OT Chester Bennington (Linkin Park lead singer) dead at 41

..."'Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Hardly anything there for you to see
For you to see
For you to see"
-Chester Bennington
I have an acquaintance who played backup guitar on an album of a fairly popular metal band back in the 80's. The guy still gets quarterly checks for like $12. I assume guys like Bennington never have to work again after cutting a few mega-albums if they are willing to live a normal lifestyle. I always wonder why these guys and gals don't take however long necessary to put the music down and get clean, sober and their meds balanced. I suspect it is for the same reason people like Saban coach at age 66 even though he is a millionaire probably 30 times over. The guys just can't put aside the fame and excitement.
He had spoken before of considering suicide because of abuse when he was a kid and that he suffered from depression. Also, he was good friends with Chris Cornell and yesterday would have been Chris's birthday so people are saying that's why. I don't know. Suicide is never the answer. No matter what.
How so? How do you know he wasnt a good dad?
He's only saying that based on the fact he committed suicide. He's saying that makes him a bad dad, effectively abandoning his children.

Many people feel this way, which is unfortunate, because it's a stance that doesn't help at all with those contemplating it. Chances are, if they're already contemplating, they already see themselves as bad people.

Personally, I'd like to reverse the trend of the rising suicide rate. I've had a rough couple of recent years myself, losing a few people to it, including my best friend from HS and a guy who was basically my big brother when I joined the military. I'm sorry if I don't subscribe to your cold, callus, assuming logic on this.
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Ahhh ok I got it, and agree its very selfish to kill ones self, especially with 6 kids.
I was wondering if he was trying to say the fact that someone has 6 kids itself makes them selfish.

NM though...agreed, very selfish and hope his kids can get past it but now they will have demons in adulthood also.
He's only saying that based on the fact he committed suicide. He's saying that makes him a bad dad, effectively abandoning his children.

Many people feel this way, which is unfortunate, because it's a stance that doesn't help at all with those contemplating it. Chances are, if they're already contemplating, they already see themselves as bad people.

Personally, I'd like to reverse the trend of the rising suicide rate. I've had a rough couple of recent years myself, losing a few people to it, including my best friend from HS and a guy who was basically my big brother when I joined the military. I'm sorry if I don't subscribe to your cold, callus, assuming logic on this.
Thats not what i meant at all, i was confused about what he was saying because i misread something.
My questioning had nothing to do with the suicide itself, i thoiht he was trying to make a societal statement regarding having kids itself. Apologies for the confusion, and agree I would like to see the rising rate of suicide decline but its only getting worse as we get more "advanced".
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Majority of people consider suicide a selfish act. Leaves behind family, friends, etc. In this case fans as well. Most people say it says that they don't care about you and that you only thought of yourself in doing this.
Agreed. Misread what he was saying. My fault.
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Thats not what i meant at all, i was confused about what he was saying because i misread something.
My questioning had nothing to do with the suicide itself, i thoiht he was trying to make a societal statement regarding having kids itself. Apologies for the confusion, and agree I would like to see the rising rate of suicide decline but its only getting worse as we get more "advanced".
Oh no, I know that. I should quoted you both. I was agreeing with your question of him making the assumption of how good of a father Chester was. We're on the same page I think!
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If he had clinical depression, he may not have been at all thinking straight.

I understand the clinical depression aspect. You would hope that someone would realize that they needed to get the help they so badly needed...first and foremost because of those 6 kids. Just sad all the way around.
What the diff between shitty and sh!tty? LOL

Well, one means he doesn't care about the ramifications of everyone close to him, especially his kids. The other means he might have had mental issues but was sure that those wouldn't affect family members, so he had numerous kids, then offed himself when he felt sorry for himself.

They are both the same big guy. I just wasn't sure I could type the real word.
Truly sad for his kids, they'll have to live with this. 6 year old twin girls, 11 year old boy, 15 year old boy, 21 year old son and an adopted son whose age I don't know.
Linkin Park has fallen off recently, but they were the best band out there during the early 2000's. Hybrid Theory was their best album and Meteora was good too. Chester Bennington will be missed in the rock world. RIP
Depression is very scary, I have dealt with it with someone very close and it is unreal. Yes he had a family but his demons never left. Worse thing I have ever witnessed or dealt with, it is everyday stress. Rip and prayers for his kids.
"Linkin Park has fallen off recently, but they were the best band out there during the early 2000's."

I was initially going to refute this, and while I do think there were way better rock bands from the early 2000s, my main reaction in looking back at bands of that era was holy crap had rock music hit a wall. I'm going to go listen to Led Zepplin IV now.
"Linkin Park has fallen off recently, but they were the best band out there during the early 2000's."

I was initially going to refute this, and while I do think there were way better rock bands from the early 2000s, my main reaction in looking back at bands of that era was holy crap had rock music hit a wall. I'm going to go listen to Led Zepplin IV now.
Every generation says this
It's true though. Just talking about quantity, not even quality, from the 70's through early 2000's there were new hit rock songs coming out every week. Now it's maybe one every 3 months.
Rock was also the big genre, it's shifted to pop, pop rap type stuff now. Hopefully rock hits a comeback, but much of what would be hits years ago is buried by pop rock on the charts. It's all there, just really hard to find.
"Linkin Park has fallen off recently, but they were the best band out there during the early 2000's."

I was initially going to refute this, and while I do think there were way better rock bands from the early 2000s, my main reaction in looking back at bands of that era was holy crap had rock music hit a wall. I'm going to go listen to Led Zepplin IV now.

Give me Led Zep over this music all day long.