This is a bit off-topic here, but since you ask good questions and are somewhat rational. (lol)
This is something that I'd like to see what you and the guys have a take on.
Okay, we know Frost got canned. We know Mickey took over Sept 12, about two months ago. We know he is 2-2 and likely to finish 2-7.
Since much has been made about Mickey's lack of HC experience.
Pick your coach from among that list that leodis provided, and let's toss out Meyer since it's not likely he's gonna sign up.
This would be the question.....
In that 2 month period, what would they be doing differently from Mickey with the same team, same players, and same schedule? Tell me that.
They'd have the same players, and they could have removed Chin and maybe another coach or two, but what would separate those experienced coaches from doing things differently than Mickey as an interim hire, if they had not (at least publicly) been guaranteed the HC job after the season ends?
Do we think this team would be doing any better? Would NU suddenly become a better team this year, would a short/mid-term result improve over what we've seen?
Do we really think having Urban Meyer, Kiffin, or anybody else as the interim coach at THIS time, with this group of athletes, would alter the result of the Michigan game? Or be able to control the running games of Ill, MN, MICH, WISC, or Iowa?
Presumably, an experienced HC would have been able to show tangible results using the same athletes. But how?