OT: crafts of non-human origin

I don’t think religion and aliens are necessarily mutually exclusive, but I would guess that any proof of extraterrestrial life would cause significant shock to the faith.

Young earth creationism or other literal interpretations of the Bible will probably incur serious doubts among some of their followers. It would also lead some to wonder “well if this part isn’t true, what about these other parts” etc.

In this country at least, Christianity has taken on the mantle of Israel’s protector and has been deeply embedded into our political life. This is despite the Bible not naming America as having this role, we just sort of assumed it. For folks having a very American centric viewpoint of Christianity it may cause some stir that the universe has more players than we had assumed when we took the mantle of last protector of the faith and God’s children.

Interesting things still to learn in this life.
There is a problem. The nearest star, hence solar system, is 4 light years away. If these aliens could travel at the speed of light it would that 4 years to get here, 4 years back. So maybe they've figured out a super duper system of fuel and travel. But....

Problem 2: Propelling a solid at the speed of light would take more energy than exists in all the universe. Aside from hillbilly fishermen there is a reason we don't have communion with beings from another world. Its utterly impossible even if they exist in spades.

Their technology may be advanced but they can't change the facts.

A more likely explanation is your government would like to distract you with this nonsense.

These problems only arise if we assume that our understanding of physics is correct. If our understanding of physics is incorrect (which, based on how these UAPs move, seems pretty likely), then all our assumptions about distance, fuel and travel go out the window. An advanced civilization would have a significantly better understanding of how the universe operates than we do.
I don’t think religion and aliens are necessarily mutually exclusive, but I would guess that any proof of extraterrestrial life would cause significant shock to the faith.

Young earth creationism or other literal interpretations of the Bible will probably incur serious doubts among some of their followers. It would also lead some to wonder “well if this part isn’t true, what about these other parts” etc.

That is my biggest issue with ET...if he/she/they exist, then I almost have to assume God doesn't. I find it unlikely God would allow us to meet for the reasons you listed...yet I believe in both amd cannot explain how that is even possible.
That is my biggest issue with ET...if he/she/they exist, then I almost have to assume God doesn't. I find it unlikely God would allow us to meet for the reasons you listed...yet I believe in both amd cannot explain how that is even possible.
🤣🤣. You’re such a goof. Aliens is where you draw the line for God because in your mind he wouldn’t allow us to meet? You know God used to let angels pork our women, right?
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🤣🤣. You’re such a goof. Aliens is where you draw the line for God because in your mind he wouldn’t allow us to meet? You know God used to let angels pork our women, right?

I said I find it unlikely he'd allow us to meet. I'm not drawing any lines in the sand here...and I don't equate Angels to aliens. Two seperate issues....and i'm going to just ignore the "pork" comment. Haha.
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I don’t think religion and aliens are necessarily mutually exclusive, but I would guess that any proof of extraterrestrial life would cause significant shock to the faith.

Young earth creationism or other literal interpretations of the Bible will probably incur serious doubts among some of their followers. It would also lead some to wonder “well if this part isn’t true, what about these other parts” etc.

In this country at least, Christianity has taken on the mantle of Israel’s protector and has been deeply embedded into our political life. This is despite the Bible not naming America as having this role, we just sort of assumed it. For folks having a very American centric viewpoint of Christianity it may cause some stir that the universe has more players than we had assumed when we took the mantle of last protector of the faith and God’s children.

Interesting things still to learn in this life.
Not a problem for Catholics
Its been a slow rollout over the last 70 years or so. Get the populace to accept this as a possibility and when they are ready, start revealing more and more until finally, full disclosure. Hopefully we are all able to handle what is really out there.
Would you still be drinking the Rhule-aid if it turns out he's an alien?
Its been a slow rollout over the last 70 years or so. Get the populace to accept this as a possibility and when they are ready, start revealing more and more until finally, full disclosure. Hopefully we are all able to handle what is really out there.

I ain't getting to excited about it either way...if ET wants a fight, come get some.
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Its been a slow rollout over the last 70 years or so. Get the populace to accept this as a possibility and when they are ready, start revealing more and more until finally, full disclosure. Hopefully we are all able to handle what is really out there.
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Distraction. Milley came back and shut the whole thing down...for now. Until its needed again. Then feigned disclosure and media outlet interest will conveniently return.
Does AI count as "non - human origin"?

Got to examine the language nowadays.
We don’t have tangible proof that either exist, but I believe in aliens more than a supreme being. I’m cheering for both to exist though. God appearing as as hardcore lefty liberal and aliens as staunch republicans. That would challenge humanity.
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Its been a slow rollout over the last 70 years or so. Get the populace to accept this as a possibility and when they are ready, start revealing more and more until finally, full disclosure. Hopefully we are all able to handle what is really out there.
The slow rollout was waiting for technology to trick people with holograms and such. The old Space Walk video stuff won’t go people these
For me it still comes down to.... There is either God, or there are aliens, but there can't be both because I don't believe God would allow us to meet each other for fear of confusion / putting us in a position where we question God's existence....but the problem is I kinda do believe in both so I don't know what to think.
You got to be kidding with that post ! Stay the hell away from organized religion !
These problems only arise if we assume that our understanding of physics is correct. If our understanding of physics is incorrect (which, based on how these UAPs move, seems pretty likely), then all our assumptions about distance, fuel and travel go out the window. An advanced civilization would have a significantly better understanding of how the universe operates than we do.
There is actual scientific proof of ancient nuclear war from 8,000 years ago. Vimanas were described as vehicles in the air capable of delivering explosives at high speed. Great wars were described in early religious texts.

A scientist said "I am the destroyer of worlds", when quoting from ancient Vedic texts. He was speaking of prehistoric nuclear warfare.

This scientist was asked, "how do you feel after having the first atomic bomb on earth?" He replied, "not the first atomic bomb, but the first atomic bomb in modern times." He strongly believed that nukes were used in ancient India.

Who was that scientist? Some guy named Oppenheimer. This is all true.

Do I believe there are other alien civilizations? Absolutely, in fact, there are 5. Have I ever seen a UFO? No.

We are entering a time when much of what everyone believes will fall by the wayside. Many do not know that the top astrophysicist believe the moon should not be there. In fact, they believe it was constructed by alien technology and was actually towed there. It's believed the moon is hollow and the dark side is a giant alien city with large structures, etc.

If you think there is little going on at night in the sky, try looking with military grade night vision glasses. Better yet, use night vision glasses with red lenses, it changes the frequency and dimension of what you are viewing.
It'll blow your mind.

As a country, we are nearing the point of an economic collapse. There will need to be a distraction to shift the focus of people from a crumbling economy to something else. There will be a disclosure, likely in the next few months. There needs to be something to bridge the timeline between the collapsing economy and the threat of war, which is inevitable.

The thing that's cool for in "out there" discussion, is that I can't prove it's true and you can't prove it's not true.

One of us will be right. There's so much we don't know.
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There could be life on other planets, but if they are anything like our civilization, they will let technology and warfare kill themselves off first before ever getting to the point where they could develop space craft to visit us.
That is my biggest issue with ET...if he/she/they exist, then I almost have to assume God doesn't. I find it unlikely God would allow us to meet for the reasons you listed...yet I believe in both amd cannot explain how that is even possible.
I feel this is the overly simplistic view that most people have of “God” maybe because of the Christian bible. It’s why most atheists I’ve met believe what they believe, simply because they’re offended by the Bible. It’s just way too narrow of a view on what a possible god could be in my opinion.

Any God over the universe would basically have to BE an alien to us. Or maybe there’s a hierarchy of manager Gods and there’s one that oversees our planet. The possibilities are endless and no one here knows, that we know of 😉
For me it still comes down to.... There is either God, or there are aliens, but there can't be both because I don't believe God would allow us to meet each other for fear of confusion / putting us in a position where we question God's existence....but the problem is I kinda do believe in both so I don't know what to think.
What if they’re the same?
You got to be kidding with that post ! Stay the hell away from organized religion !


I feel this is the overly simplistic view that most people have of “God” maybe because of the Christian bible. It’s why most atheists I’ve met believe what they believe, simply because they’re offended by the Bible. It’s just way too narrow of a view on what a possible god could be in my opinion.

Any God over the universe would basically have to BE an alien to us. Or maybe there’s a hierarchy of manager Gods and there’s one that oversees our planet. The possibilities are endless and no one here knows, that we know of 😉

I'm 50/50 on aliens...I'm all in on God. For me it isn't a matter of "What a possible God could be". I know what he is....and like I tell others when I discuss this topic....when you meet him, and you will whether you believe in him or not, ask him "why" about, anything. I'll be asking a lot if I'm allowed, ET won't be on my top 10, but I'll get to it.
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I'm 50/50 on aliens...I'm all in on God. For me it isn't a matter of "What a possible God could be". I know what he is....and like I tell others when I discuss this topic....when you meet him, and you will whether you believe in him or not, ask him "why" about, anything. I'll be asking a lot if I'm allowed, ET won't be on my top 10, but I'll get to it.
I don’t knock anyone on what they believe except atheists, because they can’t prove, even to themselves that kind of (literally) astronomical negative. There are a lot of people who believe they’ve met God. I believe the universe communicates with me through numbers and signs. I just don’t really put a label on it is all, so I’m totally open to any kind of God existing.

Maybe everyone’s deity communicates with them in the way any given person wants to believe in them as which would explain why there’s so many devout organized religions.
There could be life on other planets, but if they are anything like our civilization, they will let technology and warfare kill themselves off first before ever getting to the point where they could develop space craft to visit us.
This would explain the Fermi paradox
For me it still comes down to.... There is either God, or there are aliens, but there can't be both because I don't believe God would allow us to meet each other for fear of confusion / putting us in a position where we question God's existence....but the problem is I kinda do believe in both so I don't know what to think.
There are definitely some alien beings in Congress but they really can’t be classified as intelligent life forms

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