Offensive Identity

What is our offensive identity? What are we trying to do?

It took me one series to see that Indiana is an inside zone rpo team. What do we try to do? So many looks it seems incoherent.

What is our offensive identity? What are we trying to do?

It took me one series to see that Indiana is an inside zone rpo team. What do we try to do? So many looks it seems incoherent.
We’re a pro style pass first offense that won’t commit to running the ball. We get stuffed once and we wave a white flag.
We don’t have one
It’s an absolute ****ing joke and infuriating. We are in year two, our coach’s strength is preaching to the media, and the team comes out and is cooked from the get-go.

Rhule is the ****ing care salesman who convinces you that you need heated seats in Arizona. He literally preaches about winning the trenches and the running game winning ugly games in this conference, then sends our QB (who ISN’T a threat to run a QB draw) into the shotgun on 3rd and inches. If you’re going to talk a physical pro-style game, stop with the patty-cake bullshit, screen passes to our slow TE, and COMMIT to SOMETHING.
We need to be able to establish a running game first and foremost. I HATE the fact that we can’t figure out a 1/2 RB rotation. We need one or two guys to give the ball to/establish some rhythm. Playing four guys is a disaster. Nobody gets in rhythm and we abandon the run at first blink. I realize we recruited a big time QB. He’d be a LOT better if we could actually establish a run game.
You can watch a majority of the teams and tell by the first two possessions what their offense is. Satterfield' one knows, not even that idiot! All he wants to do is out fancy the opponent and fails so miserably. The sooner he's gone and a real OC who has an actual offensive scheme comes in, we're going to keep seeing the same garbage every week.
You can watch a majority of the teams and tell by the first two possessions what their offense is. Satterfield' one knows, not even that idiot! All he wants to do is out fancy the opponent and fails so miserably. The sooner he's gone and a real OC who has an actual offensive scheme comes in, we're going to keep seeing the same garbage every week.
Agree. Sat is a real problem. He was being run out of town at SC until his last two games at SC. Literally every friend I have down here that went to South Carolina texted me and thanked us for taking him away.
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Agree. Sat is a real problem. He was being run out of town at SC until his last two games at SC. Literally every friend I have down here that went to South Carolina texted me and thanked us for taking him away.
the money h s making would attract a lot of top OC candidates. Go hire South Dakota State’s for half of that.
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You can watch a majority of the teams and tell by the first two possessions what their offense is. Satterfield' one knows, not even that idiot! All he wants to do is out fancy the opponent and fails so miserably. The sooner he's gone and a real OC who has an actual offensive scheme comes in, we're going to keep seeing the same garbage every week.
Satterfield and Foley will be Rhule's Cosgrove.
The way Raiola is struggling we better line up in heavy sets every play and just hand off to run clock against OSU. If we come out chucking it again I’ll puke.
This is unfortunately not something our offensive brain trust believes in or knows anything about

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