Memorial Stadium night game atmosphere

The all-time standard for noise is Oklahoma, 1978. Not 1992 Colorado, Miami or Michigan reached that level. Last night was closest.
Of course, this is all my opinion. But I was at all these games and that OU game is still at the top.
I was at the OU game in 1978, the 2014 Miami game, the 2021 Michigan game, and the CU game Saturday. In my opinion of these four OU was the loudest (by far), CU was next, then Miami. then Michigan. I seem to recall the 1980 Florida State loss was very loud too.
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Loudest when I’ve been in Memorial was after Henry’s 57 yarder against CU, followed by Suh’s pick 6.
Been to Baton Rouge night game against #1 Bama about 10 years ago or so, insane environment but also was at the Nebraska Miami game in Lincoln which was an angry crowd…Memorial is def on par with LSU for noise.
There is a reason why many talking heads have mentioned the most difficult night game is in Baton Rouge..
Very fortunate that you had the opportunity to see a night game, very jealous of you..Was there this spring and it was imaging campus with Mike the Tiger and the statues of Pistol Pete and Shaq and Bob Pettit..
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Loudest when I’ve been in Memorial was after Henry’s 57 yarder against CU, followed by Suh’s pick 6.
Yes, Something about that was it was so quiet right before the snap and when the ball went trough the goalpost the place just exploded with everyone yelling their head off..
db's isn't really a good measurement since the number will change drastically with the location of the meter relative to the source. I know we would like to have an objective measurement, and might be somewhat okay to compare between games in the same stadium (from the same measurement location), but would be nonsense to compare between different stadiums. Who knows where they are taking their measurements or readouts on jumbotrons (that are reading 130-140dBs).. but I assume they are taking it from the loudest point in the stadium which is likely not on the field (and definitely not the the center of the field where the players mostly are) and are probably amplified to some degree. Those db readouts on the jumbotrons are just being used as a tool to hype up the crowd, I don't believe it is either accurate or should be used in anyway to justify one stadium being louder than another. There is basically no way any game is above 130 db's.. for how long a game is... eardrums would be ruptured, permanent hearing loss would be common as the cold.
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Yes, Something about that was it was so quiet right before the snap and when the ball went trough the goalpost the place just exploded with everyone yelling their head off..
My wife was standing right next to me and it was impossible to hear her. We were in the north stands as well. Insane.
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I was not at the CU game on Saturday, but I can tell you that Kyke Field when we lost 6-9 was the loudest stadium noise I have ever been a part of and there isn't a close 2nd. You couldn't even talk or hear yourself clap. Absolutely insane noise there!
Been going to Husker games for nearly 50 years. Loudest consistently I have ever heard it. It was relentless. Every time they had the ball it was deafening. Still have no voice today, lol. Refs in the 2nd half were pathetic and trying to keep the Buffs in the game—pretty obvious IMO.