Lets say we settle in around 23?, 24? for an overall ranking...I don't see how you can give that a B. Are you saying that everyone is the top 25 gets a B? Is this some sort of new fangled liberal type of grading system we're using here, so as not to hurt anyone's feelings? Only way you can rate this a B, is if POB is a flat out stud and we hit on all our OL recruits, which we don't know yet. As of right now, this very second, C+, and if POB is a bust, that grade goes down to a C. If we had the WR that flaked on us and went to Petrinoville, he might have pushed this into a B- catagory, but I could not say right now anyway, that the next step for us regarding this class, is an A. If you give this class a B, then you're saying we're pretty close to an A, and unless we hit on more than average, that seems a little optimistic to me.