Real question. I'm at a loss that some of you totally besides yourselves and ready to give up on Rhule. Are you adults with functional eyes , ears , and brains? You do realize we suck , have sucked , and will continue to suck this year. Just our Oline alone coming back was a death nail. If you watched any tape on Sims you had to question if he'd make a difference in a positive way . Our receiver's room was real shaky. I saw one dimensional . You have a team that won't stop creating stupid penalties and turnovers. Did you suddenly think it would change ? Why ? If you haven't learned by now that talk is meaningless, I don't know what to tell you. How in the Phuck is this Rhules fault ? I guarantee he's probably thinking " WTF " ? No wonder these guys lose . He can't fix this shit show this year, didn't expect him too. Quit believing anything the media says and use your brain, you'll be less stressed out.