Arizona state field goal vs Texas


Oct 25, 2009
I’ve seen almost nothing about this other than a couple videos on Facebook, which you never know if they’re fake or not. But the poster of the Facebook video said there was an Arizona State field goal which was partially blocked but then it bounced through the goalposts. He said since it was partially blocked it was a live ball and should’ve counted three points as a field goal, even though it bounced first.

Suspicious of that story I texted a Texas alum I know in Houston and asked him about it. He had the game recorded so he watched it again and said that it was true the ball did bounce through the uprights. But the refs signaled It was no good when it hit the ground, and he considered that the end of the discussion.

So for the rules Experts on here, is a field goal considered good if it’s partially blocked and bounces through the uprights ? Would it make any difference that the refs called it No good, as it seems that would be an easy play to review.
I’ve seen almost nothing about this other than a couple videos on Facebook, which you never know if they’re fake or not. But the poster of the Facebook video said there was an Arizona State field goal which was partially blocked but then it bounced through the goalposts. He said since it was partially blocked it was a live ball and should’ve counted three points as a field goal, even though it bounced first.

Suspicious of that story I texted a Texas alum I know in Houston and asked him about it. He had the game recorded so he watched it again and said that it was true the ball did bounce through the uprights. But the refs signaled It was no good when it hit the ground, and he considered that the end of the discussion.

So for the rules Experts on here, is a field goal considered good if it’s partially blocked and bounces through the uprights ? Would it make any difference that the refs called it No good, as it seems that would be an easy play to review.
I think the confusion was it’s still a live ball that can be returned by the receiving team. So some assumed since it bounced over it was still live and should count.
All touching by Team A or B is ignored in the expanded neutral zone. Once ball is grounded, outside of a drop kick, no field goal.
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Isn’t it a dead ball once it bounces beyond the line of scrimmage
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Isn’t it a dead ball once it bounces beyond the line of scrimmage
No don’t you remember Leon Lett from Dallas on thanksgiving day . Dallas blocked the FG and he slid a tried to recover it in the snow . The other team recovered and kicked the winning FG.
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Pretty clear it isn't

A field goal is scored when all of the following conditions are met:

The kick must be a placekick or dropkick made by the offense from on or behind the line of scrimmage or from the spot of a fair catch (fair-catch kick). If a fair catch is made or awarded outside the inbound line, the spot of the kick is the nearest inbound line.
After the ball is kicked, it must not touch the ground or any player of the offensive team before it passes through the goal.
The entire ball must pass through the vertical plane of the goal, which is the area above the crossbar and between the uprights or, if above the uprights, between their outside edges. If the ball passes through the goal, and returns through the goal without striking the ground or some object or person beyond the goal, the attempt is unsuccessful.
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No don’t you remember Leon Lett from Dallas on thanksgiving day . Dallas blocked the FG and he slid a tried to recover it in the snow . The other team recovered and kicked the winning FG.
I didn’t see that. Only the defensive team can recover, correct? So if no one touches it ball eventually becomes dead, correct?