My exact thoughts on AM

Luke was a garbage QB and giving him credit for winning football, despite his awful play is stupid.
giving AM credit for losing football, often caused by his awful play is......... what?

oh, yea, absolutely clueless

'garbage QB' beats out impotent loser, wins biggest game in 3 years and finds himself back on the bench 2 weeks later

Frost is a coward for going back on his (correct) decision to bench that loser AM
giving AM credit for losing football, often caused by his awful play is......... what?

oh, yea, absolutely clueless

And this makes Luke McCaffrey a competent QB? 1 TD, 6 INT. Literally the only positive thing you can find about him is that he isn’t AM.
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And this makes Luke McCaffrey a competent QB? 1 TD, 6 INT. Literally the only positive thing you can find about him is that he isn’t AM.
that he's not AM should've made him the #1 guy the second he stepped foot on campus.

I honestly cannot think of a better trait for our next starting quarterback than they are not Adrian Martinez, losingest player in Nebraska history.

I'd rather they snap the ball to a non-QB than have to suffer through one more play with him behind center.

when the F does basketball season start?!?!
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giving AM credit for losing football, often caused by his awful play is......... what?

oh, yea, absolutely clueless

'garbage QB' beats out impotent loser, wins biggest game in 3 years and finds himself back on the bench 2 weeks later

Frost is a coward for going back on his (correct) decision to bench that loser AM
Maybe for the sake of your mental health and anger you should take this season off? Brutal post.
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Maybe for the sake of your mental health and anger you should take this season off? Brutal post.
only soft people shirk their responsibilities for mental health purposes

I just want to see winning football. there is zero chance of that with AM at the helm (starting to think same w Frost, author of just one single winning season as a head coach)

also - @headcard, who said anything about competent QBs? we're talking about AM here! lmao
giving AM credit for losing football, often caused by his awful play is......... what?

oh, yea, absolutely clueless

'garbage QB' beats out impotent loser, wins biggest game in 3 years and finds himself back on the bench 2 weeks later

Frost is a coward for going back on his (correct) decision to bench that loser AM
He got benched because he threw for 0 TD's and 3 INT's against the worst team in the big ten and we lost by 18 points, but I guess that doesn't matter
He got benched because he threw for 0 TD's and 3 INT's against the worst team in the big ten and we lost by 18 points, but I guess that doesn't matter
ah, yes, of course. if there's anything we should expect from a kid in his second ever start it's that he performs exceedingly well.

the double standard is ridiculous.

meanwhile our 3-year starter, who's lost more games than any player in school history & whose best win came in a game in which the offense scored zero touchdowns, turns it over 4x in a single half against rutgers and we all applaud the effort as a blueprint for future success.
If AM is being pressured every play and jumping for snaps or trying to hit 5’7” players his decision making is going to look horrible. Every QB in the world would make stupid decisions. With the talent this year, he better be better.
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he thinks 'competent' is a barrier to entry at QB, despite 30 some odd AM games providing evidence to the contrary
McCaffrey was horrible and didn’t look like someone who would ever be a good quarterback for us. Although Martinez has been disappointing the past two years, playing McCaffrey was never going to be a better alternative.
McCaffrey was horrible and didn’t look like someone who would ever be a good quarterback for us. Although Martinez has been disappointing the past two years, playing McCaffrey was never going to be a better alternative.
you're right. nobody is saying he was the QB for the future

however, we'd have gone 3-5 last year with him, just like we did with AM, and it would've provided the off-ramp we so desperately need from the pothole infested AM highway we find ourselves yet again pulled over on
McCaffrey was horrible and didn’t look like someone who would ever be a good quarterback for us. Although Martinez has been disappointing the past two years, playing McCaffrey was never going to be a better alternative.
Frost should have played LM for the remainder of the year. Then he should have grabbed someone in the portal. Amart is a loser. I can't imagine NU sticking with him for so long. If we don't hit .500 this year, Scott Frost and Amart should be shown the door. Enough of the excuses.
Frost should have played LM for the remainder of the year. Then he should have grabbed someone in the portal. Amart is a loser. I can't imagine NU sticking with him for so long. If we don't hit .500 this year, Scott Frost and Amart should be shown the door. Enough of the excuses.
It would have been embarrassing to play McCaffrey after Illinois.
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It would have been even more embarrassing. Let me put it that way.
there is nothing more embarrassing to me than a coach telling fans a guy with a winning % in the 30s 'gives us the best chance to win' only to watch him repeatedly and predictably not win.

if Luke is the QB and we don't throw any passes the rest of the season, our record would've been unchanged.

instead, we trotted out Adrian "White Flag" Martinez yet again, and came away with nothing to show for it.
I’ve been embarrassed to be a fan since AMart has been a starter. Haven’t you? Or do you enjoy the losing seasons.

I hope I am wrong, and AMart has a breakout year. I want to eat crow.
Yes! This! I want him to get the Heisman and for NU to get a crystal ball. I will gladly eat crow if that happens... and go back for seconds.
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why people insist a loss while completing 71% of passes >> any other loss is beyond comprehension

every single iowa puke who posts here rejoiced when it was announced AM was starting that game

that is all anyone needs to know

not-so-fun fact(s): Adrian Martinez, he who gives us 'the best chance to win' has not thrown a touchdown pass against iowa since 2018. Luke McCaffrey is responsible for the longest pass play of the series in Frost's tenure (2019's 39-yard TD strike, a game in which AM amassed a whopping 50 total passing yards).
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He has a better record as a starting qb.. or am incorrect? Why are you so emotional about this?

How am I emotional? Because I think you are wrong? LM was a much worse QB than AM (see 1 TD to 6 INT) the fact that the team won one game despite him doesn’t change that.
Wow. My exact thought, as well. Here’s a nice snippet:

Look at this quote from Beckton about Martinez’s improvement: “It’s night and day as far as his mechanics, his leadership, his confidence. You can see it.”

If that’s remotely true and Martinez’s mechanics, leadership and confidence really were that bad before, why has he been Nebraska’s starting QB for 3 years? I had to reread that quote 3 times to make sure he was talking about one of the longest-tenured starting QBs in the country and not someone who was just learning the ropes as an underclassman.

We are a Mickey Mouse program with bleeding heart Frost at the helm. Haarberg should start week zero!
This is seriously the dumbest post of 2021 so far. Keep it up you may top it.
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This is seriously the dumbest post of 2021 so far. Keep it up you may top it.
forgive me for running out of rope on the losingest player in Nebraska football history.

6+ in 2021! lmao the fact our fans are touting this as an exciting accomplishment shows just how far expectations have fallen.

how come the team can't win despite AM?

I am sure we have won a game or two in which AM was terrible. But that is a seriously strange metric.

Do you think there was some magic LM provided in between interceptions and fumbles that let the team over come his terrible play? If so, why didn't he use some of that magic they next week, when we had one of the worst performances in Husker history?
I am sure we have won a game or two in which AM was terrible. But that is a seriously strange metric.

Do you think there was some magic LM provided in between interceptions and fumbles that let the team over come his terrible play? If so, why didn't he use some of that magic they next week, when we had one of the worst performances in Husker history?
I would prefer we have a good quarterback or a terrible one.

in between gets us what we have now, which is 4+ years of college football purgatory.
Gebbia maybe stays if Frost does not say the QB competition at that point was over and Martinez was his man. There is more to that and quite a few people on here know the whole story!
Gebbia maybe stays if Frost does not say the QB competition at that point was over and Martinez was his man. The

is more to that and quite a few people on here know the whole story! Fri

Maybe.. but the records of each starting qb says differently. How am I extremely unintelligent?
LM sample size is too small to make it valid.
How many games would Nebraska win if Luke was the starter in 2021?
giving AM credit for losing football, often caused by his awful play is......... what?

oh, yea, absolutely clueless

'garbage QB' beats out impotent loser, wins biggest game in 3 years and finds himself back on the bench 2 weeks later

Frost is a coward for going back on his (correct) decision to bench that loser AM
OK. let's say you're right. No sense in complaining about something that is what it is., viz. AM is by far our best QB option for this year and will be our only hope for reaching a bowl. Why not support him since he's the Man, like it or not?
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Wow. My exact thought, as well. Here’s a nice snippet:

Look at this quote from Beckton about Martinez’s improvement: “It’s night and day as far as his mechanics, his leadership, his confidence. You can see it.”

If that’s remotely true and Martinez’s mechanics, leadership and confidence really were that bad before, why has he been Nebraska’s starting QB for 3 years? I had to reread that quote 3 times to make sure he was talking about one of the longest-tenured starting QBs in the country and not someone who was just learning the ropes as an underclassman.

We are a Mickey Mouse program with bleeding heart Frost at the helm. Haarberg should start week zero!

1) teacher's pet;
2) hasn't received good coaching (can't bench him because that would be admitting your qb has gotten worse, not better, under your guidance, and that requires someone to look in the mirror);
3) didn't recruit qb's the subsequent two years (or those recruited weren't coached), so nobody to take his spot from him.

AM has got ability, but he either hasn't had the care / drive to get better, he has received bad coaching, he isn't at all coachable, or a combo of those things.
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OK. let's say you're right. No sense in complaining about something that is what it is., viz. AM is by far our best QB option for this year and will be our only hope for reaching a bowl. Why not support him since he's the Man, like it or not?
I do not know that AM is our best option at QB this season, and would like to find that out sooner rather than later.

I will always support my beloved Huskers, and fully believe the only way forward is to move past the AM era immediately so we can continue to build toward meaningful success (conference championship-level play) in 2 or 3 years.

every game AM plays in from this point forward retards our rebuild and serves zero purpose outside of cosmetics.

our legs were broken (Riley), have been operated on (4 years of roster turnover by Frost), and we're in extensive and intensive PT (time to go out and compete). AM is the crutch we cannot seem to let go of, even as we know jettisoning him is the best thing for us long term.
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That’s right. No excuses this year if things go bad.
There will always be excuses. Anyone listen to 93.7 the ticket? I was listening this morning and the younger guy started mentioning better head coaches and he mentioned Ferentz, Fitz, and someone else, and Sip gets all fired up and says "that is patently unfair," and went on to express how it's not fair to compare Frost to these guys and their ability because they have been coaching for so much longer than Frost. It is unreal how terribly pathetic we will become to try to make ourselves feel better.
I will also state for the record that in addition to Haarberg obviously having much more arm talent than our current starter, I believe he is more competitive, as well.

I do not understand any of the 'he's not ready' stuff, and there is no documented proof that learning on the sidelines/in practice is more beneficial than learning on the job.
1) teacher's pet;
2) hasn't received good coaching (can't bench him because that would be admitting your qb has gotten worse, not better, under your guidance, and that requires someone to look in the mirror);
3) didn't recruit qb's the subsequent two years (or those recruited weren't coached), so nobody to take his spot from him.

AM has got ability, but he either hasn't had the care / drive to get better, he has received bad coaching, he isn't at all coachable, or a combo of those things. you say he has never had to step it up because someone was about to take his job, or maybe he takes to heart the motto chiseled in the stone "Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory"
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I will also state for the record that in addition to Haarberg obviously having much more arm talent than our current starter, I believe he is more competitive, as well.

I do not understand any of the 'he's not ready' stuff, and there is no documented proof that learning on the sidelines/in practice is more beneficial than learning on the job.
Frost should be alternating SOMEONE with Amart. He's gotta do what needs to be done to win football games.
I do not know that AM is our best option at QB this season, and would like to find that out sooner rather than later.

I will always support my beloved Huskers, and fully believe the only way forward is to move past the AM era immediately so we can continue to build toward meaningful success (conference championship-level play) in 2 or 3 years.

every game AM plays in from this point forward retards our rebuild and serves zero purpose outside of cosmetics.

our legs were broken (Riley), have been operated on (4 years of roster turnover by Frost), and we're in extensive and intensive PT (time to go out and compete). AM is the crutch we cannot seem to let go of, even as we know jettisoning him is the best thing for us long term.
So who is our best option?
Instead of fans being so hurt by writers comments, we should look at the reality of where we are at as a program. It's not the press who is at fault, it is a coaching staff who apparently is unable to get their collective acts together and the results how the field. Nebraska's record doesn't lie.
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But you are missing his point. He went year by year, using the stats and outcomes both individual and team wise to show a pattern. It is a little hard not to see, is it not? Sure, while things could suddenly turn around for AM and team and he could have the year of his life, the point the writer makes is the trend is the other direction.

To further his point, he points to the comments by coaches about a player who is starting his fourth year and is easily in the top 10 of returnees in the NCAA. The coach speak about changes and improvements combined with an abysmal record are bizarre by any standard.

Instead of fans being so hurt by writers comments, we should look at the reality of where we are at as a program. It's not the press who is at fault, it is a coaching staff who apparently is unable to get their collective acts together and the results how the field. Nebraska's record doesn't lie.

HEY! Be nice! It's not fair to expect good coaching at this point because Frost is still relatively new to it, Sipple said so. If you want 8 or more wins in a year, go rout for Iowa or NW with their super experienced head coaches! Frost will get there, Sipple just thinks he needs several more years to get the necessary experience to be good at his job.