Tiger town hurtin' a bit these days.
Hmm, let's take a little gander at the cost of a college education over time (hopefully the pic is big enough).
And since the author of the article liked using FRED for numbers, lets look at real median household income over time (sorry can't link the pic from FRED). So 1985 household income about $50K, 2014 household income about $54K. Not a whole lot here that is hard to figure out.
So your saying...This. Right here. A lot of people want to name-call the recent generations of college kids and they have no idea about this chart. Sure, you bootstrapped yourself through college and that's great...but your cost was 1/3 what it is now!
Something has to be done about the cost of college. I'd be curious to see what CC enrollments look like.
The reason the cost of college outpaced inflation so much was precisely because the state got in the business of helping everyone pay for it. Bernie's plan would essentially destroy all but the most elite private universities, while giving the state more and more control over what is taught in public universities. While people are entitled to their opinions about the GI Bill (which democratized college education) and government backed student loans, these are two of the primary contributors to the current price of a degree.
There is a flip side to that argument though. Sure, government assistance to help pay for college went up but why did that force universities or other schools to take advantage of that assistance to raise the costs way beyond what was needed. It was simply GREED on their part. They decided to raise tuition and fees so they could pocket the money instead of it benefitting students. Why is it that government always gets bashed but big business and other organizations that take advantage of gov't programs to the detriment of those intended to benefit are never called out for their actions?
Change the word "Bible" to "Quran" and "America" to "Middle East" and notice how that sounds like something you would think only a terrorist would say.Education is useless without the Bible. The Bible was America’s basic text book in all fields. God’s Word, contained in the Bible, has furnished all necessary rules to direct our conduct.
– Noah Webster
Noah Webster, terrorist... Gotta say, that does have a nice ring to it.Change the word "Bible" to "Quran" and "America" to "Middle East" and notice how that sounds like something you would think only a terrorist would say.
Just curious as to why you this capitalist ideals have set our nation back financially?capitalist ideals have set them back financiall
There is nothing capitalist about how and why college prices are soaring.I don't care how u twist it or who u blame. As a parent with kids in college it's depressing. It's sad to know that they will leave college with more debt than my first house cost me. I have three more to go and I can't imagine how bad it will be for them.
Something has to change. These kids are our nations future and our bs political beliefs and capitalist ideals have set them back financially farther than any other generation in American history.
.....yes there is. Schools got themselves into an arms race to have the nicest dorms, best rec, tastiest cafeteria, etc. for the sake of attracting more customers (aka students) than neighboring schools.There is nothing capitalist about how and why college prices are soaring.
And yes prices are awful.
I'm a Bernie supporter, but I've always wondered what role sports play in making college free in America. Sure, other countries are able to pull it off, but they don't need 100's of millions propping up unprofitable sports teams like we do here. It's curious what part that will play in determining the feasibility of free college in America.
.....yes there is. Schools got themselves into an arms race to have the nicest dorms, best rec, tastiest cafeteria, etc. for the sake of attracting more customers (aka students) than neighboring schools.
Those of us who went to NU, just compare your dorm experience to the dorms they have now. I lived in Harper in a single room that was probably about 11x11 and it was two desks, two beds, two closets. Communal bathrooms where like 5 of the 8 showers were good enough to use. Now they have suite-style dorms all over the place, everyone has their own bedroom, no more than 4 people share a bathroom, they have a common living room, a full kitchen, the lounges are brand new with flatscreens, etc. You used to have to move off campus and rent an apartment for that.
My time at NU was full of constant renovations and new construction to get the latest and greatest facilities. It's just like it's gotten with football. "Oh, your weight room is 3 years old...yeah I'm not committing here...."
its curious that the system in retrospect was apparently more subsidized when i was in school and reagan was president than it is now.
then you would have syriaChange the word "Bible" to "Quran" and "America" to "Middle East" and notice how that sounds like something you would think only a terrorist would say.
Just curious as to why you this capitalist ideals have set our nation back financially?
I'll rephrase that to Today's reality of capitalism. Which has become "I got to get all I can at the cost of I don't care who." It's the reason why 60,000 factories have shut down and moved over seas for cheaper slave like wages since 2001. Why the move? Greater profits. Profits in the Billions instead of Millions etc... . I know its easy to blame the government but the reality is having a chinamen make a product for 65 cents an hour is a lot more appetizing for a company owner then having to pay an American even minimum wage.
Im not talking about today's small business owner im talking about the large corporations who are truly reaping the benefits of capitalism.
I'll rephrase that to Today's reality of capitalism. Which has become "I got to get all I can at the cost of I don't care who." It's the reason why 60,000 factories have shut down and moved over seas for cheaper slave like wages since 2001. Why the move? Greater profits. Profits in the Billions instead of Millions etc... . I know its easy to blame the government but the reality is having a chinamen make a product for 65 cents an hour is a lot more appetizing for a company owner then having to pay an American even minimum wage.
Im not talking about today's small business owner im talking about the large corporations who are truly reaping the benefits of capitalism.
A lot of that difference in wage labor has to do with China's currency valuation. They keep it artificially low, and it's been a problem for a long time.I'll rephrase that to Today's reality of capitalism. Which has become "I got to get all I can at the cost of I don't care who." It's the reason why 60,000 factories have shut down and moved over seas for cheaper slave like wages since 2001. Why the move? Greater profits. Profits in the Billions instead of Millions etc... . I know its easy to blame the government but the reality is having a chinamen make a product for 65 cents an hour is a lot more appetizing for a company owner then having to pay an American even minimum wage.
Im not talking about today's small business owner im talking about the large corporations who are truly reaping the benefits of capitalism.