
I tried to watch the OL specifically and it has improved significantly against this opponent anyway.

They are doing a much better job of getting their hands on and keeping them on the defender. Too often they would get the initial strike and slide off in the past.

The other good sign was their footwork. Too many times in the past they were straight up on a defender and the defender could slide, use their hands and get to the ball. They did a much better job of taking that extra half step and sealing the defender in or outside by keeping their body square between the runner and the D.

Still some work to do, some teams will likely bring more stunts which we have notoriously been poor st picking up.
I know the competition .. but how good was our Oline run and pass blocking. Keep it rolling boys
How cool was it on a couple of those plays to have Dylan back there in the pocket with all kinds of time to throw?

Another thing, this is the first time in a long time that we've run the ball well without the threat of a running QB and QB rush & scramble stats making the numbers look decent.
I thought they played well. I think the announcers mentioned Benhart whiffed on one block in pass pro but other than that I thought they played well. Very, very few penalties as well which is refreshing.
UTEP was a little undersized on their D line but they were quick. That quickness gave our tackles some issues at times IMO. Overall our O line did a good job.

I am SO happy Rhule kept Donovan.

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