
I don't want to argue about it because it's in the past and I can't go back in time. And the arguments in the past were that he was too shady or only using NU as a ploy, that's what I don't want to argue about.

If you want to argue whether we should go out and hire any old Joe versus trying to bring in known good recruiters, I will be more than happy to discuss that. But I don't think anyone would have any trouble recognizing whether I think we should hire a) known good recruiters, or b) any old Joe. Maybe I was unclear.

Gotcha. Struck me differently when I read it the first time for some reason.
So you wasted my time, but not your time. Got it.

"[Snickerpoop70 sytle]." Ouch, dude. And deeming you a clown is hardly name-calling.

Your superior wit will undoubtedly lead to my ultimate demise. I don't even know how to respond to someone calling me, "Snickerpoop." :D

I didn't use time as a defense, you did then proceeded to get trolled, without knowing it.
Ummmm I think he means you Snickerdoodle. Go away.
I originally posted another followup blaming this on GBRhuskers. But I deleted it. My apologies to GBRhuskers for getting personal myself in case he saw it before I deleted it. I am not here as the internet police and I am sure both posters are good people. In fact, I value what GBRhuskers posts on here. But this thread is really awful. I apologize if it is not my place to call it out.
I think the bolded part is correct. If there's one thing I can't stand more than anything else it's defeatism. And that's basically what this post is. You say every school has positives and negatives and then you turn around and act like we don't have any. Oh, and you say if you ain't winning and you are in the North, good luck to ya? I point out to you Notre Dame again. 4-8 and last time I checked, South Bend is pretty cold in the winter.
I was pointing out the fact that every school has positives and negatives. So how are you saying I was acting like Nebraska doesn't have positives and negatives??? Also, if you agree with every school has positives and negatives, You forgot to "bold" that.
Weather and teams losing badly on tv several weeks in a row, Sometimes Do Play A Factor.
So shoot at somebody else, thanks.
I was pointing out the fact that every school has positives and negatives. So how are you saying I was acting like Nebraska doesn't have positives and negatives??? Also, if you agree with every school has positives and negatives, You forgot to "bold" that.
Weather and teams losing badly on tv several weeks in a row, Sometimes Do Play A Factor.
So shoot at somebody else, thanks.
I meant you act like we don't have any positives. You seem to be very good at coming up with the negatives.
I know Nebraska has a ton of positives. Like I said, It is my life.
What part of EVERY SCHOOL HAS POSITIVES AND NEGATIVES do you not understand???
However, Pointing out the negatives on here is kind of important, because we must fix those problems to get better.
I personally think living in lollipop land and acting as if there is no problems is pretty goofy.
I also think you acting as if weather and teams losing badly on tv several weeks in a row doesn't ever have an effect at all on any recruits is obsurd. But to each their own!
So now that we have both told each other how we feel about each others post, I will say, I know we all want the best for the program and no hard feelings.
I wish you a Merry Christmas my Nebraska friend. Take Care!!!!!!
I am about to leave to pick up my son from Army Basic for Holiday Block Leave. Hoping the roads aren't too bad up in misery (around fort leonard wood). Lol

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