
Just so Iā€™m clear - you donā€™t think there is anything wrong with puberty blockers or that they can have lasting negative effects on a kid?
I donā€™t feel qualified to answer that. I wouldnā€™t hand them out like candy, but if a professional thinks they make sense in a certain case who am I to tell them differently? All drugs have potential drawbacks.

Personally I avoid medicating for anything unless absolutely necessary, and indulging in substances of any kind, but thatā€™s my preference for myself and I donā€™t put it on others.
Watched USA WVolleyball from the eye doctors office. For the defending Gold medalists they are barely hanging in in this years Games
The help they needā€¦ to keep conforming to the parentā€™s ideal of who theyā€™ll grow up to be. I want my kid to grow up and quarterback the Huskers to 4 straight nattys. But more than that I want them to grow up into a kind, successful person who treats the people around them well. I donā€™t spend any more time obsessing over their gender identity than I do their favorite sport.
Hey, mental health is a big problem thatā€™s been swept under the rug for years. Iā€™m glad there are more resources and opportunities for you to get the help that you need.
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I missed so much today. Finally getting caught up. USA 3x3 right now... How many Barry boys are there ?!?
The US 3x3 team seems... not great.

How long you think that dude lasted before he joined my elite group in my Ignore Hopper?
Hey, mental health is a big problem thatā€™s been swept under the rug for years. Iā€™m glad there are more resources and opportunities for you to get the help that you need.
You guys are weird.
but not cut off our dicks weird. That's all you
Nah. For some reason I decided to engage with you guys and ended up talking about (edit: cutting) off dicks more than I have since telling juvenile jokes as a child. We should all learn some sort of lesson from that, I suppose.
Nah. For some reason I decided to engage with you guys and ended up talking about (edit: cutting) off dicks more than I have since telling juvenile jokes as a child. We should all learn some sort of lesson from that, I suppose.
that a lot of people support genital mutilation

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