OT: Epstein

I'm feeling a little more positive after the latest update by Bondi. She says the DOJ has received a LOT of documents and evidence. She said the FBI is going through the info and will compile a list. Not comfortable with that aspect of it but it's better than not knowing where anything is located. Sounds like she has her own source within the FBI... odd but ok.
Do you think that you are entitled to any and all information?
Yeah, pulling people out of prisons and bringing in North Koreans is a sure sign of a healthy military enrollment.
North Koreans have only been on Russian territory. Russian territory that Ukraine invaded. Ukraine have been aggressors against the Koreans, not the other way around.
Well that dude wasn't North Korean and he was walking around the streets, so likely not a prisoner either.
I would never claim that Ukraine doesn't have a numbers problem. They clearly do, and that is clearly part of the typical Russian strategy of attrition. I just find it amusing that the narrative has now shifted and people act like Russia doesn't a numbers problem as well. They have numbers, just not from where they can realistically draw.

Ukrainian people must not have fallen in line like Russians. Resist like that in Russia and your whole family likely ends up in Siberia with half a piece of bread a day and 2 thimbles of water.
North Koreans have only been on Russian territory. Russian territory that Ukraine invaded. Ukraine have been aggressors against the Koreans, not the other way around.
Lol. You sure do have a simplified view of the world, don't you. The Chinese never went into Korea during the Korean war either. Right?
3 years of war in Ukraine is doing nothing but helping Russia. As a historical comparison, they just learned the lessons of the Winter War, 1941 and 1942, for a relatively low cost, and they are a much stronger military now than they were in 2022. Russia is now the only country besides Ukraine experienced fighting a conventional war against a near-peer adversary. In 1943 and 1944, the Soviets became a steamroller army. I think it's a very bad idea to give Russia that chance again by letting the war continue.
I’m trying to figure out how wearing their army down to where they have to get additional soldiers from North Korea is helping Russia..,,nope can’t figure it out.
I would never claim that Ukraine doesn't have a numbers problem. They clearly do, and that is clearly part of the typical Russian strategy of attrition. I just find it amusing that the narrative has now shifted and people act like Russia doesn't a numbers problem as well. They have numbers, just not from where they can realistically draw.

Ukrainian people must not have fallen in line like Russians. Resist like that in Russia and your whole family likely ends up in Siberia with half a piece of bread a day and 2 thimbles of water.
Putin isn't calling for American soldiers to come fight the war for him, as the President of Ukraine is doing. If the Russians want to use prisoners and North Koreans, and the North Korean people and leadership are ok with that, who am I to care.
Putin isn't calling for American soldiers to come fight the war for him, as the President of Ukraine is doing. If the Russians want to use prisoners and North Koreans, and the North Korean people and leadership are ok with that, who am I to care.
I’m too lazy to search for the quote from Zelenskyy asking for American soldiers to fight in Ukraine is-can u enlighten me?
Chuckle…. Thanks to the board for confirming my thoughts…. The old nanny nanny boo boo defense is a bold move.. Tune in tonight at 9 eastern, 8 central to get your next set of instructions and talking points..
Chuckle…. Thanks to the board for confirming my thoughts…. The old nanny nanny boo boo defense is a bold move.. Tune in tonight at 9 eastern, 8 central to get your next set of instructions and talking points..
Is that when you get you text or email from the dnc?
Do you think that you are entitled to any and all information?
The American people have a right to know that law and order still means something in this country. There is a reason Lady Justice is blind folded. People need to be assured the legal processes apply to everyone.

There are serious, disgusting crimes that occurred and the lack of accountability has been turned into a punch line. It was so bad one girl tried to run away and swim to a nearby island before Epstein's staff chased her down and took her passport away from her.

Everyone involved needs to burn
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Since we're discussing Ukraine (in an Epstein thread), I thought this was an interesting read:
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Why should the information be edited and release via paid social media influencers? That's not transparent.
I suspect that there may be some analysis of whether or not there are people they might be able to prosecute from the information they have. I don't think the investigation is over. It might be counterproductive to release the files right now. One thing I'll say is that taking phone calls from a political donor or showing up at an event with him somewhere shouldn't automatically make a person guilty of some crime. Yeah the guy was a despicable scumbag but it's possible that somebody who associated with him briefly would not have been aware of that. I had my picture taken with Gerald Ford at a cocktail party. Does that make Ford guilty of associating with such a scoundrel as myself?
The American people have a right to know that law and order still means something in this country. There is a reason Lady Justice is blind folded. People need to be assured the legal processes apply to everyone.

There are serious, disgusting crimes that occurred and the lack of accountability has been turned into a punch line. It was so bad one girl tried to run away and swim to a nearby island before Epstein's staff chased her down and took her passport away from her.

Everyone involved needs to burn

step brothers dale GIF

May be lots of personal information in there that doesn’t inculpate perps, so just maybe that information shouldn’t be shared with all the whack jobs and dumb dumbs in the world.
Since we're discussing Ukraine (in an Epstein thread), I thought this was an interesting read:
I have a family member who is an immigrant from Romania which shares a border with Ukraine. She says Ukraine is just as evil and corrupt as Russia. We've gotten ourselves involved with a corrupt regime in large part to try to stop Putin from rebuilding the Soviet Union. Romania had better hope that Putin gets stopped in Ukraine but they have zero love for Ukraine. I have little doubt that half of the financial support we've sent to Ukraine has ended up in Swiss bank accounts belonging to generals and political figures. We are where we are but we need to stop this misadventure and I think orange man's stance is going to be the only way to get Ukraine to the table. Russia isn't giving up what they've taken. That's done and Ukraine can't win.
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step brothers dale GIF

May be lots of personal information in there that doesn’t inculpate perps, so just maybe that information shouldn’t be shared with all the whack jobs and dumb dumbs in the world.
I guess I trust Bondi to make the correct decisions on this deal. The concern for me is that there might be innocent people unknowingly smeared by association with that scumbag. Showing up at a political fundraiser with Epstein in attendance isn't a criminal offense and might not even have been bad judgement. Multiple flights to his private island on the other hand......
I have a family member who is an immigrant from Romania which shares a border with Ukraine. She says Ukraine is just as evil and corrupt as Russia. We've gotten ourselves involved with a corrupt regime in large part to try to stop Putin from rebuilding the Soviet Union. Romania had better hope that Putin gets stopped in Ukraine but they have zero love for Ukraine. I have little doubt that half of the financial support we've sent to Ukraine has ended up in Swiss bank accounts belonging to generals and political figures. We are where we are but we need to stop this misadventure and I think orange man's stance is going to be the only way to get Ukraine to the table. Russia isn't giving up what they've taken. That's done and Ukraine can't win.
I'm for anything that hurts Russia...but I don't have a deep love for Ukraine either.

Russia stealing Ukraine feels a little early stages Hitler-trying-to-conquer-Europe-ish to me.

So, I'm torn. Send them supplies, not money at this point is probably what I would do
Since we're discussing Ukraine (in an Epstein thread), I thought this was an interesting read:
Correct. It was much different then actually being invaded by neighboring communists.
Chinese soldiers were military advisors. China didn't "invade" Vietnam. It was a civil war. We supported the elected government. China supported the rebels. Very different circumstances where we had tens of thousands of boots on the ground.
I'm for anything that hurts Russia...but I don't have a deep love for Ukraine either.

Russia stealing Ukraine feels a little early stages Hitler-trying-to-conquer-Europe-ish to me.

So, I'm torn. Send them supplies, not money at this point is probably what I would do
One thing about it, our change in stance has forced Europe to step up to the plate as they should. I'm not for isolationism but some of these countries and their pacifist governments have bathed in US dollars for their defense.
One thing about it, our change in stance has forced Europe to step up to the plate as they should. I'm not for isolationism but some of these countries and their pacifist governments have bathed in US dollars for their defense.
You're not wrong, they need to pony up too (it should be more of an interest for them seeing as they're closer)

I'm more of an isolationist too...maybe except when it comes to Russia (or if China goes after Taiwan). They just have a different level of untrustworthiness and danger associated with them.
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I have a family member who is an immigrant from Romania which shares a border with Ukraine. She says Ukraine is just as evil and corrupt as Russia. We've gotten ourselves involved with a corrupt regime in large part to try to stop Putin from rebuilding the Soviet Union. Romania had better hope that Putin gets stopped in Ukraine but they have zero love for Ukraine. I have little doubt that half of the financial support we've sent to Ukraine has ended up in Swiss bank accounts belonging to generals and political figures. We are where we are but we need to stop this misadventure and I think orange man's stance is going to be the only way to get Ukraine to the table. Russia isn't giving up what they've taken. That's done and Ukraine can't win.
No doubt some money is missing. I’m sure there are some people in/who have been in American government who have Swiss bank accounts.
But if Zelenskyy is one of them, why didn’t he flee when the Russians invaded? because he forgot the number on his Swiss bank account?

Also,Pretty sure that Musk Bezos and the like have hidden money offshore somewhere. Why else are they getting rid of all those people in the IRS who might accidentally trip over that money?
Chinese soldiers were military advisors. China didn't "invade" Vietnam. It was a civil war. We supported the elected government. China supported the rebels. Very different circumstances where we had tens of thousands of boots on the ground.
I was referring to the difference in Ukraine being invaded by Russia vs. our involvement in Vietnam.
I'm for anything that hurts Russia...but I don't have a deep love for Ukraine either.

Russia stealing Ukraine feels a little early stages Hitler-trying-to-conquer-Europe-ish to me.

So, I'm torn. Send them supplies, not money at this point is probably what I would do
Russia vs Ukraine is more like Iowa vs Iowa State. Both are smelly losers
Russia vs Ukraine is more like Iowa vs Iowa State. Both are smelly losers
Yeah, but you feel sorry for Iowa State because they get picked on a lot. So even though you don't like them, when they're warring against each other you love it when Iowa State beats the chuckeyes down.
I have a family member who is an immigrant from Romania which shares a border with Ukraine. She says Ukraine is just as evil and corrupt as Russia. We've gotten ourselves involved with a corrupt regime in large part to try to stop Putin from rebuilding the Soviet Union. Romania had better hope that Putin gets stopped in Ukraine but they have zero love for Ukraine. I have little doubt that half of the financial support we've sent to Ukraine has ended up in Swiss bank accounts belonging to generals and political figures. We are where we are but we need to stop this misadventure and I think orange man's stance is going to be the only way to get Ukraine to the table. Russia isn't giving up what they've taken. That's done and Ukraine can't win.
Romanian has no good words to say about Ukranians. Kind of like a Nebraskan saying he has no use for Iowegians. Most of what we've sent Ukraine of value are old munitions we would have eventually destroyed. As for the mighty Russia, there are troubling signs (for them) -
Since we're discussing Ukraine (in an Epstein thread), I thought this was an interesting read:
Yes I would have liked to have seen the deal signed. SOMETHING last minute happened. We'll know eventually. But something definitely went ary at the last minute.
Yes I would have liked to have seen the deal signed. SOMETHING last minute happened. We'll know eventually. But something definitely went ary at the last minute.
The democrat senators met with zalinsky before he met with trump, they convinced him not to take the deal