
They've got a nice campus and the girls there are wearing sweaters right now instead of parkas.:eek:
lol. Indeed. And Texas is a great school academically (if that matters to him) and Austin is a very cool city. It only underscores that we really do suffer from some real recruiting disadvantages. NU is not a great school academically, and Lincoln, though a very cool city too, really is a long way from most recruits and has horrible weather and boring geography.

I would be lying if I said I had some detailed plan for how to make our recruiting better. I don't. Osborne had a real system in place. It was like a machine, sorry for the cliche. But it was. And short of hiring a Nick Saban type, we need to return to having a strong identity on both sides of the ball, a true "system" and then recruit to that system. Of course all teams in theory do that. So your system needs to have consistency and a selling point to it. I think, given our current staff, our selling point needs to be "pro prep" style play.
lol. Indeed. And Texas is a great school academically (if that matters to him) and Austin is a very cool city. It only underscores that we really do suffer from some real recruiting disadvantages. NU is not a great school academically, and Lincoln, though a very cool city too, really is a long way from most recruits and has horrible weather and boring geography.

I would be lying if I said I had some detailed plan for how to make our recruiting better. I don't. Osborne had a real system in place. It was like a machine, sorry for the cliche. But it was. And short of hiring a Nick Saban type, we need to return to having a strong identity on both sides of the ball, a true "system" and then recruit to that system. Of course all teams in theory do that. So your system needs to have consistency and a selling point to it. I think, given our current staff, our selling point needs to be "pro prep" style play.
I think you underestimate NU academically. It is true that it's easier maybe to get in to NU BUT the top kids at NU can go anywhere.
I think you underestimate NU academically. It is true that it's easier maybe to get in to NU BUT the top kids at NU can go anywhere.
I am not trying to be negative about UNL, trust me. I grew up in Lincoln and attended UNL for two years before my field of study took me elsewhere. But I am just basing what I say about UNL from some of these college rankings lists and so on. So even if UNL really is a better school than most people think, the fact is that that is not its national perception... a fact that can be used against us in recruiting. But heck, I have no idea if this kid cares about that.
lol. Indeed. And Texas is a great school academically (if that matters to him) and Austin is a very cool city. It only underscores that we really do suffer from some real recruiting disadvantages. NU is not a great school academically, and Lincoln, though a very cool city too, really is a long way from most recruits and has horrible weather and boring geography.

I would be lying if I said I had some detailed plan for how to make our recruiting better. I don't. Osborne had a real system in place. It was like a machine, sorry for the cliche. But it was. And short of hiring a Nick Saban type, we need to return to having a strong identity on both sides of the ball, a true "system" and then recruit to that system. Of course all teams in theory do that. So your system needs to have consistency and a selling point to it. I think, given our current staff, our selling point needs to be "pro prep" style play.
Yes, if only Lincoln were the kind of culturally desirable metropolis that Tuscaloosa, Alabama is. We'll simply have to lower the bar.
Yes, if only Lincoln were the kind of culturally desirable metropolis that Tuscaloosa, Alabama is. We'll simply have to lower the bar.
Kind of makes my point actually. For a very long time Alabama was just another traditional blue blood program that had fallen down and gone through a succession of coaches. Not until they hired Saban did that change. And, if you notice from my comments above, I said that short of hiring a Nick Saban type, we have to acknowledge what our program is up against in recruiting. If we had been able to hire Saban instead of Bama then we would most likely be winning right now like Bama. But we didn't. I think Lincoln is a much better city than Tuscaloosa, but at least Tuscaloosa is warm (compared to Lincoln) and in the SEC with all of its, ahem, "incentives".

I am not trying to trash Lincoln. It is my home city and I LOVE it. I am just trying to be honest about what it is we are up against in recruiting. And the best recruiter we have had here since Osborne retired was Callahan (who was a lousy head coach however). And Callahan sold recruits on the "pro prep" angle. I am sure we are doing the same right now. Hopefully it will start to pay off.
When Texas and OU offered ewe became the ugly stepsister.
Yes true. Same with Porcher. Low ranked that wasn't getting major offers. Once top 20 programs offers we become the ugly step sister. Cudos to our coaches fir finding them.

I get we have to offer everyone and can't be choosie. But dang, still sucks.
OK-I give you Michigan State at #28. Not great, but a lot better than you would expect from a team that went 3-9 this year. So what's the reason for that? Academics? Weather? People want simple, easy answers for why players commit and decommit to schools and they just aren't there and never will be. Funny too that I don't seem to recall people being concerned about blowout losses affecting recruiting under the previous coach. Now all of the sudden they're a big deal?
It hasn't been 15 years since they played in a game of any consequence for one.
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Yes true. Same with Porcher. Low ranked that wasn't getting major offers. Once top 20 programs offers we become the ugly step sister. Cudos to our coaches fir finding them.

I get we have to offer everyone and can't be choosie. But dang, still sucks.

Georgia Tech, who he's strongly leaning towards, and Virginia Tech? He's had one "major offer" since Nebraska and that's Michigan, and prior to his visit to AA it was widely reported they weren't looking at him as a priority.
Georgia Tech, who he's strongly leaning towards, and Virginia Tech? He's had one "major offer" since Nebraska and that's Michigan, and prior to his visit to AA it was widely reported they weren't looking at him as a priority.
Exactly. Porcher decommitted for the exact reason he said he did: proximity to home. End of story
I think you underestimate NU academically. It is true that it's easier maybe to get in to NU BUT the top kids at NU can go anywhere.

And we have an academic support/life skills/career program that is second to none. If academics are truly important to a recruit, the only major school that is going to beat us in that area is Stanford. Otherwise, the vast majority of top recruits think they are going to the NFL someday and couldn't care less about academic rankings.
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And we have an academic support/life skills/career program that is second to none. If academics are truly important to a recruit, the only major school that is going to beat us in that area is Stanford. Otherwise, the vast majority of top recruits think they are going to the NFL someday and couldn't care less about academic rankings.

the academic support/ life skills/ career program is not a huge factor to the top line students and their parents who will be choosing between Stanford and school B. IMHO.

Most of those guys will be great students regardless of support.

Every school has some level of academic support for their student athletes. But that is a selling point to marginal or average student athletes not the exceptional.
And we have an academic support/life skills/career program that is second to none. If academics are truly important to a recruit, the only major school that is going to beat us in that area is Stanford. Otherwise, the vast majority of top recruits think they are going to the NFL someday and couldn't care less about academic rankings.
I have not taken a poll or seen any data about how important academics are to most three star and higher football recruits. But I would wager that there are quite a few of them for whom academic rank does matter. Especially since a school like Stanford or Northwestern or Notre Dame have such stringent academic entrance requirements even for their student athletes. Therefore, any athlete for whom we are competing head to head with the better schools will, by definition, be the kind of kid for whom academics are important. Sorry, but UNL is NOT an elite school on the level of Stanford, Michigan, Notre Dame, Northwestern and... yes.... Texas.
I have not taken a poll or seen any data about how important academics are to most three star and higher football recruits. But I would wager that there are quite a few of them for whom academic rank does matter. Especially since a school like Stanford or Northwestern or Notre Dame have such stringent academic entrance requirements even for their student athletes. Therefore, any athlete for whom we are competing head to head with the better schools will, by definition, be the kind of kid for whom academics are important. Sorry, but UNL is NOT an elite school on the level of Stanford, Michigan, Notre Dame, Northwestern and... yes.... Texas.

That was my point, to the recruits that truly value academics, they are going to choose a school like Stanford. But the majority of recruits think they're going to the NFL (whether they are or not), and just want a place that's going to help them pass their classes and keep them eligible. Our program does that as well as anybody.

I would guess that very few recruits choose Texas over us because of academic rankings. It has much more to do with location and the coaching staff. In fact, most of recruiting boils down to those two factors - location and how much they like the coaches/the coaches reputation for winning and getting players to the NFL. Location is always going to be a barrier for us, so we have to have a staff that can sell the hell out of the program and prove that they can win and develop players.
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Actually, pretty sure Riley doesn't need his brown pants. He's seen this stuff before.

Some posters on this site, on the other hand, could really use their brown pants right about now...

Yea, My "off-the-cuff" remark wasn't intended as a jab at Riley. (If that's how you took it) The Husker ship is taking a little beating right now though. But I still think Cap'n Riley can/will pull out some surprises in the next six weeks. I don't think anyone can really deny the recruiting effort up to this point has been better than it has been in some time. I gotta believe these coaches will reap the rewards of their hard-work, just gotta see it through to the finish line.
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That was my point, to the recruits that truly value academics, they are going to choose a school like Stanford. But the majority of recruits think they're going to the NFL (whether they are or not), and just want a place that's going to help them pass their classes and keep them eligible. Our program does that as well as anybody.

I would guess that very few recruits choose Texas over us because of academic rankings. It has much more to do with location and the coaching staff. In fact, most of recruiting boils down to those two factors - location and how much they like the coaches/the coaches reputation for winning and getting players to the NFL. Location is always going to be a barrier for us, so we have to have a staff that can sell the hell out of the program and prove that they can win and develop players.
Ok. Yes. Sorry I am so obtuse and did not get your main point. We do agree then.
It hasn't been 15 years since they played in a game of any consequence for one.
Conference Championship games aren't of any consequence? I understand we aren't at the level we want to be, but I think conference championship games are games of consequence.
Conference Championship games aren't of any consequence? I understand we aren't at the level we want to be, but I think conference championship games are games of consequence.
True, but losing those games, especially in the Wisky game where we got blown out, tends to dull their significance to our program. I think it is better to say that it has been a very long time since we have won a big game where something of significance like a conference title was at stake
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True, but losing those games, especially in the Wisky game where we got blown out, tends to dull their significance to our program. I think it is better to say that it has been a very long time since we have won a big game where something of significance like a conference title was at stake

100% agree.
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100% agree.
Add in the fact that both the Big 12 North and the B1G West are/were by far the weaker of the two divisions in each conference. So the fact we won the North three times (after 1999) and the West once is nice, but still not indicative that we have returned to an elite status.
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True, but losing those games, especially in the Wisky game where we got blown out, tends to dull their significance to our program. I think it is better to say that it has been a very long time since we have won a big game where something of significance like a conference title was at stake

True, and Pelini's failure to capitalize on Suh's performance in the 2009 CCG for recruiting was one of his biggest failures. He won almost every award and was AP Player of the Year and a Heisman finalist as a Defensive Tackle. We should have had every 5-star Defensive Linemen banging down our door to come here after that season.
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True, and Pelini's failure to capitalize on Suh's performance in the 2009 CCG for recruiting was one of his biggest failures. He won almost every award and was AP Player of the Year and a Heisman finalist as a Defensive Tackle. We should have had every 5-star Defensive Linemen banging down our door to come here after that season.
Bingo. I will NEVER be able to figure out how in the hell Pelini was able to completely waste the momentum we had following Suh's senior year in terms of great publicity for our defensive line. Unbelievable.
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Add in the fact that both the Big 12 North and the B1G West are/were by far the weaker of the two divisions in each conference. So the fact we won the North three times and the West once is nice, but still not indicative that we have returned to an elite status.
Absolutely. We are nowhere near elite status. We have had the opportunity to play in several games of significance over the years and have pissed them away. Heck how different would things be right now if we had won the Big 12 in 2009 and 2010? I would say those games were pretty significant. Or what if we had competed in the 2012 game. Bo gets the Arkansas job and we are further down this road.
Absolutely. We are nowhere near elite status. We have had the opportunity to play in several games of significance over the years and have pissed them away. Heck how different would things be right now if we had won the Big 12 in 2009 and 2010? I would say those games were pretty significant. Or what if we had competed in the 2012 game. Bo gets the Arkansas job and we are further down this road.
Well, since we are speculating... what if we had won the Big 12 title in 2009 and then again in 2010. Who on here thinks we would have bolted for the B1G after that? Maybe we still would have given the conference's instability. But I think even Osborne might have thought twice about it had we been the two year reigning Big 12 champs.
Well, since we are speculating... what if we had won the Big 12 title in 2009 and then again in 2010. Who on here thinks we would have bolted for the B1G after that? Maybe we still would have given the conference's instability. But I think even Osborne might have thought twice about it had we been the two year reigning Big 12 champs.

The B1G was in no matter how many times the football team won. UNL is what, the 99th ranked university or thereabouts in the last 20 years or so? The B1G was doing more for the school than a 47th conference title might have.
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The B1G was in no matter how many times the football team won. UNL is what, the 99th ranked university or thereabouts in the last 20 years or so? The B1G was doing more for the school than a 47th conference title might have.
And more money. Don't forget about the money... lol. Seriously, I agree with you. Still... I wonder what if...
Yea, My "off-the-cuff" remark wasn't intended as a jab at Riley. (If that's how you took it) The Husker ship is taking a little beating right now though. But I still think Cap'n Riley can/will pull out some surprises in the next six weeks. I don't think anyone can really deny the recruiting effort up to this point has been better than it has been in some time. I gotta believe these coaches will reap the rewards of their hard-work, just gotta see it through to the finish line.
Didn't necessarily think you were taking a jab at Riley, which is why I said some posters and not you personally, I just wanted to get a jab in against anti-Riley posters. :)
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Absolutely. We are nowhere near elite status. We have had the opportunity to play in several games of significance over the years and have pissed them away. Heck how different would things be right now if we had won the Big 12 in 2009 and 2010? I would say those games were pretty significant. Or what if we had competed in the 2012 game. Bo gets the Arkansas job and we are further down this road.
Bo was never getting the Arkansas job. Bret Bielema was who Arkansas wanted all along.
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