Lawsuit Scoggins

To be a Contrarian... Why should somebody's boner cost an entire athletic department? Seems pretty hard....
Excuse Me What GIF
I feel like when this was all going down the rumor was that scroggins was pregnant with loves baby
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I agree, she is an adult and put herself in that situation and then claims victimhood. there are no claims of sexual assault. Obviously Love deserved to be fired.
One of the issues is Love didn't get fired, at least publicly he was allowed resign which would appear problematic to NU even if the relationship was consensual. If this does blow up and Williams loses her job, at a minimum, the women's BB program is facing some serious challenges with two consecutive coaching regimes ending in scandal.
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So this chick is a Kardashian in training and this coach dude is a typical hood rat
IMO… Williams is probably toast. I suppose it’s possible Trev could choose to retain her, but most of the time someone has to be held accountable and she’s HC.

Now Trev on the other hand… I can only see 1 or 2 scenarios where his job should be in jeopardy?

1. He would’ve had to know about all this (the relationship and more importantly AW actions towards Scoggins) and chose to do nothing about it. But that seems implausible, I just don’t see him being close enough to the situation to have any 1st hand knowledge. He likely would only know what AW reported to him.

2. Scoggins reported this incident to Trev (or the athletic dept) and he sided with Williams’ version of the story. If in fact Scoggins was telling the truth and her story is corroborated that could be bad for Trev.

Overall I think it’s more likely that AW is toast. But this is all my opinion with limited information. We shall see what happens I guess…
Good post. A suggestion: leave the opinions out of the description of both points

Regarding the AD and HC:

1. This coach had been with the head coach for 10 years.

2. The coach was suspended with pay while the player was immediately removed altogether

These offenses statistically arent one offs. The head coach is thus more likely to have had complaints before this.

I am not sure what immediate removal from a women’s bball team means from a scholarship/benefits standpoint
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Legally, they would've had to suspend the coach rather than fire the coach immediately, because then they would otherwise be on the hook for his firing without due process.
Hey, look:

The guy who trusted frost/Whipple to land the qb of the future instead of offering Flores!

Your posts toward me lately haven’t been very Christlike. Perhaps I will be a focus of your ‘24 silence retreat?

Either way, I hope all is well with you.
Judge not lest ye be judged
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Well, let’s just see how this all plays out. In some cases coaches have to fall on the sword (or are forced to) when they really had no idea there was impropriety among their staff/players. The institutional control thing when sometimes there was absolutely nothing the HC could’ve done. And in these cases I believe it’s unfortunate that someone had to lose their job primarily due to other people’s actions. I understand that in most of these instances it’s necessary to move on from that coach and get a fresh start with someone new. Eliminate as much stench from the scandal as possible. But that doesn’t mean we can’t feel that was an unfortunate situation for that coach.

Now… if she did berate Ashley in front of the team from sleeping with her assistant coach, and then encourage her teammates/players to do so as well, then she deserves to be fired and I will not feel one bit sorry for her. But I do find that part of the story a bit hard to believe. I’m trying reserve judgement until I personally know more. But if her teammate’s corroborate her story and say it happened then the hell with Amy Williams, she’s obviously a terrible leader and nothing like the person I thought she was.
I think we are tracking the same way. I must say though, from a performance standpoint, AW has the program doing well. Just landed 5* along with her daughter and this years' team is competitive and playing well.

Now, grounds for termination certainly surpass performance and despite success. If this berating incident happened, then like you, that'd be enough for me. As of the corroborated information thus far (that I've read), nothing rises to the level of termination.

1. Is it against athletic policy for a coach to have a sexual relationship with a player if they're both consenting adults?

2. If the answer to #1 is yes (presume it is), and he was fired, didn't the University follow it's own guidelines?

3. If the answer to #2 is yes, then how is the University libel?

I know that young women can get caught up with a late 20s or early 30s something coach, but if she's 18 and he didn't assault her, kind of having trouble understanding how the University has any responsibility in this, other then they have the deep pockets. In reading the article, sounds like the player had plenty of opportunities to say no and/or to go the the administration and she didn't until it had gone way too far. Also interested in how she feels she was damaged.

BTW, the story about the ruse and the 3 hour team meeting is a little hard to believe, unless Williams is a complete idiot. The allegation from the player is that she essentially lied to everyone about their relationship, so who's to say she's not lying now?
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That blockhead trev is named is also telling.

Agree it will be interesting to hear his response

No room for any of this bullshit at NU
Two sides to every story. Embarrassment and shame are followed by lies. We don’t really know how things happened or what really went on. Until we know facts instead of public shaming we don’t know anything. So simmer down with the firing of coaches. That’s your answer to everything. I agree there is no room for that shit here. Or anywhere for that matter. But we don’t even have the full story. Maybe we never will.
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Some of this is just weird. I'm not in this situation, but from there article this stood out among other things:

“When ASHLEY eventually did accept one of LOVE’s SnapChat invitations, they met in the parking lot of a Costco, after midnight. LOVE told ASHLEY he had just left the bars. They sat in the car and talked. LOVE chided ASHLEY about not bringing alcohol and asking her, if I leave for a different school, will you come with me?”

What did you think was going to happen in the parking lot at a Costco? I get the angle of wanting to be a coach and making sure you aren't ruining your shot, but what did you think this guy was pursuing? There is a lot of wrong here on the NU side, but surface level has some massive red flags on her side and looks like just searching for a settlement of some sort.
Agreed. It took two and they were both wrong. Then they got caught and now nobody did anything to protect her. How long would it have gone on had they not been caught? The dude deserved to be terminated, not suspended. But it appears there is not an innocent party here. We need the facts, if we ever get all of them.
Two sides to every story. Embarrassment and shame are followed by lies. We don’t really know how things happened or what really went on. Until we know facts instead of public shaming we don’t know anything. So simmer down with the firing of coaches. That’s your answer to everything. I agree there is no room for that shit here. Or anywhere for that matter. But we don’t even have the full story. Maybe we never will.
Yea you’re right a WBB coach’s side of the story is more important than the reputation of the state and the university.

Nobody gives a shit about these coaches or their sport. Everybody cares about our good name being dragged through the mud.

They’re scumbags for even having this bullshit enter the discussion. There is no room for that here.

As for trev he’s either a dipshit for allowing this to fester or he’s a dipshit for allowing it to get out.

Losing and losing and losing and losing is enough embarrassment for me without this extracurricular BS.
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Yea you’re right a WBB coach’s side of the story is more important than the reputation of the state and the university.

Nobody gives a shit about these coaches or their sport. Everybody cares about our good name being dragged through the mud.

They’re scumbags for even having this bullshit enter the discussion. There is no room for that here.
You need to learn to read. Never did I say one side was more important than the other. I said we need the facts. Period.

1. Is it against athletic policy for a coach to have a sexual relationship with a player if they're both consenting adults?

2. If the answer to #1 is yes (presume it is), and he was fired, didn't the University follow it's own guidelines?

3. If the answer to #2 is yes, then how is the University libel?

I know that young women can get caught up with a late 20s or early 30s something coach, but if she's 18 and he didn't assault her, kind of having trouble understanding how the University has any responsibility in this, other then they have the deep pockets. In reading the article, sounds like the player had plenty of opportunities to say no and/or to go the the administration and she didn't until it had gone way too far. Also interested in how she feels she was damaged.

BTW, the story about the ruse and the 3 hour team meeting are a little hard to believe, unless Williams is a complete idiot. The allegation from the player is that she essentially lied to everyone about their relationship, so who's to say she's not lying now?
They are allegations. It will undoubtedly be settled out of court. You put this in front of a jury at your own peril.

I think this goes to the a person in a position of power took advantage of a subordinate. That is how I see it as described in the article. I’m certain coaches aren’t allowed to have a sexual relationship with an athlete under any circumstance while employed by the University.

If there is no truth to any of it then it's possible nothing consequential will happen. BUT if even some of it is true then …..
The fact is this is headline news.

Only fact that matters.

Wake up
You wake up. Anyone can go make a headline about someone. Doesn’t make everything they say true. I’m glad they’re both gone. They were both adults. They both made a stupid decision. And kept doing it until they got caught. We need ALL of the facts.
Ok. I've had enough comedy. What are we really working with? Amy... We can suspect is gone. Trev........ I don't quite know but that's in jeopardy
You can suspect all you wish but if you don’t have all the info it’s just a guess. Might as well be a modern day journalist
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This was interesting:

"Sometimes Love would tell her that he was out drinking with Williams’ husband and he would invite Ashley to join them."

Maybe Love was trying to get a three-some started?
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If this happened as alleged I would think Williams would have already stepped down by now. Yikes... what a detailed complaint.
Ok so me calling out people for making things up and posting about a serious issue going on makes me a Karen. Don’t be so soft.
If you reach with your legs, you can touch the stars .           ✦             ˚              *                        .              .            ✦              ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍                  ,

.             .   ゚      .             .

,       .                                  ☀️                                                        .           .             .                                                                                        ✦        ,               🚀        ,    ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍               .            .                                             ˚            ,                                       .                      .             .               *            ✦                                               .                  .           .        .     🌑              .           .

˚                     ゚     .               .      🌎 ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ,                * .                    .           ✦             ˚              *
Good post. A suggestion: leave the opinions out of the description of both points

Regarding the AD and HC:

1. This coach had been with the head coach for 10 years.

2. The coach was suspended with pay while the player was immediately removed altogether

These offenses statistically arent one offs. The head coach is thus more likely to have had complaints before this.

I am not sure what immediate removal from a women’s bball team means from a scholarship/benefits standpoint

Thx, but I’ll continue to inject my opinion(s) as you and most us do on here. 🙂
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I don’t think she will if the allegations are true.

Yes please, she is one of our most overpaid coaches in relation to what she produces. She makes almost $700,000 and all her program does is bleed money. John Cook only makes around $800,000 and he has won conference titles, 4 National titles, and his program covers its own expenses.
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