High school football update

Benson was actually really good when I was in high school. Kenton Keith and Randy Stella were a couple of dudes.
They had some great players around the time I was in school. Jennings brothers, Troy Travis, several others.

I coached a different sport there years ago, the changes even then were hard to work and deal with for getting overall success. Being an OPS guy, it made it even harder.

Today too many OPS schools are seeing students with so many more pressing issues than athletics. Makes it hard to have such athletic success when it’s so low on the importance scale. OPS leadership has made things worse at almost every chance they can.
It's been a lot of years, my daughter graduated high school in 2002, but she went to public elementary, middle, and high school in Lincoln and she had amazing teachers every step of the way.

👍👍to you public school teachers who helped mold the wonderful adult that she is today!
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I like when home schooled kids join a public school team or band. Where they are coached by...... public school teachers. Makes me chuckle.
Ha! Yes!

I have had a few home schooled kids on my teams. They were great kids, one was a great player. Luckily I did not ruin their life.
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I'm sure his comment, just like yours, is legitimate because it's based off where you each live and what you're each seeing.

Living in Omaha and having plenty of private school choices, I'm with Kong. You couldn't pay me to send my kids to public school.

If I was back in my home town, my kids would be going to public school. Not driving 30 minutes to a private school + I think there's a lot of pros with small town schools.
Nailed it, although I do have family that came from small towns and send their kids to Westside I believe and actually get along fine there. Nothing would make me want to live in a metro area though
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