks? This tariff situation changes by the hour. Does anyone really think businesses are going to invest for the long-term when the tariffs may be gone any minute?
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What nations around the world have tariffs on our products and goods that are less than what we have on theirs? Why is it that when other nations have higher tariffs on US goods and products, it’s cool. But when the US seeks equal tariffs to other nations the US is trying to ruin their nation?
What nations around the world have tariffs on our products and goods that are less than what we have on theirs? Why is it that when other nations have higher tariffs on US goods and products, it’s cool. But when the US seeks equal tariffs to other nations the US is trying to ruin their nation?
That would make sense, but that isn't what's going on here. It's a bunch of mixed messaging about fentynal, taking over our neighbor, etc.
That would make sense, but that isn't what's going on here. It's a bunch of mixed messaging about fentynal, taking over our neighbor, etc.
So there aren’t many or any that do.

The trying of tariffs to border security and protecting the people is an incentive to get the border better under control. The southern border gets more secured, the problems will still find a way in, this seems to be trying to be preventative though clearly many don’t/wont see it as such.
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So there aren’t many or any that do.

The trying of tariffs to border security and protecting the people is an incentive to get the border better under control. The southern border gets more secured, the problems will still find a way in, this seems to be trying to be preventative though clearly many don’t/wont see it as such.
Ok. The southern border stuff makes sense. I can buy that. So why lump in Canada with Mexico and China? Why the talk of the 51st state when clearly no one actually wants that, on either side?
I don't get people's opposition to evening out the tariff inbalance. Those who oppose it are literally siding with other countries right to bend us over. We charge litttle to nothing ro let them flood our market, they charge us an arm and a leg in return, how is that fair?? ...and do you think its at all possible some of that money gets funneled back here to some of the people allowing this to happen? I do...which means they are selling out their own country for profit. I love the attempt to make it fair, happy to bite the bullet for as long as it takes until it gets fixed, so is most of America.
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I don't get people's opposition to evening out the tariff inbalance. Those who oppose it are literally siding with others countries rigjht to bend us over. We charge litttle to nothing ro let them flood our market, they charge us an arm and a leg in return, how is that fair?? ...and do you think its at all possible some of that money gets funneled back here to some of the people allowing this to hapoen? I do...which means they are selling out their own country for profit. I love the attempt to make it fair, happy to bite the bullet for as long as it takes until it gets fixed, so is most of America.
Is that the new messaging out of DC? It now switched from fentynal and illegals? Why did he even negotiate a trade deal his last time in office? At the time he said it was the greatest trade deal ever. 4 years out of office and they are screwing us? Why not address it then?
Is that the new messaging out of DC? It now switched from fentynal and illegals? Why did he even negotiate a trade deal his last time in office? At the time he said it was the greatest trade deal ever. 4 years out of office and they are screwing us? Why not address it then?

Its always been the of many parts of the message, and I think you know that. I could link a lot of very specific videos of tbat being talked about many times.
Its always been the of many parts of the message, and I think you know that. I could link a lot of very specific videos of tbat being talked about many times.
If trade imbalance is the problem, why did the current president negotiate the trade deal we are currently under?

Trade imbalance is randomly mentioned. A lot of things get said. The message has always been border security.
If trade imbalance is the problem, why did the current president negotiate the trade deal we are currently under?

Trade imbalance is randomly mentioned. A lot of things get said. The message has always been border security.

Luckily most of America is like me...willing to bite the bullet until we get a better and more fair deal... watching folks argue its bad is a wild, and a losing proposition.
If trade imbalance is the problem, why did the current president negotiate the trade deal we are currently under?

Trade imbalance is randomly mentioned. A lot of things get said. The message has always been border security.
Everyone’s acting like there’s a plan with organization. What plan is there in announcing tariffs that include cars before you talk to the big three US manufacturers? What do you look like when you have to reverse course the next day?
Luckily most of America is like me...willing to bite the bullet until we get a better and more fair deal... watching folks argue its bad is a wild, and a losing proposition.
Do you know we did the tariff war last time he was president? Did we get some great, fair deal then? Did we end up spending money we don't have to give farmers welfare?
Do you know we did the tariff war last time he was president? Did we get some great, fair deal then? Did we end up spending money we don't have to give farmers welfare?
Hey, everybody’s willing to bite the bullet as long as women can’t get abortions, Jose isn’t in my backyard mowing my lawn, DEI is gone, and Judy (formerly John) can’t beat Timmy at a track meet.
Do you know we did the tariff war last time he was president? Did we get some great, fair deal then? Did we end up spending money we don't have to give farmers welfare?
Would rather funnel more money to farmers than Ukraine. I get what you are trying to say. But don’t sit there and point finger at bailing out a farmer when the past administration sent billions of dollars to Ukraine and certain folks got major kick backs and became very wealthy very quickly. It’s sickening the corruption that just left the White House
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Would rather funnel more money to farmers than Ukraine. I get what you are trying to say. But don’t sit there and point finger at bailing out a farmer when the past administration sent billions of dollars to Ukraine and certain folks got major kick backs and became very wealthy very quickly. It’s sickening the corruption that just left the White House
Oh, and Elon Musk is doing this for free? Do you know the two biggest advertising firms in the US are merging, and Elon is using his influence to try and delay the merger unless they agree to advertise on X? And what do you think the advertisers want information on? Maybe your age your marital status the number of kids you have, the size of your mortgage? You don’t think Elon is gonna sell that?
Oh, and Elon Musk is doing this for free? Do you know the two biggest advertising firms in the US are merging, and Elon is using his influence to try and delay the merger unless they agree to advertise on X? And what do you think the advertisers want information on? Maybe your age your marital status the number of kids you have, the size of your mortgage? You don’t think Elon is gonna sell that?
Good lord you are just like the awful dems at the state of the union. The American people saw perfectly clear what they are about. They self sabotaged their own party. Good riddance
The problem is we went through this last time and did we gain anything other then more debt writing farmers checks? This tariff situation changes by the hour. Does anyone really think businesses are going to invest for the long-term when the tariffs may be gone any minute?
Sleepy Joe wrote those checks and it was insane. I took them and cashed them but I sure as hell could have lived without them. We need to get rid of all of the giveaways included in the dishonestly named "Inflation Reduction Act". What a freaking joke. We HAVE to stop borrowing money from the future of our grandkids. From a national security point, we HAVE to decrease our dependance on foreign production.
Would rather funnel more money to farmers than Ukraine. I get what you are trying to say. But don’t sit there and point finger at bailing out a farmer when the past administration sent billions of dollars to Ukraine and certain folks got major kick backs and became very wealthy very quickly. It’s sickening the corruption that just left the White House
Ukraine or farm aid doesn't bother me. I just find it all amusing. My point about the tariffs is are we going to do something different this time to actually make them effective? Any normal farmer will admit it didn't work out last time and put them in a bad spot for what turned out to be no reason.
Sleepy Joe wrote those checks and it was insane. I took them and cashed them but I sure as hell could have lived without them. We need to get rid of all of the giveaways included in the dishonestly named "Inflation Reduction Act". What a freaking joke. We HAVE to stop borrowing money from the future of our grandkids. From a national security point, we HAVE to decrease our dependance on foreign production.
You better check your records. The soybean bailout money came from Trump.
Ukraine or farm aid doesn't bother me. I just find it all amusing. My point about the tariffs is are we going to do something different this time to actually make them effective? Any normal farmer will admit it didn't work out last time and put them in a bad spot for what turned out to be no reason.
It must bother you. You are the one that bought up spending money we don’t have bailing out American farmers yet previous administration sent billions to Ukraine. Only different is trump did it. But crickets when Biden sends an exorbitant amount of money to Ukraine.
You better check your records. The soybean bailout money came from Trump.
I didn't get any soybean money bailout money. My rotation is 2 years of corn, one year of beans. Got lots of bailout money from Joe's IRA. Got a large check from the COVID bailout. What a joke. It just poured gas on the fire.
Oh, and Elon Musk is doing this for free? Do you know the two biggest advertising firms in the US are merging, and Elon is using his influence to try and delay the merger unless they agree to advertise on X? And what do you think the advertisers want information on? Maybe your age your marital status the number of kids you have, the size of your mortgage? You don’t think Elon is gonna sell that?
It must bother you. You are the one that bought up spending money we don’t have bailing out American farmers yet previous administration sent billions to Ukraine. Only different is trump did it. But crickets when Biden sends an exorbitant amount of money to Ukraine.
Ukraine aid was popular amongst both sides when it started. It has now become a divisive issue, but wasn't at the start. I don't have a problem helping farmers, my problem is we shouldn't have had to help them. We only had to because we started an ill advised tariff war that led to nothing, as far as I can tell.
Ukraine aid was popular amongst both sides when it started. It has now become a divisive issue, but wasn't at the start. I don't have a problem helping farmers, my problem is we shouldn't have had to help them. We only had to because we started an ill advised tariff war that led to nothing, as far as I can tell.
We didn't HAVE to "help" them. Government programs and tax policy has driven the expansion of corporate farming making it virtually impossible for young farmers to start. As a small farmer, I would say keep some degree of crop insurance and maybe some LRP insurance but get rid of all the other crap. All it does is f with the marketplace and drive up rents and land prices.
Good lord you are just like the awful dems at the state of the union. The American people saw perfectly clear what they are about. They self sabotaged their own party. Good riddance.
My info comes from the WSJ. But of course they’ve been infiltrated….

See, there seem to be two ways of thinking about this. That everybody prior to this going back through Reagan (45 years) didn’t understand trade, didn’t understand Russia, didn’t understand how the government works (and doesn’t work), didn’t understand how foreign aid works to increase America’s influence. Or, the current duly elected, highly charismatic, occupant of the White House doesn’t know what he’s doing.
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