It’s a Sunday afternoon and I had nothing to do. And the search function is super easy, took me all of 10 minutes to find your repeated requests. You call me a liar and the Queen of making shit up. I proved you as the liar who made shit up. Own it.
You call me out, I defend myself, and you cry about it. If I called you out by making shit up about you, would you not defend yourself? So spare me the garbage in your post. I am not stalking you. I am defending myself and exposing you as a shit poster who makes shit up, just like you accused me of. I proved you wrong, you didn’t like it and now, for the 5th time, you are asking me to put you on ignore.
You want me to put you on ignore? Own that you lied and made shit up about me. You do that and I’ll forever ignore you and your ignorant ass.